"I Wish to Death for You", F. Scott Fitzgerad, Fang Tieyi, CITIC Publishing House, December 2018, is the last batch of F. Scott Fitzgerad In the short stories that have never been published, Annie Margaret Daniel, the Simplified Chinese version was launched for the first time. The book includes eighteen short stories, including short stories and movie script. Some truly scattered, and it did not appear again until recent years. Fitzgerald was trapped in two things in his life: one is talent, one is money, he once owned, and finally lost. When he died, the critics criticized him to be corrupt and abandoned himself, so he lived shortly and wasted his talents.

In the first half of the twentieth century, three writers could not avoid it. They were Foxina, Hemingway and Fitz Jerald. Especially in the 1920s, this unusual ten years was called the "Jazz era". The cynical world, the society is constantly changing, it is an era of deception and wealth, and the era of wantonly splurge and enjoyment. The upper society is drunk and golden fans, and the lower class is poor, and it has become a sharp contrast.

Sherwood Anderson (1876-1941), American writer. On September 13, 1876, Anderson was born in a poor family in Cleder Town, Ohio, Midwest. In order to help his family, Anderson has worked all kinds of work since he was a child and has not received many formal school education. After joining the army for a short time, he started to do business in the sea. While living a businessman's life, he was quietly writing novels. Due to the problems of various problems in business, personal life, and artistic life, one day in 1912, he suddenly ran away from home and was determined to live with another more meaningful life with his own writing. After arriving at Chicago, he joined the literati circle of Chicago. In 1916, Anderson published a novel with a strong autobiography "The Son of McFerson", which was out of control. The publication of "Small Town" in 1919 successfully established his position in the history of American literature. Other's other main works include: "Poor White People" in 1920; "Poor White Man" in 1920; 1921 short stories "The Triumph of the Egg and Other Storyers"; 1923 "Many Marriages" and short -story "Horse"; "Dark Laughing" in 1925; in 1933, he published his last important shortcoming "The death of the forest and other other" ".

Sinckle Lewis (1885 ~ 1951) American writer. In 1914, his first novel "Mr. Our Mr. Ren" came out. The main works include "Street", "Babbitt", "Ara Smith" and so on. In 1930, "Babit" won the Nobel Prize in Literature. Reasons for winning: "Because of his abundant and powerful, personal and moving narrative art, he and him to open up a new style of talent with wit and humor." Sinckle Lewis is the first Nobel Literature winner in the United States. His literary creation career can be divided into three periods. From 1920 to 1929, he was his "golden age". He created an authentic American style. The work is the earliest reflection of feminism.

At that time, the writers Sinwood Anderson and Sinckley Lewis severely criticized the city's cowardly acts of the new era, hostile and boring hedonism. Fitzgerald is no exception, but he is more complicated. He participated in the "Jazz Age" alcohol chase, but he was able to watch the waves. He was keen to create and he was talented.

The United States in the 1920s, Red Star Collin Moore

Si Gong Fitz Gerald (1896-1940) was born in a businessman family born in Sao Paulo, Minnesota. · Kim, the two of them loved at first sight, but Geesewa clearly understood that poverty -stricken lovers and themselves were difficult to come together. In August 1916, Fitz Gerald went to the home of Genergy for the last time. Her father clearly told him: the poor boy wanted to marry a rich family. This sentence ended this relationship, and also made a humiliation mark on his heart. Gyeswa Kim married a rich child, which gave the writer a heavy blow. He dropped out of school and joined the army, began training in military camps, and was in love with the daughter of the local judge Zelda when he was stationed in Alabama.

In 1920, "Paradise on Earth" was published by the Sxer Book Company. He became famous in one fell swoop and combined with Sanda. Based on the money and fame of their own, the two are active in the border of New York Society and live a life -saving life in the night and night. During their lives in Europe, they are even more luxurious, often making life stretched.

Fitzgerald and his wife Zelda

In Fitz Gerald's life, he could not escape the influence of the two people on him. One was his wife Zelda, and the other was the writer Hemingway. I refused to marry a man who could not be supported. "Fitzgerald was rejected. After the two married, she had accused her husband plagiarizing. Fitz Jerad used Sanderda's diary letter. Carefully rewritten.

Monbanas, Paris in the 1920s

In 1922, Jiji (left), who was just famous (left), Rose (right)

When I arrived in Paris, France, Fitzgerald wanted to create concentrates. His wife was always disturbed. He pulled him everywhere, and Zelda beach swimming and dance were noisy. When the writer created "The Great Gatsby", Zelda couldn't bear it. Lonely, fell in love with a navy airline, and ran back to divorce with the writer. The writer later summarized the dramatic needs of Sansa. She was the victim of her strange dream.

Stills still

Hemingway did not like her for the first time in Paris to see Zelda. He also repeatedly described these things in "The Flowing Feast". He summarized the girl's temperament as "the eagle is unwilling to eat" and see through her indulgent soul. It is expected that Fitzjerad's trouble is her fault, and says that every "stupid thing at home" that his friend did, almost "suffered from Zelda directly or indirectly. Influence". Hemingway often thinks that if Fitzgerad did not marry such a woman who almost "wasted", whether it has or may become the most outstanding writer in the history of the United States.

American TV series "Rise Zelda" (2015) poster

Fitz Gerald knew Hollywood star Louy Herlan. Although it was very dense, he never made a moment. Zelda has a strong personality. She wants to have her own achievements and reputation. She is keen to dance. She was also accepted by Italy's Naples Ballet Theater as an actor. Zelda was trained crazy. In 1930, the mental collapse was caused, and it was diagnosed with schizophrenia. Because the age -limited dance is difficult to make a good job, she feels deeply frustrated. She has experienced "retaining my Waltz" with this, which is when she was in good treatment in Switzerland. In addition to writing and dancing, she also involved in painting to show her desire and determination, so as to compare with her husband, the writer also helped his wife several paintings several times.

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