Last year, because the body needs to be conditioned, I used some cutting -edge products that can directly act on the cells. My sister who shared with my product told me that there will be some symptoms in the body after use. If the problem, the blood pressure may rise more, I fully understand this.

Almost 20 years ago, because my friend wanted to cooperate with me to open a beauty salon and want me to join the shares, I went to the beauty training. In the beauty technology I learned, the whitening products, if the ingredients are natural and reliable, and after use There will be the same reaction, and the skin will be darker first, because the melanin must be metabolized before it will be really white.

Just after I used healthy products, it took about half a year. I experienced a large and small response such as insomnia, rash, and skin reactions in the chest. At the same time, the health condition was restored. Even the skin was tight and delicate. Essence

Because I have a very good psychological preparation for the improvement of this improvement in my heart, in the process I really realize what is the state of "patience and suffering", and I have no complaints. Parents also use products together. They also experienced their respective improvement reactions. I also have comfort and encouragement. I have accompanied each other through this stage. I have to say that it is worth it! I have experienced the power of acceptance. Of course, my acceptance of improvement is based on my awareness.

Just these days, I suddenly realized that emotions would also experience a improvement. Since I went to Beijing in April to take a course of language decoding, I felt unexpected for the "fermentation" that started on the second day. I originally focused on my internal growth in recent years. Tian Tian still said calmly, let it be, let it go, and the next day, he slammed his face. In the process of interactive and game, the familiarity of self -alienation after being ignored in the group hit the waves. Come, tolerate the confusion of his heart until the end of the course.

Feeling my own "failure", the familiar shame strikes, the new hatred in the class, the old hate of the past kept turning in my mind, but I actually found out from the tide of these emotions. Deep in my heart, allowing and accepting these emotions in myself, I can be with these feelings without judging the land. Just after I noticed this level, those rolling tide calm.

This does not mean that the fermentation is over. When I return home, I will resume the scenes I have experienced from time to time, but gradually, I realize that the scene of this course has triggered the past in recent years. The pain, with the pain of returning to his parents, rarely participated in group activities and was buried deep into memory. So when I experienced group courses again, my inner state was not relaxed. I did not fully focus on the moment. When some pains were triggered, I was swallowed by emotions a little.

In this regard, I am a ruthless person. What I am most good at is to face myself. Now that I find it, I expose it. The so -called seeing light is dying, and all the survival is bright and brave, hahaha!

Soon after returning home, I went out to participate in a entrepreneurial salon and more than a dozen strange partners to talk about the ideal profession. This time I am the oldest in the audience. The others are more than 20 young people. Of course, I did not tell you my specific age, but this does not affect me about talking to everyone. From the beginning of the ice -breaking game to the end of the two little boys When I went to the subway station, I felt the joy of being completely relaxed.

What are the differences between the two activities? The difference is to relax and the present! When I was in Beijing in Beijing, I neither relaxed nor devoted to the moment. Yes, the wolf wanted to be on my own stage. I closed the energy of the wolf; and the salon of Wuhan, although I was older, but I "rely on the old age" and bravely contributed myself myself myself. Failure experience and lessons, and also receiving the tolerance and fresh ideas of young people, are a state of energy circulation. This time, the inspiration brought to me in the trip to Beijing, let me return where I hurt.

Recently, when I noticed that because of entrepreneurship, I was strict with myself, and participated in a one -month gratitude camp. When focused on things that worthy of gratitude, the accumulated emotional garbage was cleaned a little bit, and at the same time, my heart was in the heart. When you adjust the frequency to gratitude, you can follow your heart and be impatient, so this is a daily tool worthy of use. Share it with everyone. There are also many gratitude camps to share daily points in the past month. The book used for gratitude is Langda Bayen's "Magic".

I am a person who can be e but returned to my world. I enjoy I am very alone, enjoy the face -to -face communication with people, and I have more room for my own alone. The alternation of the two is important to me.

Because of these experiences, I understand and understand myself better. This time in the Beijing classroom experience, I realized the response of emotional improvement. I see the importance of internal growth, so that I can face the information hidden behind these improved reactions. , Accept the emotions and feelings in this process, and bring me away from and recovered from the past pain. Students, it is time to let our inner children grow up and encourage them together.

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