My mother asked me early in the morning in WeChat, and said that the old clothes car should you do? Don't sell it to the buyer.

I immediately appeared in my head of the Shanghai brand in my mind. The clothes can be embroidered by a shirt. It turns out that the clothes car is still there. At least forty or fifty years, right? Old antiques. I said that my mother would not be in a hurry, and I won't use it. It is a pity that dozens of pieces are sold. I see who can use it.

Speaking of buying this clothes car, there is a story. I was still in elementary school at that time. One day when I went home from school, I saw my mother hot hair, and was in a daze on the bed stacked on the bed. It turns out that the mother was stolen by the pocket. In addition to the money, there was a ticket ticket from Zhang Hainan. At that time, the buying car had to be used to get the ticket, and the ticket was not easy to get it. It is impossible to be stolen.

The South China brand clothing vehicle is a local real estate in Guangzhou. Many of the clothing cars used in Guangzhou in the past are South China. This South China -branded clothing could not be bought. Later, I did n’t know where my mother got a Shanghai brand clothing ticket, which was more advanced, which made us happy. When you buy it, you can buy it. It is so beautiful. There are a few red roses printed on the car surface. In addition to the sewing function of this car, you can make clothes and embroidery. When I do my homework The clothes car became my learning table.

Mom used the clothes car to make clothes for us. Seeing that she pushed her face with her hands, her feet kept stepping on the pedal below. The stitching of the neat car appeared, and the clothes were stitched out of the car.

I think that if I can make a piece of clothes, I will have a sense of success, so I later learned from my mother, and finally I can use this clothes and truck to make clothes. It was something after reading the book.

In the 1960s and 1970s, the dowry of the Guangzhou people also had clothing cars, that is, a sewing machine. It was in a very important position in life at that time. The clothes are all available online or go to the clothing store to buy clothes. The sewing of clothes by the car's own car has become a period of history.

It is estimated that none of the clothes cars will use it. Later, I thought to my mother, "Then sell it to the buyer." Mom said, "Okay, the buyer just now said to 30 yuan."

Thirty pieces are now just a plate of burning price, but this clothing carries so many unforgettable memories, which is valuable. However, some things still need to be disconnected. The times are constantly moving forward. Don't be so old -fashioned.

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