Hemingway and Fitzgerald

Hemingway bluntly said in "The Flowing Feast" that Fitz Jerad was destroyed by a woman. This was not fair, the woman made him, and the woman destroyed him.

The cover

During the trip to Europe, it was also in Paris. Fitz Jerad met the writer Hemingway who had long been willing to hell at the bar. At that time The reputation is very loud. The two initially learned about literary skills and discussed the history of society. Fitz Jerald helped friends and will introduce authoritative publishing houses. Hemingway's life was constrained in writing. Fitz Jerad often sang with his wife's night and night. Excessive alcoholism affected both writing and damaging his body. In order to satisfy his wife's luxurious pows, he changed the wonderful novel clips to short stories of best -selling magazines and earned high manuscripts.

Woody Allen's "Midnight Paris" movie reproduces the Paris fragments of Fitzgerald and Zelda

Hemingway has always urged him to write a long story, accusing him of the practice of changing his head, saying that this is a talent for sale, which is equivalent to selling the flesh as prostitutes. With the greater reputation of Hemingway, he is more proud, and in his works, he has ridiculed his friends many times (Hemingway also satirizes Sin Woode Anderson who has gratitude to him, ridiculed Foxner, Wolf and other writers). Writer. The two also abandoned their former suspects many times because of their differences, but this dangerous friendship also maintained a lifetime.

Fitz Gerald's works are gorgeous. He uses the euphemistic pen tone to depict the "American dream" of the younger generation. His works are not only a self -narrative poem. So he is known as the "Jazz Age" "laurel poet and a representative writer of the" confused generation ". His debut" Paradise on the Earth "truthfully depicts the social atmosphere of the prosperous period, and records the anxious mentality of the post -war generation. Since then, Sallinger's "Wicker Watchman" (1951) has been in the same work in expressing the changes in the conceptual conceptual concept of the younger generation and the spirit of rebellion.

"Great Gatsby" (2013) movie stills

Daisy rushed to the imported shirt in Gatsby (Kerry Molgen plays Daisy, Leonardo plays Gatsby)

"Great Gatsby" is a masterpiece of the writer. The poor Gatsby once fell in love with the wealthy lady Dai Qian and failed to marry for some reason. Salon, he also set up a banquet at home. Although Daisy had married the rich child Tom, he still couldn't forget and wanted to get her again. There was a reception of Gatsby and Daisby drove away, killing Mrs. Wilson (she is the lover of Tom). Tom took the opportunity to marry someone and kill Gatsby by Wilson's hand. In the end, Gatsby did not get Daisy's heart, and she abandoned Gatsby and Tom to flee. This novel can see that Gatsby is the incarnation of the writer. He entrusts the hope of the high society. When he enters into him, he has lost his hope after he is in his wish. The epitome of society must collapse.

"Great Gatsby" (1949) movie poster

"Gentle Night" (1962) Movie poster

At first glance, "Night Gentle" is a simple "triangular love" story. Reading and finding the breadth and depth of the content of their life is better than all works. The theme is still "human destruction". Nixell met in the treatment of relationship. Later, she just entered the film girl Rose Mary and fell in love with Dick at first sight. Dick hindered the traditional moral norms and wanted to protect her from commented. Essence Nixel was rescued by Dick, and Dick gave her love, but once she cured, she put it into the embrace of others. Dick encountered Rose Mary, she had fell in love with an Italian, and she was already a movie star. Dick later collapsed physically and mentally. He returned to the United States from the Mediterranean Lilira, hiding in a small town for medical treatment, and never obscured.

Fitz Gerald took a group photo with Zelda and his daughter's family.

Fitzgerald family

"The Love of the Last tycoon" is the last work of Fitz Jerad since his lifetime. In 1937, the writer could be described as a disaster. Zelda's condition was often hospitalized. Broken scapula, the mother died suddenly due to cerebral hemorrhage, and was sarcasted and attacked by her friend Hemingway. The New York "Post" published a report that degraded her image. In order to prove the value of his life, the writer came to Hollywood again. In more than two or two years, he created or adapted 10 movies and comedy script. And he also had to save money to buy time to create a novel that he returned to the literary world enough to come back to fate.

New York Stock Exchange, the 1930s

Helplessly this "Love of the Last tycoon" with Hollywood life as the material just finished the sixth chapter, the writer died suddenly due to a heart disease, and he regretted his desire to fail, but the publishers did Carefully compiled, finally Fu Zi, publicly publicly public. This book shows his deep insight into his spiritual essence of the spirit of "American Dream" through an independent personality to create an elegant artwork, and he has a strong sense of worry about "American tragedy". One chapter gradually unveiled the Hollywood film industry.

After the death of Fenghua Zhengmao's writer Fitz Jerade in 1940, Zelda returned to his hometown Moncoggemali City to live with his mother. He lived calmly as well as water. He still went to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment. On March 10, 1948, a hospital was burned to her hospital. She and 8 other women were trapped in the sea of ​​fire and were unfortunately killed. After her death, her body was buried in the cemetery of Rockeville, Maryland. Gerald was buried in a place, and a pair of love movies that Happy Elephant came to an end.

"Return of the Exile" Author: [Midea] Malcolm Cowley Press: Pu Rui Culture, Translator: Jiang Xiangming Published: 2021-3

For 80 years, the classic historical masterpieces that affect several generations of young people around the world have been selected as "100 books (1978-1998) that have been deeply influenced by young people in China in 20 years". In the 1920s, Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Dos Passos ... These young writers who later created the golden age of American literature were alienated and depressed. Essence

They are the "confused generation". The reason why they are confused is because they have been separated from the past and cannot accept the past behavior specifications because they want to live in exile. They explore a new goal of life, writing, drinking, watching bullfighting, and having sex with lover in doubt, uneasiness and resistance, and at the same time still miss the old hometown.

"Return of the Exiles" describes the adventure of this generation of young people's self -exile and return. It inspired them to get rid of their predecessors and create their own time, which inspired young people from generation to generation.

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