In fact, this text should be written yesterday, but it has passed early in the morning, so write it today.

After returning to his hometown from the emperor, after experiencing a troops and fugitives, he finally slept until he woke up naturally. Naturally, the cost of paying is also reasonable, and the anger of more than 2,000 kilometers. In fact, it is not a anger, but the fate is pushing.

Sitting on the train, we are still talking about this topic with friends: In fact, there are very few things that we can control in our lives. Single has the advantage of being single, and a family has the advantages of adults. What kind of lifestyle chooses seems to be your own choice, which is actually God's arrangement.

At this age, I really don't want to please anyone, and there is no need to wrong themselves. What does it have to do if money is not easy to earn? In fact, there are not many real needs for life. Personally, I think that subtracting marriage and having children saves the most important expenses. Anyone can pass by. It's just the difference between Land Rover and shared bicycles, but the difference between abalone bird's nest and yellow chicken rice. What does it matter? Is the biggest sadness of life? Is it the restraint of fate?

In fact, it is not the restraint of fate. I feel that the restraint is just because it has not lived to become the expectation of fate.

It is the experience of this period of time. Let me deeply realize that it will live very comfortably if you don't fight against fate. How much is making money? It's enough, there is really no need to compare with others. Big houses, huge deposits, and precious jewelery, do not bring death and do not bring them, why not become the restraint of the world?

Recently, I like to use the word restraint, it may also be related to experience. When I got along with anyone and everything, I felt uncomfortable because of the alert of heaven. Let's think about it. Since it is the point of fate, why not accept it? Why do you have to do it against the sky? Isn't this what you want to eat hard?

I never think that the sharpness is a bad thing, and I hate the smoothness of the fate after the fate is grinded. Is it mature? If so, such maturity will inevitably pay the price. Otherwise, why are there so many psychological diseases?

It is also increasingly believed that the physical diseases mostly come from psychological problems. It is said that this era is getting more and more strange to Lu Li. Do you know that it is not a lifting of fate? For example, a epidemic has changed the lifestyle of many people. Why can't I interpret it as a Ark?

At this moment, in the hinterland of Bashu, Buddha Guangpu shot, and suddenly realized the recklessness that broke into the empty door more than ten years ago, and also understood the good intentions of destiny. I don't know the way before, but I feel a solid feeling.

I think I am lucky. He rushed to find a house, and encountered a group of friends living, so he quickly got the residence. Although it is a little more expensive, it is understandable that the peak tourist season is also understandable. Later, many new friends climbed the mountains, drink, and ate hot pot ... Even the next moment, it was full of blessings.

People need to be accepted and recognized, but they need to live in their hearts.

Today, when the platform settled the manuscript fee, I suddenly discovered that I hadn't written anything for a long time. Although it was only half a month, it felt like a thin feeling. Although the wine has not been awake at this moment, and the text has no rules, what is the relationship? Without the fame and interest, there are many cities and utilitaries, but they can write more smart text.

I have seen it after I have heard it, but I do n’t understand. Some pit thought of avoiding it, in fact, I don't know that there are more traps waiting for themselves. Therefore, there is no shortcut in life, and God will not fall off the pie without any reason.

The word "in the face of" is really a pen. If you understand it, you can have less but a lot of negatives. For a lifetime, the homework given everyone in the heavens is different. There is no need to live as a copy of others.

I remember many years ago with the elders to visit the 18 -story hell. During that time, these cultural tourist bridges seemed to be very popular. In fact, even today is still popular, but many young people in the new era are disdainful.

I believe in cause and effect. Although I don't remember when I started to believe it, I vaguely remembered that it should be eased after being discussed by fate, so I dare not do anything against the sky. Fortunately, God reminded me when I was young. If you say that you will be angry at the beginning, but you will gradually compromise. Although I still do not admit their lives, I will think more before doing anything.

Is it pedantic? Are you afraid of the first? It may be mature.

Sometimes I miss the days when I was young and dragged on my luggage and walked south to the north. Sometimes it feels difficult because it has not jumped out of the "comfort circle".

In the next step, I might go to the temple for a while, and I may also enter the red dust, but what does it matter? Just follow the arrangement of fate. Even if you think about it, God will adjust it in time. So, give everything to fate.

I remember before the departure, a friend told me such a sentence: Reading thousands of books is better to travel thousands of miles, it is better to read people countless people. Walking on the road, you will encounter various people, experience all kinds of things, and feel happy to think about it. Even for a while, it will be diluted by other interesting things. Living, mentality is very important.

In fact, the significance of Children's Day is not only age, but also a mentality. Growth is not terrible. Isn't calmness and calmness be self -consistent after walking through thousands of mountains and rivers?

Finally, wish yourself a happy holiday. I really like Xiaomi's mobile phone publicity: always believe that beautiful things are about to happen. Is it actually happening? In other words, what you want is beautiful.


Finally, revisit a small knowledge:

The establishment of the International Children's Day was related to a massacre during World War II -Lidica tragedy. On June 10, 1942, fascist in Germany shot more than 140 male citizens over 16 years old and all babies in Czech Czezze Village, and took women and 90 children to concentration camps. The houses and buildings in the village were burned, and a village with a good end was ruined by the German fascist. After the end of World War II, the economy was depressed around the world, and thousands of workers were unemployed and lived a hunger and cold life. Children's situation is worse, some have infectious diseases, and they die in batches; some are forced to be child workers, tortured, and life and life cannot be guaranteed. In order to mourn the Lididic tragedy and all children who died in the war in the world, they opposed the abuse and poisoning children, and to protect the rights of children. In November 1949, the International Democratic Women's Federation held a directors meeting in Moscow. Empires and reactionaries of various countries were killed and poisoned for children. In order to ensure the right to survival, health and education of children around the world, and in order to improve children's lives, the meeting decided to use June 1 of each year as International Children's Day. Many countries at that time agreed, especially for socialist countries.

Many countries in the world will be set as children's festivals on June 1, especially in socialist countries. In Europe and the United States, the date of Children's Day is different, and there are few public celebrations. Therefore, some people misunderstand that only socialist countries will set June 1 as International Children's Day.

In order to protect the rights and interests of children around the world, in November 1949, the International Democratic Women's Federation held a decision on the Executive Committee in Moscow to serve as International Children's Day on June 1 each year. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Government Office of the Central People's Government stipulated on December 23, 1949 to unify the Chinese Children's Day with the International Children's Day.

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