I previously shared with everyone that I could have become the best friend of the short guy, or even his only friend~ But he turned out to be untrustworthy, and there hasn't been frequent contact since. I also mentioned earlier that there is still one person in the class who seems to have a close relationship with me, but I guess we are both at a dead end~

In the last article, I also mentioned that he doesn't like to talk, and when he does, he can't control his volume. Additionally, he has a very strong body odor, which makes him particularly disliked by the girls in the class. The reason I could get along with him so well is related to the fact that when we started middle school, we were both relatively tall, so we would always end up in the front row during exercises. We also have another commonality: we are both students who chose our school. Because we couldn't successfully get into the 42nd Middle School through the computer lottery, we had to pay a sponsorship fee to the school and then be placed in either a key class or a regular class based on our grades.

Since he was late in processing his school choice, he only became a member of the campus during military training. At that time, when he just joined the team, the classmates around him spoke to him, but he didn't respond. Even after the assembly, when each class followed the instructor's orders to go to the designated location for practice, our class hadn't started moving yet, and he followed the team of the neighboring class. Classmates reminded him, "Fatty, you’re in the wrong class~", but it was as if he didn't hear them and just followed along.

It wasn't until the instructor of the neighboring class counted the number of students and found there were too many that the situation was noticed. The homeroom teacher of the neighboring class also said they didn't recognize this student. After asking for his name, they inquired with the grade leader and found out he had just completed the school choice procedures and was assigned to our class. After returning to our class, he had a few conversations with the instructor, using Mandarin. The classmates standing next to him also started to communicate with him, and it was concluded that he was the "fatty" who didn't understand Cantonese. However, every time we practiced marching in class, he always couldn't keep up with the rhythm, and there would be situations where the rhythm was disrupted because of him. Whenever this happened, the instructor could only signal for everyone to start over, but never blamed him alone; instead, the whole class shared the responsibility. So almost everyone in the class felt that he was becoming more and more disregarded.

After the military training ended, we still had more than half a month of vacation. Originally, any impression of anyone, whether good or bad, would fade~ It might even be completely forgotten. At that time, military training was always under the scorching sun, and everyone was drenched in sweat, so no one was particularly affected by the smell of a few individuals. However, after school started, every time we lined up for morning exercises or physical education classes, the girls in the class would always call out "fatty" a little less, because he almost never developed the habit of showering after returning home from school, and his body odor was always unbearable to others~

Although I was in this class at that time, my grades were always hovering in the lower middle range, and neither the top students nor the bottom students could connect with me. But I had a relatively kind heart and always felt deep sympathy for the "weaker" ones. So during our free time, I became a confidant for "fatty," and learned that he had a rather tragic childhood.

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