Watanabe Chunyi has three daughters. Influenced by his father, the daughters of Watanabe Chunyi have also embarked on the road related to literary creation. His eldest daughter Watanabe Tonako is a senior editor of the Japanese Society in Japan. Naoko Watanabe, as the family spokesperson, is engaged in screenwriter work and film producers.

Although Watanabe Chunyi has been a doctor and has written some medical works, he still values ​​the writer's identity most. The name of the second daughter Watanabe Naoko is also related to a literary award. Watanabe Naoko said, "Before I was born, my father was shortlisted for two Naoki Literature Awards, but none of them won. When I was born, he was expected to win this for the third time. The award, so I named me Naoko, and then I won the 63rd Naoki Literature Award. "

Kanabeako said: "Watanabeyo is both a strict person and a very gentle person. His personal style is relatively free. He hopes that we are alive, not as a daughter of Watanabe." She was impressed. "When I was in elementary school, the teacher asked us to write the composition. Instead of not only instructing me, my father told me to write a little bit. How about it. "

Watanabechi died in 2014, and the media learned the news four or five days later. Naozi said: "Father protects his family, and does not want our lives to be disturbed. The family has made a private farewell ceremony, and then told the outside world that this is also his will."

Kanabeo said: "He wants to dig multiple levels of human nature. He feels that people are the most happy when they are in love. Writing this field can make everyone full of love."

"My Forever Home" is the legacy of Watanabe Junichi. This autobiography records his shallots from birth to college, including the green first love of the Genius girl in high school. For this autobiography, the most interested in Watanabe Naoko is not the history of love, but the educational method in the book.

In "My Forever Home", Watanabe Junyi also mentioned his war memory. In this regard, Odurai said: "Father has always opposed the war. He often said that the victims are easy to forget their behavior, and the victims have always remembered, and they have to think more about the feelings of the victim."

According to Yang Chengshun, director of the Japanese editorial department of Qingdao Publishing House, Qingdao Press has launched more than 30 offspring including "My Forever Home", "Lover", "Soul Broken Angry Lake", "Hokkaido Story" and "Benevolence" Bian Chunyi works. Watanabe Chunyi was originally a surgeon. Later, he abandoned the doctor. Yang Chengshun introduced: "His works are also surgical on the body and psychology. Feel the warmth of life in the physical communication. "

Writer Ren Zhi, who is famous for studying Japanese culture, introduced Watanabechi Chunichi in an interview with reporters: "Before Keigo Higashino, Japan's most well -known novelist, one was Murakami Haruki, the other was Watanabe Chunichi. The writer's influence is quite great. "

Pursuing the sense of the character's internal sense

When it comes to Watanabe Chun, you can't skip "Lost Park". Yang Chengshun said that the sensation caused by this work made these three words a "phenomenon word", which is a novel that laid its status in the literary world.

Ren Zhi's "Lost Garden" is "the most representative work of Watanabe Chunichi, and his influence has also reached its peak because of this work." In Ren Zhi's eyes, Volkswagen's perception of this work and its adaptation movie is only in the "men's love" stage. His description is very interpreted, showing the sublimation process of pure love and the ultimate state that is not disturbed by worldly and social restraints. "

The word "pure love" has appeared many times in the book. The encounter of the protagonist is a fairy tale "pure beauty and nothingness", which is an open interpretation. His excavation of human nature also shows women's awakening and vitality Essence "Why do he love the hero and heroine, he interprets it." Love is desire, desire is death, that is, death. Just like because of death, art will exist; because of death, talents will love. Love is completed, sublimated, and even infinite. "

Yang Chengshun said: "When Watanabe Chunyi wrote the" Incarnation ", he himself was about 50 years old as the male protagonist in his work. It can be said that he often shaped himself as the male protagonist, and his sense of substitution was obvious."

Ren Zhi said that "Incarnation" also revealed the growth of women from another angle, letting people see that a truly mature woman has an independent soul, no longer controlled, and naturally wants to break free. The plot of the story is soothing, but the shame and dark side between people and the dark side are vividly displayed. "He is not just pursuing fun, but pursuing this internal sense display. The layer is revealed, letting people see the dark current under the simple plot, which is very honest.

Unique grasp of gender cognition

Watanabe Junyi used his rich medical knowledge and insight into human nature, and rich experience to accurately analyze the sexual psychology of men and women and the motivation behind it.

The vivid descriptions of "Men" and "Women" are sometimes shameful, but because of this, they have strong practicality to help people deal with intimate relationships more comfortably and harmoniously.

Feelings and marriage are different. Properly solving emotional and marriage problems are the cornerstone of happy life. Therefore, men and women need to be prepared when dealing with each other, so as to make marriage more harmonious and lasting.

"Men is salmon, women are catfish" Watanabe Watanabe, a pair of characters who eat men and women who eat the characters of men and women are deeply rooted in people's hearts, because he has a deep understanding of human nature, and has a unique grasp of the subtle differences between the two sex to the subtle psychological to psychological to psychological to psychological. "" ".

Watanabe Chunyi's gender cognitive series analyzes the physiological and psychological differences between men and women when facing cold, pain, and food. think".

In 1969, Du Bianchi launched the biographical novel "Flower Funeral", describing the first female doctor in Japan, Di Nono. In 1980, for Watanabe Haruki, the "Far Sun" won the Yoshikawa Yingzhi Literature Award. This is a work involving a bacterial scholar Nonou Yingshi. This work is called the world with the informative and writing skills of writing.

Many people pay attention to the love novels of Watanabe, and few people pay attention to his biographies. Ren Zhi recommended the reader's "Actress" in Watanabe, "This is not his influential work, but I see the unique charm of Watanabe from it." "Actress" is a rare biography novel in Watanabe Chunyi's works. "From this novel, it can be seen that Watanabe Chun has seen many historical materials and seriously verifies the details." One of the words "Actress" is also very impressive, "No matter the length of this person's life or the reputation in the society, as long as they are loyal to themselves, life is persistent and will make me reluctant."

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