Watanabechi said in "Women": At this stage, there is no passion between husband and wife. If the husband does not pay attention to his wife, the wife will feel that she is no longer loved by her husband, and when the outside world happens to be tempting, she is likely to invest in it.

Generally speaking, the body feels the memory left by both sides, and women are more lasting than men. However, when a 40 -year -old woman invests in the arms of another man, the new memory will be out of time, and she will seriously consider the problem of divorce.

And because men are not as durable and unique as women's physical memory, they are even more reluctant to divorce and clearly distinguish between family and outside love.

Watanabe Chun wrote more than 130 love novels in his lifetime, thanks to his in -depth observation of sexual desire for men and women, as well as his past as a doctor. His point of view combines the evolution of the physiological structure and historical culture of men and women, and has some conclusions.

When he was a doctor, a young female nurse complained to him that the other party stared at her privacy with an intently measured blood pressure for an 80 -year -old man. He comforted the nurse like this: "Men from 16 to 80, they all love young and beautiful women. This is their driving force for longevity."

Watanabe Chunyi is also very fascinated by women. When he became a full -time writer, the employees he hired were all women, and he also admitted that he appreciated women countless times.

Watanabe Junyi and the first love lover plus purezi

Whether it is marriage or love, Watanabe Chunyi has his own unique view, which is closely related to his social environment and his feelings. With the development of the Japanese economy and the improvement of the system, women also have the right to educate, and more and more women have received higher education and can participate in work. Economically independent women have gradually moved towards independence, and they follow the awakening of women's consciousness. In order to maintain their own independence and freedom, more and more women choose to marry late or not even, and the problem of declining childization is becoming increasingly serious. In response to this series of issues, Watanabe Junyi advocates the marriage marriage. There will be more people and the phenomenon of declining childization.

In the eyes of Watanabe Chunichi, love is not permanent, and love will change over time. This is why Watanabe Chunichi told an extramarital affair in the novel. Since love cannot stand the destruction of years, then marriage will be married. It is also normal to have extramarital affairs after many years. In different time periods, love is constantly changing, without permanent love. I wrote the nature of human nature and the changes in real feelings. The traditional education that people receive is that one loves a person must be wholehearted to him or her. In fact, you can't deny that changes are also a real existence. "Watanabe Chun realized that there was no permanent love and the transformation of love was a real existence, and he expressed this view in many works.

Director of "Snow": Katanoshi Yoshio, screenwriter: Araki Haruya/ Watanabechi

The love in marriage is difficult to last, and this view is conveyed in many works of wedding love. In "Snow", Iori, who entered the middle age, was successful. After many years of marriage with his wife, he couldn't love his wife, so he was looking for passion outside the marriage. Also ambiguous with her husband Axia. When preparing to divorce his wife, Ichin admits: "I can't go through, I want to love her, but I can't love it anymore. The cracks between husband and wife are in the final analysis. It is wayward, it can also be said to be selfish, but it is indeed the passage of time that has caused love to become dim. "

The reason why Jiu Mu, who has been married for twenty -five years in "Lost Garden", sacrifice his work, social status and even life for extramarital affairs, and it is because he and his wife cannot have any romance or passion. "Stability". Ajujin in "Autumn Han" loves his lover, Diko, is just because they are not married. The writer Feng Ye in "So Love" also devoted his wife to the embrace of the lover's sister -in -law without passion after many years of marriage, and turned around in his wife and his lover. In "My Sad Life Journey", Watanabe Chunyi also admits: "No matter how you love each other, once you get married, once you get a stable life, you will push each other and will be willful. It can be seen that in the glance of Watanabe, love in marriage is difficult to last.

Watanabe Chunyi defined in the absolute love in "My Sad Life Journey". Love also needs strong sex. In fact, if you want to maintain this relationship, you need to pay considerable passion and efforts. "In real life, is there absolutely love? Can absolute love last? From the perspective of Watanabe, the so -called absolute love exists but extremely short, and eventually it is just the fascinating phantom. It is difficult to compete with years.

"The modern marriage system is far from adapting to the changes in the times, and there are many deviations on it. This is what people call the blind spot of modern psychiatry. Look at Europe, divorce and remarriage are flourishing. We may say that modern times The marriage system is essentially collapsed.

As a new form of marriage, the facts of marriage also have various disadvantages while bringing a series of benefits. The advantage of the fact that marriage is that the fact that women in the facts do not need to change their surnames, which avoids a series of troubles and can maintain a spiritual independence. In addition, relatively heavy marriage, the facts of the facts are not so heavy, which makes a large number of men who age. The disadvantage of the facts of the facts is not yet recognized by Japanese law. Most people do not understand, and the children born in fact marriage are not recognized as the eldest son, and children cannot inherit their father's property. Although it is difficult to implement facts in Japan, Watanabe Junyi insists that we need more freedom in marriage and work hard to fight for such freedom.

At present, most countries, including Japan, are a monogamy system, but Watanabechi believes that the current husband and a wife system have many unreasonable things, so they oppose the monopoly. Looking at the eyes of Chunchun, the monogamy system is too pursuing average.

Watanabe Chunichi's marriage and love concept is unique and significant, and to a certain extent, it guides people to better run their marriage. Watanabechi clearly stated that the main reason why love in marriage is difficult to last is that couples who have lived with each other under the roof are too familiar with each other, so it is difficult to maintain passion. In addition, after entering the marriage, in a stable state, the tension is no longer and the love disappears. For this, in order to make your marriage full of vitality, you can use certain skills, such as maintaining a proper distance between each other.

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