1. Nowadays:

In today's young language, "I love you" is often just a daily expression, while true love is a deep emotional state when two people are immersed in love. The answer of your husband can be understood as they still love each other, but no longer infatuated as before. He really thinks a lot about himself and his wife, about family and people around him. Everything becomes like a habit. But when they are together, he still feels something missing, even though they rarely argue and there is not much disagreement.

They are together in harmony, but perhaps their love now is just a familiar feeling. They talk about love, but their actions are only care, cuddling, light kisses, and even sexual behavior, which is often just a habit or a sense of responsibility. For many families, despite many reasons that make them no longer love each other, they still cannot separate. Perhaps they allow themselves to release unreasonable emotions by seeking reasonable reasons, such as taking care of a sick person. It may be because they still love each other, or it may be just because of the common reason in Vietnamese families: pressure from society, finances, or responsibility to children.

2. Actions:

One of the most deceptive actions that parents can do to their children in this situation, especially with young people, is when people are not clear about what they want in a relationship. They often choose what is familiar, familiar feelings, and avoid change, as long as the other person still cares and does not hurt them. This often happens more with women, when they feel that the relationship is just a simple cooperation. The most important thing is stability, when you are used to it, it becomes more important than anything else, especially if your partner is a good person who appreciates you. When you realize that you are not really "in love", you can still be satisfied with "affection" and stay for a long-term relationship, even ready to get married just for "affection." Many people find it difficult to leave a relationship because the other person is too good to them, and they do not want to hurt that person, especially when that person has done nothing wrong.

There may also be cases when you have been "in love" with one or more people before, but unsuccessful, making you feel tired and wanting to seek a safer option. This is often seen as one of the common advice for women today, they should choose someone who loves them, not someone they love.

I have experienced a third love before meeting my wife. When I met my wife, I didn't have reason, on the contrary, I tried to use my reason not to "fall in love." I don't understand why, after more than a year, I still can't explain why I still feel "in love" when I first saw my wife. I prepared myself to accept any changes, but then love did not fade, only "affection" remained. I taught my wife like that, and until now, she still feels "in love", while I want to be with her just for the feeling of true happiness. It's like in the movies, when every day I wake up, I still feel excited about that girl in a whole new way.

3. Loving someone:

If you have loved someone before, the first stage when you first meet each other is often the feeling of "falling in love" at first sight. You have endless curiosity about them, want to know what they are doing, what they like, have they had lunch, and many other things.

What happened to them today? I want to know everything about them. Although you have been together and in love for a few months, almost knowing everything about each other, the time together is never enough. You may not be able to explain why you miss them just 5 minutes after leaving each other, it's also hard to understand why you want to know everything about them every second when you are apart. There are many other incomprehensible things that do not follow any specific formula, making you unable to explain.

Why do you love them, and why do you love them so much? There are many reasons to make someone attractive and lovable. Handsome, beautiful, kind, talented, profound... But then you can also meet someone more beautiful, more talented, more charismatic than your loved one, but why do you still "fall in love" with only one person? For me, when you endure like that, it means you are still "in love", still love.

If "for relief" can happen in a moment, even after a few weeks of meeting, then "sila" is a panoramic and longer-lasting picture. Serious people in relationships often want a long-term relationship, but very few think about how to maintain it. Even fewer think about how they want that relationship to be.

There are relationships that start with "for love", but not women with women, but Phillippe with their constructed image of each other. It could be the image you create to make the other person fall in love, not the real Mai Linh, but the one you have created. Or it could be the image you imagine of them, an ideal that is not real. Then when in a formal relationship, both people see each other's true selves, disappointment, conflicts begin to appear, and cannot be resolved or not resolved properly. That's when the true face of the constructed image starts to appear.

And that's why I often advise my younger siblings to be themselves when dating. Do not hesitate to express disagreements, do not hesitate to expose your flaws. That is sincerity, and sincerity is the foundation of happiness. If both are true to each other from the early days of dating, then the result later, whatever it is, will be correct.

Don't forget to observe how they handle the differences between you and them. Both of you are individuals, no matter how compatible you are, there will be differences. You and they may even argue more with each other than with others. If one of you always wants the other to change according to their will or always chooses conflict, then that relationship will not be healthy for the spirits of both.

Truth and sincerity are just the foundation of conflict resolution skills in a respectful and constructive manner. It is one of the many skills that both must learn to maintain a strong relationship. Therefore, do not think that love is enough to overcome everything. Love still needs the consideration of reason.

In the article about marriage, I emphasized the importance of reason in deciding to get married. But in fact, from the beginning of dating and during the time you are in love, whether you are male or female, you still need a lot of reason.

4. Love:

Think about the times you have had arguments with the other person and you chose to fake or ignore those issues. Sometimes you just stay silent for a while and then call them back. The other person may just need to say a few words of apology without thoroughly resolving the conflict.

How many times have you seen signs that the other person is no longer interested in you as before but still self-comfort that they are busy or have other issues. Even, you may see the other person silent or unable to satisfy your needs, but you dare not express your emotions to them.

How many times have you seen the other person behave inappropriately and you keep silent just because you are afraid that they will hate you? Have you noticed something wrong from them, but you still believe that everything will be reconciled because you love each other.

Whether you are male or female, you still need reason in a relationship. And for you ladies, learn to keep reason in love. Do not change yourself to meet inappropriate expectations. Know how to keep your reason and learn how to do it. Do not let yourself become a puppet of emotions and then complain about all men.

Love and In Love, two familiar concepts but bring completely different experiences in love. Love is a deep and enduring emotional state, built on understanding, respect, and sincere care for others. This is a long and stable journey, where every step is an investment and sacrifice for the relationship.

However, In Love is a captivating feeling, a state full of attraction and intensity, often stimulated by optimism and novelty. When In Love, people are attracted by the excitement, stimulation, and joy of love, but often lack depth and stability.

There are cases where Love and In Love can become repulsive, when one or both parties do not share the same view on the level of the relationship. Love can become dull and boring if not cared for and nurtured, while In Love can quickly fade when the initial sparkle fades.

Even, there are cases where Love and In Love coexist, when one of the two people in the relationship only feels In Love, while the other truly loves. This can lead to inconsistency and difficulties in maintaining the relationship.

In conclusion, although Love and In Love are both important factors in a relationship, it is important to understand and consider the difference between them to build and maintain a long-lasting and happy relationship.

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