1. Respect:

Before, I read on the lekir forum that before a man loves a girl, they must understand her qualities and family background, see how the family educates her, and whether the siblings in the house address each other respectfully. When I read this, I was shocked: I am not called sister at all. The dog likes me, but I don't understand why I always hope that from childhood to now and in the future, the dog and I will still address each other like that. I also hope that future generations will call the dog Uncle Dog or Grandpa Dog, I wonder if that's feasible?

I am quite friendly and gentle with everyone, but in the eyes of relatives, I am very bad. This is most true with the dog because when I was young, I was strict with the dog every bit. If the dog had poor grades, I threw books at it, if it scored lower than the neighbor's child in exams, I threw books out into the yard even when it was raining. The teacher had to call the parents to ask why the student, the dog, often changed new books. I was always angry and scary, so the dog was afraid of me. No one in the family is afraid of anyone, only afraid of Hạnh. Parents also often say that Hạnh tells the dog when something happens.

Being a few years apart in age, I went to school far away since junior high school, the two sisters spoke little and showed little affection for each other. The dog still listens to Hạnh, but I always feel a distance. Once, when the dog was sick and delirious, it asked mom: "Why doesn't sister Hạnh come home anymore?" Mom said: "Sister Hạnh now goes to school far from home, goes to work, gets married, why come back home with me?"

Hearing mom tell the story, I cried all night. I didn't know that my little sister was so strict, harsh because she loved me so much. It's strange. Every time I think about this, imagining my little dog lying asleep in the mosquito net-covered bed, asking mom innocently in the evening, my tears always flow uncontrollably, even now.

As the dog said, going to high school and then to university, I kept going further away. Text messages and reminders couldn't make the siblings closer. However, they nurtured the instinct to be a sister in me. I always thought that the instinct to be a sister is similar to the instinct to be a mother, that is worrying about my sister too much. From there, I had expectations, longing for my sister too much.

I always want to buy the best things I can for the dog. I like the navy blue dress, but I use that money to buy things for my sister. From food to belongings, anything good, I give to her. Anything heavy or far, I don't want the dog to go. If she has a stomachache or is sick, I try to cook, if not at home, I worry all the time. But don't think the dog is lucky, it comes with imposed expectations. I worry that if something is missing, the dog will suffer, will struggle in life. I want my sister to be successful, to grow up and have a bright future. I want my sister to be a confident man, to hold his head high in life, to be a man who is a support for mom and sister.

There are loves that come with worries, longings, and impositions, not sweet at all, like a binding with a sense of change. Every Monday morning, I remind myself that it's a morning to cook and eat with the dog and Dân, because on Sundays I'm usually away from home, Dân eats out with friends, while the dog eats alone. So, I want Monday lunch to be a full meal for the three siblings to sit down and eat together. Last Monday, while eating, the dog was busy playing games and told me to eat first. I was sad and angry, but after 10 minutes, I thought, everyone has different priorities. For me, it's a full meal for the three siblings, but for the dog, it's the game. I tidied up a bit and left that meal and went to work.

I always think that being a sister is like being a mother, watching my child, my sister grow up is a happiness and a tragedy. The tragedy is that they are no longer small enough for you to lead them to pick, to watch movies. They have eaten a lot so they are no longer interested in french fries at the fried chicken shop, nor do they sit and watch movies with you anymore. You are startled to realize that they can buy new clothes on their own without asking, disappointed to see them buy matching clothes with their lover and heartbroken because they don't say anything to you but show affection to their girlfriend.

From there, I know that there will be a day when the dog celebrates a birthday, goes shopping, worries about another girl, not as a mother or sister. That girl doesn't need to cut small onions when stir-frying with beef, doesn't need to thinly slice tofu for frying and then put it in noodles, making egg-style sandwiches without having to beat eggs with onions, and the dog still eats it all deliciously. There will be a day when I call it quits, and the dog doesn't run back in panic. The dog is not scolded when sitting down for breakfast but keeps playing with the phone. There will be a time when the dog decides on important issues that I don't know about. I have to accept that because the journey of being a sister and a mother is learning to worry, take care, and learn to forget demands, acknowledge, and seek.

The other day, sitting at Đinh to confide, I recalled what I said 3 years ago when the dog took the university entrance exam: whatever the dog wants to do, a singer, a chef, a teacher, just take care and follow it, as long as the dog wants and is happy, Hạnh always supports. The dog is the pride of grandpa, the pride of grandparents and the family, the endless love of Hạnh and mom. But the dog also needs to live the life it wants, not following anyone's expectations.

Happy 18th birthday, dog. Grow up quickly to be a support for Hạnh and mom. I wish the dog always healthy and happy. Soon become the man the dog wants to be, the rest of the world can wait. Don't worry, Hạnh always loves the dog.

From the age of 21, I wish the dog always healthy and happy, soon become the man the dog wants to be. Hạnh loves the dog very much, and that love doesn't have to last long, because love is unconditional.

Someone once said that parents both desire and fear their children flying out of their arms because they are afraid they are not strong enough to protect them anymore. But parents were wrong, they shouldn't worry that they are not strong enough to protect, but believe that their children can protect themselves. I will also try to be calm and trust that if the dog has wings to fly out, she will have the strength to be free. It will be a bit painful, a bit worrying, but it's good for both. Both need freedom, my dear.

The dog's words when sick were not quite right, from the working phase to getting married is not that fast. Children don't know anything, I still go home regularly and live with the dog for a long time. In the past, Hạnh was the strict sister who taught the dog, now Hạnh is the foolish child, the lazy cat, sometimes causing trouble for her. The sacrifices of the dog and her siblings are still long, so tonight I will organize a surprise birthday party, with jelly beans and fruits like childhood.

The dog goes to school until 9 pm, I will invite some relatives to attend the birthday party and ask them to bring a fruit at 10:15 pm. At that time, the dog will be sitting comfortably in bed for the outside to organize freely. I have messaged Quân: "Invitation to Mr. Nguyễn Như Quân at 10:15 pm on April 1 to attend the surprise birthday party of the dog with our family. When you come, remember to bring some jelly beans, do not arrive earlier than the appointment. Thank you."

Unconditional love is a profound and complex concept, difficult to fully grasp in words. It is a type of love that does not require any response from the loved one, a pure and innocent feeling, originating from the heart and unaffected by any circumstances or conditions. Unconditional love does not mean being blind or overlooking all mistakes, but rather accepting and loving the other person wholeheartedly and sincerely.

Unconditional love is most clearly seen in the love of parents for their children. When a child is born, parents immediately feel a strong and deep love, without requiring the child to do anything to deserve that love. Even if the child makes mistakes, faces difficulties, or does not meet expectations, the parents' love remains unchanged. They are willing to sacrifice and do everything best for their child, with the sole desire for their child to be happy and safe.

2. Love:

Unconditional love also appears in romantic relationships, although it is rarer and more challenging. To have unconditional love in this relationship, both parties need to truly understand and respect each other. They need to accept each other's flaws, support and accompany each other through all challenges. This is not a blind love but a combination of trust, patience, and genuine feelings. They love each other not for what the other can bring, but for their true selves.

Unconditional love can also be found in sincere friendships. A true friend will always stand by you no matter what situation you are in. They do not set any conditions to maintain the friendship, and are willing to help, share joys and sorrows with you without asking for anything in return. This friendship is based on respect, honesty, and genuine love.

Unconditional love is not about overlooking all mistakes or accepting all wrong behaviors. On the contrary, it requires us to deeply understand and empathize with the person we love. This means that when our loved ones make mistakes, we are willing to point out the errors and help them correct them, but without reducing our affection for them. Unconditional love requires great patience and immense tolerance.

In modern life, unconditional love becomes more valuable and necessary than ever. It helps us build sustainable and meaningful relationships, serving as a great motivation to overcome difficulties and challenges. When we love unconditionally, we not only make others feel loved and cared for, but we also experience deep happiness and inner peace.

Unconditional love is a journey, a continuous process of learning and maturing. To be able to love unconditionally, we need to learn to accept ourselves first, understand and respect the value of each person. Only when we can love ourselves unconditionally, can we truly love others wholeheartedly and sincerely.

In conclusion, unconditional love is pure, unconditional love, acceptance, and comprehensive love. It is the foundation of sustainable and happy relationships, and a powerful motivation to help us overcome all challenges in life.

I will assign Thao to buy pens and notebooks like before. As for candles, use the green scented candles, the house only has candles number 2 and number 4 given by Dan for my birthday. So, Cun and I have to wait three more years to use them. I also have to wait until I am 42 years old to burn them again. Do you see how calculating I am? Therefore, learning to forget in order to practice unconditional love is a difficult journey. Even if I say anything about being unconditional, I still greedily hope that in the future when looking up to see fireworks, Cun will remember and think of his mother, his sister, and his family.

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