Thinking back that you are in his thirties, they are full of energy. Regardless of work or daily life, no matter how tired it is, it will be able to recover overnight. In a few years after the age of thirty, because I spent too much consumption in the workplace, I chose a freelance career (in fact, it is a module without a professional). However, the loss of group collaboration in the company is too free, so the shape and energy are scattered, and the energy consumption is actually greater than when I work.

Now turning around and looking back to participate in the reason why it is not getting older. When working at work, energy consumption in exchange for economic protection, coupled with normal interpersonal communication, without time to consider other things, but can be in a state of physical energy circulation.

During these years, internal consumption is serious. There is no economic guarantee, just like a bottomless boat floating on the sea. Although because of the ignorance of money, it maintains a relatively calm state, but it is no longer as good as making money and spending as stable income. To a certain extent, the internal energy is blocked; in addition, the dual -opposing thinking of spirituality and physical bodies has increased its prejudice on worldly work and life. Therefore, it is even more difficult to engage in money and business. , Especially their own majors are still image -shaped work. Isn't this helping people to activate the flesh? The third consumption comes from, losing the fighting spirit, but on the surface, it is necessary to maintain a false person setting, indicating that you are alive. I am more and more far away from the crowd, stay away from worldly life, enters the religious world, and cannot express my true self. Until the epidemic comes, all the hidden problems have broke out. I lost the economy, friends, and even left the belief group.

I once again stated that this state is not caused by religion itself, but I have made a wrong interpretation of the second -hand information about religion, that is, the interpretation of religious information in his population. Cognitive issues. I have to say that it is grateful. In such a cognitive error, I also have some benefits. First of all, although I did n’t know the poetry of poetry when I was a kid, at least I had a basic understanding. At that time, these sentences lived in me; in addition, my impetuous heart gradually calmed down and restored some perception. In the past few years when I grew up, it was these awareness like seeds. From this I know my own beliefs and know my existence.

I used to be hot and superficial, because my boyfriend who was about to get into the marriage was about to enter the belief, as if he grabbed the life -saving straw, and soon came out of the damage. I was grateful. What I didn't see was that I completely attributed the reason to the salvation of faith, but I didn't see it because I chose to face and forgive. This self -sufficient energy is in me. Energy makes me better become myself.

Next, I became a fan of faith. Everyone had to redeem others. Relatives, colleagues, friends and friends avoided me one by one. However, I only thought that I was different from others, but I never thought that I used faith as my own belief as a role as myself as a belief. The weapon armed himself and wasolated from the people around him. The misunderstanding of faith has begun to spread and spread in all angles of my thinking. I also started a endless criticism of myself. Such high standards strictly demanded that I have aggravated my self -consumption. It's almost out of breath, but I still don't know why.

After the epidemic, during the three years when I returned to my parents, I studied, practiced, focused on my own growth, and slowly saw the reason. Although I used to have been in faith for many years, I did not really have the essence of myself in the inside. All the resources of my life were inside it, but whether it was before or after, my eyes were always outside The difference is that two different evaluation systems are used. When there is no faith, use realistic standards to evaluate yourself. After having beliefs, he uses faith standards to judge your colleagues. It is also full of judgment. Can such a state consume internal consumption?

I have experienced these two states, which made me recognize the truth of the inner self -self. When I thought I knew, TA was attracting me to approach. I also confirmed that TA supplied to me through the experience of deep trap in the mud. Yougu still has the hope of new life.

Gradually, after such awareness, I no longer focused on people and things outside the outside world, and I focused on myself. Feeling that I have contempt for my parents, I read my parents' expectations to my parents? This expectation is the projection I expected by myself. They will have a sense of shame without doing it. This is my problem rather than their problem. From this I have learned the homework I let I will definitely praise, and I also realize that I am not perfect. I also have a variety of bad habits. Through these awareness, I also accept my dark side. Songsong string allows you to swing badly; you can detect your past alienation, shame, and sinyness revealed through the environment. Allow these emotions to pass through themselves, and at the same time embrace themselves again. , See what other homework needs to be supplemented ...

These have become the reason I am grateful for all, and it has also become my inner precious wealth. Today I am also very calm, but I am not as tasteless as in the past. The determination of his life, calm and calmly walking at your own rhythm.

In the past few days, I looked at the photos of the past ten years. The inherent situation of the real person has been written on the face! When my internal consumption was severe, the photos of myself were embarrassed and sad, and even if they had dressing, their expressions looked tired and melancholy. At the same time that my health was restored, although my face was not as good as ten years ago, my face was not as if ten years ago. Young, but it looks more magical than myself at that time. The reason is naturally that I connect to the source of self -springs, and TA is inexhaustible.

If you happen to see my article, I believe it is not accidental. If you stop and see here, prove that you have resonance, please continue to pay attention. Please believe that those who focus on your own growth will be better out of yourself!

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