This morning there was nothing urgent, but I still arrived late. However, I feel justified because after work last night, my uncle's wife gathered some old friends at the oyster restaurant next door to play cards. When I was just finishing work, she called me over for three cups of hand-shaken lemon tea. In a bad mood, I didn't even ask and just casually made three cups, handing them over to their table. One of them, who seemed to be in a bad mood, asked what it was. At first, they didn't even ask for it and just took it, which meant I had to go back and make another cup. After that, I locked up, turned off the lights, and drove home. After eating a salty rice dumpling from Taishan, I looked at my phone for a long time without taking a shower. After showering, I had a melatonin gummy, and even after getting into bed, I still wasn't sleepy~

So even though my alarm didn't go off this morning, I had already woken up, but I still wanted to lie in bed for a bit longer before getting up and washing up~ After washing up, I returned to my room to relax (hea) for a while~

After changing my clothes and putting on my shoes, I pressed the elevator button at the door, went down to the basement level to get my green electric scooter, and used the remote to unlock it. The seat didn't need adjusting, and after fastening my seatbelt, I pressed the brake pedal all the way down, and I could start the vehicle. After adjusting the gear, I was on my way to work, turning left at the familiar entrance of the community. That was the familiar Sanhe intersection, where I stopped at the traffic light, waiting for the green light, looking ahead to see if I could move forward. Just as there was enough space for my car to pass, I slowly turned on my signal and made a right turn onto the main road, passing by familiar shops and a few annoying residential buildings, which I won't elaborate on here.

Arriving at the coffee shop where I spent most of my morning, I once again took my time cleaning up. Unfortunately, Master Chen from the hair salon still asked me to make him a "lifesaving coffee." Although the table wasn't completely wiped down yet, Master Chen was already eagerly waiting on the chat app, transferring the corresponding amount of money~

By the way, when Master Chen first came to visit, this product was on a special promotion. Although the promotion was easy to miss, facing the daily regular customers, the promotional price was still maintained. So this product called "lifesaving coffee" was originally priced at fifteen yuan for the first purchase, but any subsequent purchases were sold for twelve yuan~ At this time, I had already entered the order into the cash register and received the money transferred by Master Chen, but the cleaning was still not done. Looking at the espresso machine, the pressure hadn't built up yet, so I continued wiping the table until it was completely clean. After that, I returned to the bar, added fifteen grams of fructose and five pumps of coffee cream into the serving cup~

Next, I took the coffee machine's portafilter to the grinder, pressed the button to grind the beans and dispense the coffee grounds, measuring out the amount needed for a shot of espresso, and finally tamped the coffee grounds before attaching it to the espresso machine~ I used the long extraction method until the liquid measuring cup was full~

Returning to the counter, it was lunchtime, and after savoring my meal, I still hadn't seen any customers. About half an hour later, a returning customer came in with his own coffee beans. No matter how many beans he weighed or how much water he used to brew, I charged him ten yuan per serving. After brewing a large pot of coffee, his friend came to join him for a chat and drink coffee. After a while, he asked me to brew another pot of the same amount because he wasn't satisfied yet, and then another friend arrived. The second pot of coffee was quickly finished, and just as I was preparing to brew a third pot, my cousin, who I hadn't seen in a while due to frequent overtime, came to check on my business~ At that time, I cleared the coffee grounds, weighed the beans, ground them, and measured the water, entering the brewing process~ During this time, the coffee was brewing, and I prepared two large "water chestnut bubble coconut waters" that my cousin ordered, and also sent him a small one with a pandan flavor to take away. After that, a few regular customers who come daily for coffee arrived.

After a few regulars finished their coffee and paid the processing fee, a few old friends from Chuan Island came to the city and stopped by our coffee shop, ordering two cups of our new products, which were currently on promotion, making them very attractive. After tasting them, they found the flavor and taste to be quite good. Indeed, as the weather improved, the atmosphere was no longer bleak~

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