Prior to the mid -1990s, the memory left there was so full of aroma of ravioli, ghee, green wine, and pine cypress. Nowadays, the aroma there has become the fragrance of Indian fragrance. Sometimes, I blame the most impressive things that I have not been impressed by the development trajectory of civilization, but when I thought of that time, the deepest memory was: at that time, the wild dogs in Lhasa Man City were lazy on the streets and on the streets and The meal view, many times, when you eat on the table, the wild dogs are lying under the table like the old pier, and you can kick it with your feet, and the dogs will not be able to rush to you. Looking up at you, if you are willing to give them things, it doesn't matter if you don't give it. Anyway, they are mild, and they may not be demanded to you.

When the wild dog fights, it is justified. Two groups, hundreds, and hundreds of dogs "Wang Wang" are called one piece, crossing the road, which is spectacular. At that time, whether it is a motor vehicle or a bicycle, it will make They passed first ... At that time, there were relatively few vehicles, and there was almost no affected traffic ... The disappearance of wild dogs was always a mystery. No one made it clear how thousands of wild dogs disappeared. Most of the reasons for knowing are these kinds,

One is that pet dogs in the Mainland are very popular, and the dogs in Tibet have always been very famous. Even the hybrid wild dogs are mostly descendants of dog breeds. Dogs have been abducted to the arms of his wife and ladies in the city;

Another legend is that the wild dogs have become a large supplement food in the stomach of the migrant workers who build Lhasa.

A friend once saw a hunting picture late at night. He said that there were two groups of people catching dogs, one person seduced wild dogs with meat to eat, and the other was quickly packed in the dog with a woven bag. The stick knocked on it a few times, and it was silent.

Friends who saw this could not be sure of the identity of the hunter, but he was sure that the move was related to the disappearance of the wild dogs. In any case, the disappearance of wild dogs is a good phenomenon from the perspective of the urban environment. If they have always existed like that, it is likely that as the urban population has increased, it has become a sensible monster that spreads diseases.

It was also when the wild dog was rampant. I once saw a wild dog in the sun at a sweet tea house on the streets of Bado. Its eyes were red, and my butt seemed to be cut with a knife. Red meat, it is slowly licking the wound ... This scene surprised me. I once talked about it many times to condemn the person who hurt the dog.

Until one day, a doctor said the fate of the dog. He said that the dog was dead, and the injury on it was a very serious infectious disease, and the source of the disease was human.

At that time, Lhasa generally used the dry toilets, which wrote the type of Tibetan text. The Tibetan "male" and "female" in Lhasa were different from other parts of the Tibetan area. There are add words on the writing, and only women use words in Lhasa, so when identifying, just remember that "the woman is a woman is a woman" will not go wrong. The herdsmen often forget to bring hand paper when they are not used to wearing underwear, so you can often see the dry yellow comma drawn with your fingers on the wall of the toilet. A dog that shocked me was because the dog couldn't change the shit. The wild dogs not only looked for food on the restaurant and the street, but also went to the toilet. In addition to shit, the sanitary napkin of blood was also their food ...

The doctor did not explain to human diseases, nor did he say that how many years the dogs had that disease had a history, and he said that the dogs had infectious skin ulcers.

Prior to the mid -1990s, the yak groups and horses and herds wearing beautiful bells on the roads and necks of slowly across the road were often seen. At that time, Lhasa people had better patience and always waited quietly waiting for them past.

In the eyes of many people, the horses in Tibet should be tall and powerful. In fact, it is just like everyone thinks that the Tibetan is nomadic. Only fifteen percent is a herdsman. Most of the Mado I saw near Lhasa is very degraded, just like the high -altitude plants on the dwarf. Still yak.

Last year, I traveled to and from Lhasa many times. The traffic began to be blocked. There were no livestock. Except for the pets and pet dogs who switched to people, even flies became rare things ...

In the past, there were a lot of flies, very fat and very large, and flying freely. In the Mainland, if people eat in a restaurant, if you find a fly under the plate, you only need to yell "There is a worm!", You will definitely get a lot of apology.

By the mid -1990s, in Lhasa, a black -dazzling cooked flies were found at the bottom of the plate or under the soup bowl. There was no fuss. We always quietly picked out that it would not be able to affect the mood of our companions. Everyone handled it.

In fact, if a few shocks shouting the boss, he also told you at ease, "What are you afraid of, the flies are also meat." If you do not, continue to quarrel with economic compensation, the boss takes up to a pair of chopsticks to pick the flies to pick the flies. Come out and eat it to indicate that it is fine.

Having said that, I will inevitably lament people's adaptability. At that time, like the environment, we often praised how Lhasa's strong ultraviolet rays killed bacteria and disagree with those.

Now, any restaurant owner and consumers in Lhasa have unified opinions on flies, and they are definitely not allowed to appear.

In those memories, the rats are also impressive. The rats are different from mice and mice hiding in the kitchen and stealing things. It is a kind of mouse specializing in grassroots short tails. It is also a catastrophic animal that destroys the vegetation very well.

For me, I think they are the smartest animals, and I also like them very much.

At that time, time was often very peaceful, and the rhythm of Lhasa at that time. At that time, almost everyone in Lhasa seemed to have a slow reason. When I first came, I was very uncomfortable. People met at the Tibetan restaurant at a time in the afternoon. As a result, the talent arrived at the moment at four o'clock, and there was no sense of sorry, and it was not strange to see it slowly.

A Tibetan herdsman once ridiculed with me. He said that only people in your city brought tables, one hour and one hour was trivially calculated. We herdsmen did not have a watch. We only had morning, afternoon, daytime, and evening. Waiting for the whole month, he said, for example, if one person went to Lhasa to pass the tent of his house, he would return to his home again after a few months. It may also be a few years a month, so the people in his family will always wait for that person to come back and pass by his tent ... His story is enough to collapse me, because he understands the concept of different time on the grassland. Of course, the concept of this time on the grassland can only be a story.

Today, with Caoshan subcontracting the households, all herders have settled, no longer continue to nomadic life, and no longer walk or hoe in Lhasa pilgrimage. In this case, there is no time to calculate or pass the stranger's home ...

At that time, especially in the afternoon, I had a lot of time to stay in the yard and bask in the sun, watching the pork mouse digging. For a while, I helped friends who went to a business trip to see the house. His yard was about 30 square meters. The open space is full of weeds. I found more than 200 rats in that limited space. Those short -tail things have stimulated my many love. I often buy two pounds of red dates or peanuts. Put a little bit of holes. At that time, I once conceived arrogantly that one day the relationship with them was like the herdsmen and dogs were members of the family. At the beginning, they did not let me see the disappearance of those dried fruits. Later If you are familiar with me, you will be dragged away whatever he gives. It looks very delicate, but in the end, they did not allow me to approach the tamed pets at will.

Nowadays, this kind of mouse is not seen in Lhasa. Most of people's yards are blocked with cement, or flowers are planted strictly and scientifically.

In the grassland, the mouse harm is still serious, which is one of the main reasons for the degeneration and degeneration of Caoishan. It is said that the grasslanders are still refused to kill them deliberately.

Some things are no wonder. On the plateau, there will always be life that mountains and rivers will have life. The sense of life is very human. For example, it often feels that mountains and rivers will be painful, happy, etc. The feeling is very different from the Qinghai -Tibet Highway. The flow of people and many buildings have reduced the altitude of Lhasa, but they can't feel the pain of mountains and rivers.

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