The millennium city of Guangzhou is an old first -tier city. However, some spiritual incidents have also occurred in the past history. These spiritual events still affect the corresponding places to this day, becoming a place where people explore the color change.

The more famous Chengzhu Tower Ghost Bremist Incident, Liwan Plaza Jumping Incident, and so on. Of course, No. 7 Heping Road, Overseas Chinese New Village is also relatively famous. Because Chengzhu Tower was too weird, the developer had razed it to the ground, dug out the foundation, and then rebuilt the building and changed the Feng Shui. However, to this day, the shops here are still deserted, without the excitement of the year.

But today I am going to tell you the Heping Road No. 7 of Overseas Chinese New Village. It is said that the landlord of Heping Road, No. 7 of Huaxin Village Village was a couple after the founding of the People's Republic of China. Later, they were rented to a family of four overseas Chinese. However, one night, a thief entered the wall and entered the wall. In the exploration, the institution that touched the room. In order to escape, the thief killed all the family of four without doing it, including the old man, a couple, and there were still couples, and there were still couples and still. The children among them.

People are dead in the house. This is not auspicious in the Feng Shui in China, so it is also given the name of the murderer. Later, it was difficult for this house to rent out. Over time, there were some variants in such vacant houses and the yard, and some rumors began to speculate.

Some people say that there are women crying in the villa house in the middle of the night, and the crying of children, and some even say that there can be dark shadows in the room during the day. No one was willing to get involved in it for a while, and it became a ban.

It is said that someone had entered the exploring secrets in the middle of the night in the middle of the night. As a result, he was frightened and his body would be stiff. If it was not for each other, it was estimated that he would stay inside. This matter has been heard, many people are more taboo in this place.

Later, the place of gold rushing was built in Guangzhou's first CBD center, and it was active around. However, this place is still like a banned land and becomes an alternative landscape. It is said that the owner of the house has already settled abroad and never returned.

Later, this villa was renovated, and no longer the ancients of the year, and it seemed modern. Some elderly institutions opened it in it, but I did n’t know why, and later moved out, and it returned to the deadly look.

To this day, people are definitely unwilling to believe in some superstitions, so some companies are willing to move in. They are a agricultural product company. They thought it was important to be popular here. However, they moved away. Even the air conditioner was taken away. What happened, they did not say that employees were unwilling to work overtime at night. Obviously this reason is a bit far -fetched.

I don't know the story of this place, until my friend said that this place is evil, you can go and see. I didn't want to go, but I felt that my friend was full of infinite curiosity, so I planned to go together.

When we arrived at more than three in the afternoon, we took pictures outside from the beginning. You can see the thick leaves inside, all full of rotten atmosphere, and the door of the house is also opened. Some windows also have some windows. It is driven, but obviously no one has stayed in. There are three cars staying in different positions.

But it is strange that one of the doors are locked, but the other door is not locked. I originally thought that there was no lock that could not be opened, and I thought that there was a message organ that could actually open it. So I boldly went in. I didn't choose to enter the villa. It was not popular for a long time. It is estimated that the dirty air is full of it.

Entering this yard, there is a very strange place, that is, there is a staircase on the side of the courtyard wall. On the stairs, you will find that there are no so -called pavilions on it. I don't know why it is impossible to engage in such a staircase at least on the surface.

In this yard, you will feel an inexplicable feeling of depression, and a little nervous feeling. It seems that something is staring at you. Of course, there will be no special phenomenon during the day. I don't have much curiosity about it here, and I don't want to enter the building. Although it has been renovated, after all, the parcel is still the original building.

To be honest, if I let me choose, I will not choose these places full of bad atmosphere, not because of fear, but because I don't think there is a good memory.

Then when I was on the stairs in the yard, I turned to take a picture, and then let my friend leave as soon as possible, but the speed of her response was very slow, so I immediately came down and hurriedly opened the door to let her go out.

However, her response speed made her seem a little scared. She also said that she was going to the front. In fact, I just wanted to open the door in the past, and at the time there was just a car on the right. It is unnecessary to approach the house without a door. I also said before that I don't like entering this dirty house.

After opening the door, my friend hurried out, and then I brought the door and pulled the door again.

Then we left this place. Because I didn't eat at noon, I was a little hungry at this time, and I was a little dizzy, so I suggested to eat. We went to see some places along Heping Road again, and found that there were other times for people who had long -term houses to go to the building, and the doors and windows opened. It seems that it is still a bit or less.

Of course, there are also about the newly built or renovated, and then there are god beasts on the wall at the door, which is used to keep the evil spirits. This shows that the owner still believes in Feng Shui. Of course, it may be more private clubs, which says the words that idlers are free.

Nowadays, with the development of the times, the prosperity of Guangzhou has been relocated. For example, the places where the fields may be outdated at that time, such as the Pearl River New Town, Guangzhou Tower, Pazhou, etc., but now it has become the most prosperous place.

So, the question is, is there a ghost? We are materialists, and of course we will not believe that there are ghosts. But from a scientific perspective, we believe that there are magnetic fields. Some places are harmful to the human body, which will make people feel very uncomfortable, and even affect a person's state of consciousness. This is some of the great places in Feng Shui.

Of course, I don't recommend ordinary people to go to these places. There is another very important reason, that is, people have memory. If the content that a person remembers is all these messy contents, then it will affect the influence of these messy and dark contents, then it will affect the affecting it. His spirit and body induced the body's lesions or cause a spirit to produce a non -normal state. Over time, this person may be destroyed.

Although we cannot achieve the tragic situation of that year, these impacts may be long. I remember that a girl was crushed by the wheel when she was a child, and her brain collapsed. The villagers around them rushed to see. As a result, their heads were uncomfortable when they came back. They couldn't eat it. They gradually recovered until two weeks later. It can be seen that unhealthy content occupies a person's memory to have a bad impact on people.

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