In TV series, you can often see things like "Snow Lotus" like lotus. In some songs, snow lotus is also the kind of romantic, clear jade, and mythical things. In fact, Snow Lotus is a very simple flower. It looks quite male. It is really not beautiful and gorgeous. The buds of about three centimeters in diameter are like cotton. Checking its medicinal nature is just the cheapest herbal medicine "small thistle" in the Chinese medicine room, which is close to the function of hemostasis and blood clearing.

Thinking of those in Tibet, the memory is mostly like this simple snow lotus. Du Budan's father, Mr. Lun Zhu Langjie. Mr. Lun Zhu Langjie is the editor -in -chief of the Tibetan magazine "Tibetan Literature". His family history was very prominent. Before the peaceful liberation of Tibet, he was the third son of the Gaza family in Tibet. The sensational movie "Female Living Buddha", the heroine and living Buddha in it has a special relationship with him. Many of the plots in that movie are provided by Mr. Lun Zhu Langjie.

In the 1990s, Lhasa most attracted me in addition to the forever, and there were some people who played folk songs in the Jokhang Temple Square. It feels very primitive and simple, but the soil has a slag but has no charm. I never understand the lyrics. Many locals in Lhasa do not understand. They are from different places in dialects. Essence

With the prevalence of Langma Hall, the singing singing on the street has completely disappeared. Langma Hall and the Performing Arts Palace simply say that it is a Tibetan nightclub. The young people in Lhasa are very open. In the same entertainment method, many Lhasa people, couples went out to entertain with friends at night and did not interfere with each other.

During the day, there are also some very attractive Tibetan leisure and entertainment venues -Sweet Tea House and Green Barrier. In, most of the women like their families have a strong ability to accept, and they also like things in the sweet teahouse and green tavern.

The sons can be very free, and you can linger in those places every day. Mr. Lun Zhu Langjie said that he never brought money when he went out at that time. Draw a circle on the front, and a series of "sugar gourds" will be stringed in one month. By the end of the month, the housekeeper will check out for him from house to house. My husband told me that he never knew the numbers of those accounts, one thing was absolute, and the merchant would definitely not collect more money. Because of my environmental environment, I can't fully believe the integrity of the merchant.

However, until 2000, when I left, I had hardly heard of a Tibetan pickpocket. Last year, when I was on a woolen shop on Sun Island, a Tibetan pickpocket around 30 years old opened me openly. After being discovered, he accepted the scolding of me and the owner very calmly, and walked away calmly.

Another time was that when I took a tricycle back to Sun Island's residence, the car was in the journey, and I instinctively held the leather bag in my arms. Suddenly I felt something touched me. When I turned around, my nose almost hit a Tibetan teenager's face. I scared me and shouted, "What are you doing!" The teenager jumped out of the car and ran away. The Tibetan car owner told me that he had encountered this situation several times. Essence

Last year, I lived in Sun Island, and Sun Island was built along the Lhasa River. It is a brand new business district. It has been built in 10 years. There are many restaurants and teahouses. Like the famous commercial districts in various places, it also lives here. With a lot of young girls, in dusk, I like to go to the vegetable market, because even in winter, the young girls are still wearing gorgeous short skirts, showing the prosperity and vitality of this place.

Ten years ago, the name of Sun Island was "Aunt Linka". "Aunt" was not the meaning of relatives, but the meaning of robbers or good men. In Tibetan, the boundaries of robbers and good men were a bit blurred. The powerful part of the good man. At that time, the "Aunt Linka" was a wild field along the river. There were many weeping willows and shrubs. In the autumn, a piece of golden, very gorgeous. More precisely, it is a place of love. When it comes to stealing affection, I romanticly imagine the tough, alert romance and lingering of the Spanish tango. "Play", but what I see is very quiet. Except for the women who wash the carpet with the riverside by the river, I have never seen anything voyeur. The fighting of the Chinese ... so "Aunt Linka" is just a beautiful field in my mind, and in the end it has not become a secret place ...

This changes in 10 years are still the same. How could I imagine that 50 years ago, Mr. Lun Zhu Langjie's folk style when he was young?

Mr. Lun Zhu Langjie has many characteristics, witty, humor and some cute.

When I first dealt with him, I actually planned to drink and smoke in the office. At that time, my office was next to the editorial department of "Tibetan Literature and Art". In the afternoon, I took the initiative to visit him. Sometimes he came to find him to find him. I.

Mr. Lun Zhu Langjie looked very dark and fat, a little panting, and we called him "fat" in his back. Every time I go, he will take out a cloth bag and call a editor "Guru" and "Guru" for a long time in Tibetan language. After a while, the editor will hold the parcel with beer. Starting the door in his editor -in -chief room, until the beginning of get off work. At the beginning, I was a little worried about drinking during work. I found out that drinking in his editor -in -chief room was safe. We can open up and listen to him. Life.

When he was young, the education was very western. Not only did he have modern facilities in the family, but also a special western chef in the family. Coffee from India is the habit of drinking.

Later, Lhasa imported a large Nepalese honey orange. The orange skin was very green, and it looked thick. I couldn't judge the taste of the orange. This kind of oranges are very kind. In childhood, his home often ate this kind of thing, but also from the distant Nepal. He said that the orange was very sweet. On that day, when we tasted the orange, he said with a long way to say: Yes, it still tastes.

Regarding his natural optimism, he has almost naive components. In 1996, he was admitted to hospital for diabetes, and heart disease. The same is true when the husband was in the hospital. Finally, he ended up on the eve of discharge. The doctor asked him to take the last test. That day, in order to test the possibility of drinking, smoking and eating meat in the future, he went outside to eat large pieces of fat, drink beer, smoke, and then tested. When the result came out, he was informed of his body. It's much better, he can be discharged, and he happily tells us that in the future, he can drink, smoke and eat fat, because it has not been tested. At that time, I was almost smiling by his childish move. He was very proud of himself, and he smiled very young.

Eating at Mr. Langjie's house is also very happy. His food is very delicious, and the taste of Chinese and Western food in Tibetan meals is very particular. Everything is very particular.

It has been 6 years since I left to now. During this time, I often thought of Mr. Lun Zhu Langjie, but because I did not contact him in the first year, I was embarrassed to contact. For so many years In this way, I didn't contact him with some guilt. Sometimes I wanted to send some gifts. As a result, I didn't implement it after thinking about it. As if the sentence that started and the move was getting difficult. The biggest mistake was last year. There is no courage to see him, what he is afraid of is that he asked me:

Why have no information for so many years.

Today, Mr. Lun Zhu Langjie has reached the age of retirement. He is still the editor -in -chief of the Tibetan magazine "Tibetan Literature and Art". I hope that I will finish this section and give him this to 6 years late at night, or tomorrow afternoon Telephone.

I miss Mr. Lunzhu Langjie. really want. He is another elder I am in Tibet, the same elders like Snow Lotus.

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