I don't know if the word "scarce" has an anxiety, but anxiety must be caused by some kind of lack. The reason why this thinking stems from the disconnection and listening to a few words of Teacher Fan Deng during the lecture. It is roughly meaning that "the person who has not been fully loved in childhood, it is difficult to love others when growing up."

In my understanding, this appropriate point should be the meaning, and it also represents the sense of boundary, and it is a compensation psychology. It is like a child who is worn by few new clothes when he was a kid and will be crazy about shopping when he grows up. In the same way, in this way, it is reflected in emotions, and it will evolve into another stupidity of "engraving the boat for sword". And the party that is over -concerned will feel suffocated.

If no one has taught them what they are in love in the previous growth experience, they can only act according to instinct. Perhaps the study through the day after tomorrow can be changed, but this learning comes from the awakening after scarred. It should also be lucky. What if not? It can't help but fall into the injured cycle again until it is completely lost to the ability of love and being loved.

Therefore, we have seen many cases of marriage failure and emotional rupture. It also analyzes all kinds of "toxic" native families. Fortunately, the increasingly lower marriage rate and the birth rate of newborns also reflect the more healthy view of marriage and love. The foundation of this health is self -responsibility and deep thinking about the real environment.

We often hear such a sentence "Eggs break from the outside are food, and it is growth from the inside." Similarly, the rebellion of the previous generation of the previous generation has also promoted the development of history.

The reason why people are in pain is because they have learned to think. So, what do we lack? Many people are telling us: love is the source of all motivation. But there are also many people who do not like the great works that praise "love". This may be that they have not experienced the nourishment of love, or they have excessively experienced the destruction of love. The root cause is that they do not know what love is.

So what is love? Is love the existence of a necessity of life? Before thinking about this problem, the motivation of "engraving the boat" is to make up for the shortcomings. But can it be satisfied after getting compensation? Let's put aside this question first. Is there such a possibility? In the absence of love, do we first do the real ourselves?

This may be difficult.

It is said that going out is given by outsiders. It hides the true self in a assumption. Even if he gets love, the other person can only fall in love with the person who deliberately shapes. With this unstable factor as the foundation, it also confirms the stupidity of "engraving the boat for sword".

But except for the situation, it is sufficient narcissism. In my opinion, instead of saying that love is the foundation of all motivation, it is better to say that self -confidence is more secure. Only by enjoying the full love of yourself can you know what is healthy love, thereby avoiding some potential dangers.

Then, the problem is here again. How do you love yourself? After hearing such a sentence, "If you don't wander, you can't know the real hometown." Similarly, if you don't try more, you may not be aware of what you really lack. It won't be appropriate, there is no sense of degree, this is the basic factor formed by myself today. Isn't the biggest homework in our last life looking for a real ourselves? Therefore, I think narcissism is not a bad thing. For low self -esteem, the "obedient" family who are easily kidnapped by morality, the unconditional love for themselves is the process of gradually unloading the shackles.

Then, when I return to the beginning of the article, I feel scarce, perhaps the awareness of self -salvation. Anxiety is precisely because of the bad reaction after losing the true self. Therefore, the excessive compensation we see on the surface is actually feeding our inner children. Rest again in the form of parents.

In this process, we will subconsciously imitate our parents' support methods to hurt ourselves again. But it doesn't matter, when you realize this, changes are happening.

Recently, I like to use the word "physical isolation". After leaving to cause damage to yourself, the environment that causes anxiety will obviously alleviate a lot. Recently, I also like to use the word "trial and error". Some faults are not that we cannot try, but in the fear that we dare not try. For this fear, I call it a "comfort circle". It is difficult to jump out of the comfort circle at once, so is it possible to give yourself more choices? Although sometimes the cost of trial error is high, how to know how to know that the current comfort circle is a cage that is trapped?

Suddenly thought that when I watched "The Demon of the Demon of Nezha" a few years ago: Before the Prince of the Dragon and Nezha, the Dragons and his own dragon scales took his own dragon scales to make a sub -armor. This seemingly protective approach knows that isn't it the shackles of the prince of the Dragon? He has no choice but to fight hard. This scene is not like being sent by the whole village. Can't help but ask, did they really live for themselves? Therefore, the more you eager, the more you get the more you can explain why the true self is suppressed.

Perhaps it is a coincidence of fate. When writing this text, it coincides with Children's Day. Here I wish each child a childhood that is not suppressed. He can grow up in physique and mind. Children who are truly happy with childhood cure for a lifetime.


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