Today, there are only two kinds of people in the world. Children and former children, bless everyone can enjoy children's happiness. At the same time, by celebrating the existence of children in the world today, let us learn how to love. Early in the morning, I gave greetings to my old classmates and friends who had celebrated their birthday today. The birthday was so good on this day, reminding myself to forever!

In the past two days, I encountered many middle -aged men and women, wearing T -shirts, dark pants, sports shoes, and tied red scarf groups. The several Ouba I met yesterday still held a windmill in their hands. Of course, it was not self -made when we were young. Paper windmill, but a plastic luxury three -layer windmill. Talking about it and walking on the face, the content of it was greasy, but it looked like those naughty boys in the class when they were young.

In any case, it is worthy of being encouraged to learn from children. It is also good for formalization. I thought that when I was still in Children's Day, the school where I was in uniform school uniforms. As soon as the festival, everyone would put on white shirts, blue pants, red scarves, proper fashion national flag color matching Intersection Now I feel pretty beautiful.

I was wearing a white shirt when I walked out this morning. The rain dew, the blue and white grid cropped pants. I should apply a big red lips to echo the childhood. The difference is perfect! It's okay, I can echo the opportunity.

When it comes to my child, I always make my heart softened. When I think of the kindergarten of a kindergarten, I went to a kindergarten in an institution. In the internship class, I successfully captured the heart of a little boy, so that in the short period of time Get along, when I was leaving, he cried and made me remember for a long time.

Not to mention the days when I work in kindergarten in just three years, the face of several impressive children is still deep in my soul. There was a little girl. Her mother was a teacher who taught me English when I went to college. This wonderful and intricate fate!

Now I can emerge in my mind, the face of the little girl, big eyes, focusing on the eyes of focusing and longing, often wearing two edited braids, very expressive, actively speaking in class, and very sticky teacher.

I couldn't tell why, I didn't particularly like her, but she had a kind of innocence and enthusiasm, which moved me, and in the name of Mr. Chen and Mr. Chen, she was finally printed deep in me. In my heart.

If in the state of growing up my soul now, when I return to my young body then, I will cherish the sacredness of this profession, dig out the characteristics of each child, and take care and cultivation. It is also self -aware of this sacred career and do not have the mind.

What is the sacred identity of parents? Because parents also grow up from the sacred child, and have bred a sacred child, in the process of growing up, they gradually forgot to be a child. The concentration of self -forget of the matter is more unconditionally loved and accepted by the loved one, and the parents first enjoy the sacred love of the child.

This sacred love surpasses material conditions, social status, and personal achievements. It is the purest emotional link and spiritual support. And what children need are only the company's companionship and support, and the guidance of love and wisdom; more importantly, as long as the parents accompany their children, as long as they let go of their unknown fear and want to control their children's hearts, they will inevitably harvest to accompany their children At the time, the child's unconditional love and acceptance, understanding and listening to the parents, I observe that the child has such natural abilities. The more the parents give their children to accompany and space, the more they can stimulate the child's inner nature. Nourish your parents, learn from your children, and improve your parents' minds.

I also thought of charging their own battery cars at the charging equipment outside the Iron House when I was in Beijing. I saw the situation inside the house. Mom cooks on the stove at the door of the house. My father painted the two little boys inside. With the breath of fireworks and love, that scene was so touching, thinking about it almost ten years ago.

When I was two years old, my father went to Tibet to support construction. My mother and family (姥) took care of me and my brother. After my father returned more than a year, I no longer knew him. So when I was a kid, I relied very depending on my mother. In my eyes, my mother was the most beautiful mother in the world, the best mother. When confessing this sentence, the unquestionable expression was like a proud swan.

However, as you grow up, you do n’t pay attention to dressing in your eyes, but your mother who is proud of himself is gradually universal in my eyes. In the first month, I bought her more than my salary. At that time, it was a sky -high skin care product, but until it expired, she did not use much, and let her face turning black in the wind and the sun, and gave birth to wrinkles. My enthusiasm for transforming her has gradually cooled, and now I only retain the just right temperature.

It is also related to the reason why you have equating love with love with your mother. If I like to dress up, it feels like a mother’s betrayal. On the other side, what exists in the subconscious is a kind of unwillingness. My mother is like this. How can I match it? How can I match a beautiful life?

I saw this deep bundling with my mother for more than a year, and I was slowly separated from this. This is a painful process. Because many ways and behaviors have become inertia, they are noticed. It is very uncomfortable at time, but this is very worthy of the practice of gradually recovering his energy. At the same time, it is also helpful to her mother to help her realize that her control and her need to improve. The process of growth must be.

In recent years, I gradually understood my mother. At that time, my parents' units were not good, and the living conditions in the family were relatively difficult. Can be used to cook housework. In recent years, the living conditions are good. She is quite loved to buy clothes, but it needs to be improved aesthetically, and my martial arts full of martial arts have not used martial arts at home. Fortunately, my parents and I accompany each other. It has also begun to be affected by me. There are some improvements. I know that the magic that does not give up in my bones has also been manifested at the level of life. More importantly, they are willing to change and listen to the advice of "professionals" themselves. It ’s the right temperature that I can come in handy.

What I said just does not mean that I always do it correctly, but that I believe that my treatment is good for them anyway, and I hope they can benefit from it because my heart is like this.

Of course, I live with my parents. Under this strong relationship, patience and restraint are the most important. For weak relationships, we must keep our energy, respect our choices, and do not try to affect and change others. We You can use this time to learn the children's concentration, curiosity and exploration spirit, to love themselves, love people around, and improve themselves. This is an never -failed investment.

I wish you all a happy weekend and enjoy children's Day!

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