Today, I brushed two dramas, "Wolf of Wall Street" and "Big Air Investment". I heard that the previous one was released in the United States at the end of 2012. Jia's actor, but at that time I really didn't have any interest in finance, so I haven't seen it.

When I solve the misunderstanding of money, the focus of attention naturally extends to the field of money and wealth, and the law of attractiveness is really amazing. Now big data will also push me in these aspects. Under the recommendation, I watched the two dramas in one breath.

The whole person was shocked. The darkness and dirty behind the financial system exceeded my cognition. It was all caused by human greed. This is not difficult to understand. In the past, I made a mistake to the number of money and money, and then dug out my life. It is grateful that I finally set up my own cognition.

This also wants to thank the many wisdom lights of Mr. Charlie Munger in "Poor Charlie", so that I understand that money is a very good tool, allowing us to focus on our mission, and keep improving in learning. Reminder is that the character he talked about is always the most important point of view. This is Jin Yuliang's words for anyone. No matter what our talent is and what kind of mission, this is the advice that we need to remember in the world.

Jordan played by Xiao Lizi is not a complete wicked. In the film, a female employee of his company. When he entered the company, he was a single mother who paid the rent. In the pre -salary, Jordan directly issued a check of 25,000 yuan. Although he gambled the female employee to make money for him because of his gambler's mentality, the softness of this kind of human nature still made me move.

The Jewish trader in "Big Air Investment" was deeply disgusted with the chaos in the securities market. His brothers seemed to jump off the building because of the failure of stock investment. He talked with a mortgage broker between the securities forum in the gap of the securities forum and dug out why the bubble problem of the mortgage market has been exposed. The capital of this market can continue to operate. When he knew the shady of the capital operation later, he told his men that he destroyed his three views.

As a spiritual person, you can live according to your own will. Showing the rotten and extravagant behind the Wolf Wolf of Wall Street also made me look at it. The desire is a black hole. It can devour and destroy all people and people. It was originally a very beautiful relationship.

Is there a problem with desire? It is the instinct of human existence. Without desire, how can we maintain the energy of the body, eat, drink, sleep, and reproduce offspring. More importantly to show our talent to complete our mission. But once the desire runs to the front and becomes the main driving force, it will inevitably lose balance.

Jordan's strong desire for wealth and success made him greedy to chase higher goals like a wolf, which also led to his degeneration. His father's role is very interesting. He will ask Jordan to inquire, point out questions, and put forward suggestions, but he will not treat his son from the perspective of the judge. I think this is also a respect for the fate of others. Even if this person is a son, I was taught!

In "Big Air Investment", the characters played by Christie Bell, Commander and Steve Karel used their wisdom and insights to transform their desire to wealth into a resistance to the market, as well as their personal beliefs Perseverance, Brad Pitt also played a retired banker who helped the two younger generations in the film. The subtleties of this drama are that while pursuing personal interests, they also realized that their behavior may have the impact on society, which inspired the challenge to unfair phenomena.

Human nature is very complicated, and life is also compassionate. Jordan took 36 months at the end of the story. The Jordan reflected on his behavior in prison and wrote a book of the same name. He taught the skills of sales and the art of persuasion, and he also used half of his money to make up for the victims who suffered losses because of him. Compared to a mistake in our culture, it is difficult to have a chance to turn over. This is the respect for people and trust in life.

What impact will our behavior have on the people around us is what we should often reflect. How we are doing ourselves and becoming ourselves, and we also learn how to get along with this world. It is a lifelong topic. When we are unconscious, we do nothing, but when our existence is existed to the people around us, we will bring the people around us. To suffer, it can also be in the abyss of pain, which can be regarded as an opportunity, a chance to enter growth and change.

The same is true of the world's system. It can be regarded as different parts of the world's body. If the state lacks financial supervision, it will inevitably lead to the chaos and crisis of the market. It must be manifested on each individual. There are those who seem to have vested interests and victims, but those who have vested interests may also become the object of anti -bullish. These aspects do not distinguish between borders and originally belong to the same body. Damage is damaged, and always lives at the level of desire and power control, there will be only one situation: the past things will happen again, and there will be no new things in the true book.

The possibility of making new things happen is that human collective consciousness upgrades to a higher dimension. With a symbiotic relationship, creating is not to chase the desire, but to pursue themselves and use their own talents and mission to serve each other. , Let the world we live in a better world. May this become the vision of more and more people. When we pay attention to our own growth, when we learn how to love ourselves and become ourselves, we may allow people around us to be ourselves, and then learn what to love neighbors.

Some people are always unwilling to learn and change, and they may not be able to keep up with this step, but that is their own life. You can choose your own script and respect the fate of the individual. At the same time, even if we raise consciousness, it may still make mistakes. Is this terrible? It is not terrible. Wolf Jordan on Wall Street is a role model. No matter how unbearable pasts, he can use his talent to create a new chapter with a action of love.

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