I have been deeply familiar with myself, and I don't even realize: anxiety. Until recently, this word has little significance to me. I know its meaning. I have heard of it many times before. But never stopped any appropriate ideas. Why should I have it? This is not something I am struggling. I thought.

Rapid heartbeat. Countless ideas run in my mind at a lightning speed. My chest is tightened. Is that fight or escape? It doesn't matter. I'm numb. freezing. Internal chaos. The outside is completely silent.

Silent chaos.

How many times did it happen before? I have no idea. I never thought a lot. I have always carried out power in my life. This is just uneasy-it will pass. Why do you disturb in a short time? neglect. Then move forward.

Ignorance is happiness, right? Incorrect. It is not glorious and ruthless when you make up for and sacrificing your psychology. Elasticity is very good, but too many are not.

My therapist suggested that whenever my anxiety is caused, I should take a deep breath five times. Of course, I can do it. It sounds simple.

However, when its thickness, this very simple breathing movement is daunting.

It is more difficult than my enthusiasm and any high -risk work that I want to be. It is more difficult than the interview. It is more difficult for everyone to talk to each other than to talk to hundreds of people. It is more difficult and new. I did it, and there were more. My spell is to do it if scared you. Anything that allows you to get out of your comfortable area will inevitably broaden your vision. Even if all the hell fractures in my mind, this ordinary breathing behavior is the most difficult task I have ever done.

Mastering our thoughts is the greatest and most important challenge in our lives. We are our thoughts.

Our thoughts have the ability to make us manufacture or break us. We should pay attention to them. Thoughts are usually not allowed , they just come . Don't think that a specific idea is a loss-by trying to not consider its behavior, we will only do this in the end. Mastering is not to not think about thoughts, but to admit its existence, analyze it, re -direction and/or broaden our views around it. This is a skill. Like any skill, it can learn and need practice. The more we practice, the better we.

As a new mother's anxiety, I struggled. My anxiety stems from a set of specific events that happened quickly after childbirth.

After several months of struggle, I felt my own consultation again for the first time. An incredible supporting partner is the best friend who will always exist. Taking care and spending time with my baby, and writing is very valuable to my rehabilitation process.

Now, my head space is much better, and I can solve and analyze what happened and reasons for the events in my anxiety. Therefore, I better understand my and my environment.

I know that we cannot control the surrounding environment, people around, what they work, what or their behavior. What we can control is how we respond to it inside and outside. The careful planning thoughts led to careful planning and reactions. I firmly believe that for me, this is a way to go. This is the wise and long -term solution to manage my trigger.

So now, I have a plan. When triggering, take a deep breath and pause it with this time, re -calibrate and decide to take action. No action is also a movement, and sometimes the best action.

This plan is effective. Although execution is especially when I face core triggers, execution often becomes challenging.

This is a journey. I am still studying. It doesn't matter.

*This is not to say that any type of anxiety can be managed simply through thinking or without consultation. Sometimes drugs are needed. The basic factors of anxiety are complicated and are still actively studying. If you or the people you know are struggling, please redirect them to medical professionals.

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