Baiyun Mountain is the most important mountain in Guangzhou. The lush trees are full of mountains. Although I have been in Guangzhou for a long time, I rarely go. I think there are many people like me. I think about going, and I really want to put it in action but refuse to act because of various excuses.

I just went to Guangzhou Railway Station to pick up friends on the weekend. I was still early and went to Baiyun Mountain together. It was about three o'clock in the afternoon. The sun was bright, and the people who came and went, and everyone's face filled with a happy smile.

We first arrived at the Baiyun Capthus and then bought two tickets for 25 yuan per person. Then follow a group of people into the "Beetle", and the "Beetle" flew slowly to the top of the mountain. It is a river under the feet, sometimes the park, and sometimes the lush woods. It feels like flying, so pleasant.

Soon it was the top of the mountain, but this so -called top of the mountain is not the real top of the mountain, but a place that is higher than the mountainside, but you want to come here from the foot of the mountain. This is not an easy task. "Beatles" only used for ten minutes. It really wants to climb here from the foot of the mountain. It will take about two hours. As soon as we came out of "Beatles", a big man with a photo business shouted like a thunder, free photos, and free photos.

As soon as I hear the free, many people are unknown, and they think about taking this cheap, and I am no exception. But what makes me feel strange is that not many people are willing to compete with us.

So my friends and I lined up to take pictures, and soon it was our turn, and I clicked and took several photos. So queuing to get photos, so I knew that the free photos on the paper were small and unclear photos. There are also 20 -inch photos, each 20 yuan, you can choose or choose not. Sure enough, the urban routine is deep. I want to go to the countryside.

But I chose to all want it, they gave it to me after simply sealed. It is free, I actually spent a hundred oceans. But thinking about it, this is quite memorable, so I no longer care about the routine problem. I can still see it.

After we went inside, I found that Bai Yunshan welcomed you a few words. Seeing these words suddenly felt that Tang Seng had to get the scriptures into Xitian. Then Xitian probably welcomed you like this?

Going forward again is the fork, either to the left or right. We choose to go to the right, that is, we choose to go to Beilin, and we came to Beilin not long after walking along the highway. Come to a restaurant near the top of the mountain, so we decided to enter, ordered some meals, ate some meals, and we can also appreciate the scenery in the distance. When we came out after eating, we found that it was a road.

I felt too laborious to climb all the way. I didn't expect to climb to the top of the mountain. When I met this restaurant, it was already very successful. However, when I came out of the inside, I found that the link to another road was heard. Dining room. I really don't know if I should be happy or sad. There are many things in life. After you have achieved the so -called success after thousands of hardships, you find that this result can be easily achieved.

After a little disappointment, I continued to move forward, because the highest place was in Mo Xingling. At this time, it was obviously not a wise choice to retreat. When we turned over this mountain, we arrived at the ticket office of Mo Xingling.

Mo Xingling is said to be the highest peak of Baiyun Mountain. We felt that it was not interesting to stroll around the yard, so we bought a ticket to board Morxingling.

After we passed the wish tree, we stepped up and was another supermarket. At this time, I felt a little thirsty, so we bought two bottles of pulsation, then drank the pulse, and finally got the highest place.

When you come to this highest place, the first thing you see is the locking platform. So many locks are on a chain surrounded by hardcores, but it is more like prison. I was thinking, how can these people who seem to lock their love, how can I lock it in the future? If you don't come to open it, will you feel that you respond again. Therefore, the real feelings should be the cherishment of each other, not by these unreliable external force. I am here this time, and I don't know when I will come next time.

At this time, I started to look around, and then I found that it was a high platform here. The entire high platform is surrounded by bluestone. There is also a telescope next to the guardrail of the high platform. It is said to be 3 yuan, 1 minute, 6 yuan 3 minutes, etc. It is said that it can be far away through the telescope.

A woman scanned her code and kept holding her daughter to make her daughter look far away. Unfortunately, her daughter had always said that she couldn't see it. Is this telescope just a decoration? Suddenly we were a little curious. Later, it seemed to be adjusted. The woman looked at it and said that she saw a lot of houses, so closer.

We also watched the code, and my friends said that I saw a certain square, so close, so close. So I had to look far, but I didn't see anything, except for a highlight, nothing. I don't know if it is luck, or why? Anyway, I didn't tinke it. Um, what about the little girl just now? I should feel the same as her.

At this time, the sun was burning mercilessly, and we stayed down for a while to go down the mountain down the mountain. This road is really steep. Many people are holding the bluestone railing step by step, and their legs and belly are soft. Of course, this should not blame others for being bold, because these bluestone stairs are too steep, and there is a feeling of being hung on the cliff. Dare to go down from here, basically the warriors.

Haha, do you want to experience it too? It is best not to go up the mountain through this side, the legs and stomachs go down the mountain are soft, and you can exhaust people up the mountain. Young people still feel difficult, let alone those elderly people, which is basically impossible.

After finally getting down this steep stone ladder, we finally embarked on a flat road. At this time, my friend said that when he came last time, he found a place with mountain spring water, and the locals went to drink water. When I heard that there was mountain spring water, I suddenly thought that the spring water must be delicious, so I also wanted to experience it. So we walked along the way we thought correctly for a long time, but finally found that we were reversed. Think of the long way to go, it is unlikely to return, and you can only continue to find exports with your scalp.

We have gone for more than an hour and we have never reached the exit. We actually said that we should be a detour, and finally we finally came to the north gate of Baiyun Mountain.

The north gate of Baiyun Mountain is a very remote place. Basically, there are very few people who come and go. I heard that most people go down from the south gate. After we got out of the North Gate, we found the subway station after another way, and then rushed back by the subway.

Obviously, this is not a wise choice from the stone ladder of Mo Xingling Stone, and then walking around the north gate. Therefore, if you want to go to Baiyun Mountain to play, you can avoid this mistake.

However, life is alive, but this is an eternal beautiful memory. No matter how many detours it is, this is an indispensable wonderful life after all.

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