In my heart, my grandfather was suspected of snatching my child's birth opportunity.

On September 9, his grandfather ushered in his 93 -year -old life, but he had always lived in the hospital because of stroke coma. That morning, he suddenly initiated a high fever. The hospital was not aware of the illness, and his parents hurried to the hospital for signing. It is also a coincidence that that day was the day when I was 5 weeks of pregnancy. I needed to go to the hospital for a blood test check to see if the value of the HCG (progesterone) reached the standard (if the pregnancy is well matched and the value doubles, then it means that the little baby is the baby. Can grow healthily).

There are three children in the grandfather (the uncle is gone, and my aunt is still alive), but my parents left me at home and asked my husband to accompany me to the hospital (the hospital where the public residential was not the same as the hospital I did to check).

Before and after blood testing, I feel that my body is strange. It is really the most wrong in the past 31 years. Although I drank a cup of camel milk before going out, I was a step -by -step when I walked, and I could only lean against my husband. During the blood test, Miss Nurse looked at me, and she was a bit dare not start. She said that I looked pale, my hands and feet were cold, where is a normal pregnant woman ...

However, at this time, my parents had rushed to the hospital to come to me. They said that they were about to be with the grandfather. As a result, the doctor suddenly called and said that the grandfather had receded, so they returned directly, and they didn't even see the grandfather's face.

Due to the unstable fetus, I lay directly on the bed when I went home. Except for eating, bathing, and going to the toilet, it almost became a "bed tyrant". In this long ten hours, I was asleep from time to time, and sometimes half -dreaming, like playing a "sleeping drama" on the bed.

Unexpectedly, at three o'clock the next day, I was suddenly "awakened" by all my Itching, and helplessly climbed from the bed. In order to find the magic weapon to stop itching, I quickly opened the pregnant mother app to find a solution, and I learned that the white vinegar could help me get out of the "itchy sea". So I quickly "summoned" a large bottle of white vinegar from the kitchen, applying it like a perfume.

Just as I started a fierce contest with itching, a particularly eye -catching insect suddenly jumped into my sight. Its head is twice as strong as those common butterflies, the wings are white, and the transparency of the silk is performed elegantly on the wall behind the hot kettle. It is like an elf who does not eat the fireworks but accidentally lost, and is planning to find a quiet corner in my house and spend a quiet night.

Looking at it, I couldn't help but think of the scene of grandma and grandmother's death ...

Every time the elders in the family rose, there will always be some strange flight insects. I remember the day when the grandmother's funeral, the sky suddenly rained with heavy rain. A white butterfly flew into the living room and stopped elegantly on the wall. Before the grandmother entered, a huge black butterfly in the body was mysteriously from the remains of the remains. Flying, he stopped steadily on his mother's back.

Looking at the insect in front of me, my heart was tight, and an ominous premonition could not help but have an ominous premonition: Is there another relative to leave us? Is it grandfather? Or my child ...?

I tried to "communicate" with it, hoping that it would just pass by and quickly leave. But this guy seemed to be degenerate about my "request" and still stuck steadily on the wall. Just when I was about to lose patience, the white vinegar finally exerted its magical effect -my skin no longer itchy!

Since the symptoms are relieved, I will no longer be entangled in this insect. After all, I am a pregnant woman, and I need to rest at 2-3 am. So I returned to bed and planned to continue my dream.

However, around five in the morning, my abdomen suddenly had a burst of pain. I tried to touch and rub it gently, but the pain was not alleviated. Thinking that I usually do n’t like to drink water, I decided to get up and boil some hot water. But when I walked to the living room, I found that the insect was still on the wall! This guy is so "persistent", it's "Lai Pi" than me!

Since it doesn't leave, I'm too lazy to ignore it. I raised the water cup and started drinking water. After a while, I brewed a bowl of camel milk. It was amazing that the camel milk was less than a minute after the stomach, and my stomach was miraculously painful. Is the fetus hungry, are you "protesting" to me?

After drinking the camel milk, I went back to bed and continued to sleep. But just after 30 minutes, I was awakened by disgusting again. In order to alleviate this discomfort, I came to the window of the living room and sat down, watching the dark red sky outside. It was already 6 am at the time, and the insect didn't know when it had disappeared ...

Later, I was curious to check the origin of the insect online. It turned out that it was called whitefly, which is a frequent visitor in vegetable fields and fields. But I live in a commercial house in first -tier cities. How can it come here? This is really a puzzling mystery.

Because the fetus is not very stable, the doctor on the Internet suggested that I eat the fetal spirit to protect the fetus. As soon as my husband heard it, he bought a bottle immediately and urged me to eat quickly. However, I am more careful. I am afraid that the medicine has side effects or toxicity is not good for my body, so I only took one -third of the medicine for the first time.

Last night's whitefly incident scared me. At noon on the same day, I gathered twelve points of courage, closed my eyes tightly, and quickly sent a fetal spirit to the mouth and swallowed it. After that, I became a super detective. I carefully observed every corner of my body from the perspective of a microscope, for fear of missing any subtle changes.

In the quiet observation of the first thirty minutes, I didn't feel any obvious movements in my body, so I jumped out of bed, walked back and forth in this house of about 30 square meters, and found some spiritual sustenance for myself. I specially picked a book called "Chinese Myth Story" from the bookcase, hoping that I could absorb some energy from it and give my little baby to cheer and cheer!

Suddenly, a strong warm current rushed to the heart from the abdomen, and his whole body seemed to be burned by fire, as if the dragon was tumbling in the body. I deeply feel that this power is trying to wake up the life in my belly.

Immediately afterwards, I read the story of the son -in -law and Pangu Kaitian and the earth in the book, and repeatedly told the baby in the belly. The speed of my speech gradually accelerated, the sound turned from dull to sweet, and the volume also changed from weak to flushing. It wasn't until my mouth was dry and the energy was consumed for half that I lay down to rest. At this time, I noticed that there seemed to be a small thing on the belly beating, as if the drums of being hit, the rhythm was clear, as if there was a vibrant small heart hidden.

Seeing this scene, the worries in my heart gradually dissipated, and I decided to continue to stay in bed rest for more than ten hours a day. However, at 12 o'clock that night, the sudden dizziness woke me up. I feel like I am in a rotating washing machine, and the furniture in front of me is shaking. At the same time, an unbearable gasoline smell filled my throat and suffocated me.

I made my best to keep my sober, and went to the toilet that was half a meter away from the bedroom. I held the bathroom door and faucet on both sides with both hands, and opened my mouth to try to discharge the filth. However, although I groaned with a fierce moan, I couldn't spit out anything.

The feelings of syncope are becoming more and more intense. I know not to let my head be on the ground first, so as not to occur in danger of coma or stroke. So I squatted carefully, and my butt was almost sitting on the floor.

After this "one battle", I had a strong resistance to the fetal protection drug. The side effects of the side are staggering, and only one of it makes me lose almost half of my life. Therefore, under the necessary circumstances, I decided not to take this drug anymore.

However, I was not good at leaving it.

Whenever 2 am to 3 am (that is, the eve of the five days), I always wake up for various strange reasons. Sometimes constipation and anorexia are uncomfortable, sometimes itchy, and sometimes I feel that I have hit a ghost!

Have you heard that "the king wants you to die three more, can't stay to the five more?"

In ancient times, the five -day day was the junction of the night and daytime. People woke up from their dreams at this time to welcome a new day. The rooster will sing, farmers will get up to work, and officials and emperors will also start grooming and dressing up.

It can be seen that the fifth day is the intersection of the time of the yin and yang realm!

The problem that I woke up on the eve of my five days was really unable to doubt: Is there anything that cannot be sued with the spiritual world?

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