Today, the theme of the gratitude camp is to write down their own desire list to list the ten most desire to achieve on the paper and carry it with you. When you have time, you can read it with gratitude. When the coach reads and explain these contents, I have listed several items on the card. One of them can be disclosed that it brings people's spiritual growth, beauty, and health by work.

So if you are fortunate to see my article, you also choose to pay attention to a lifestyle that is practicing the spiritual growth, beauty, and healthy lifestyle. Then invite you to continue to pay attention. Perhaps in the future, we will produce physical links because of some opportunities.

Yesterday I met a sister who had a relationship with 20 years. We met in the south. At that time, I was in the stage where the workplace was most interested. It is estimated that she saw that I was very bright at the time, but then I witnessed the most painfulness of each other. Life stage.

In the past many years, we have rarely contacted. With the changes in life encounters, we have returned to Wuhan. When I saw the situation in Beijing in Beijing for nearly ten years, she relentlessly blamed me to play a good hand in my good hand. , Ask me if I know wrong? I admitted and not angry, because she had witnessed my second "desperate" in my life, but then I didn't really wake up. If she blamed me at that time, it might be "unique." In the years I went to Beijing, she still experienced darkness and stepped out of the inside step by step. Now she is running her ideal life. She has this qualification as a sister -style friend. And I can read her care for me.

In the past six months, we have not met. She has experienced physical discomfort, and I buried in writing and planning the future. She saw my evaluation. The state was different from the previous meeting. I am very happy, I have such a change. I laughed and said that I had been growing rapidly. She had seen me like this before, and as I was more than half a year, I wrote out my growth process, what I learned, and continuously used this process to promote my awareness. Growth.

During the epidemic, she sent away her father. At present, her mother in her 80s lives with her. In our conversation, she learned that her mother was also a controlled player, so I wrote the desire to control and survive yesterday. I also shared with her about her mother. She believes that the process of my awareness and handling of this matter is very silky. I told her that it was the result of long -term practice.

After returning home, I thought about the process I wrote yesterday, inspired me to know the psychological process I dealt with more in depth. At the level, it is possible to break the inherent thinking and behavior patterns in the underlying consciousness and promote our own growth. No one can replace us to complete this process. I tried to summarize the process of self -help growth. There are four steps.

Step 1: Perception of your physical response. The gratitude exercise from the time of cutting vegetables can instantly bounce out of the kitchen because of my mother's words. This kind of physical response is no stranger to me. When I learned equestrian many years ago, I lost my forefoot when riding a horse. The moment I got up, I had taken off the horse and the reins, and the left leg crossed the saddle. I landed from the right side. I have always been amazed by my skills. I always feel that I must carry a certain high -strength martial arts gene.

The words are far away, and my mother's bouncing response caused by my mother's sentence, for those who have the same desire to survive as me, may be double -eyebrows, boring my chest, or showing no response without response. The numbness, I felt that I was a rapid response in the moment. Of course, I think that the real masters who can do it can do nothing.

Step 2: Aware of emotions. Yesterday I realized that my physical response was a stress response to my mother complaining. My bitter smile was an expression of helpless emotions. I think of my chest a little boring in that emotion. Why do I have helpless emotions in that moment? Because I realized not only my own model, but also many times to remind my mother that she did not know it (in fact, I realized that I realized that my judgment may be wrong. Sometimes, except for awareness, we do everything, do everything we do I have also written it. People may have awareness, but they can't make any changes. Now writing this point can help me better practice and not move by the outside world).

Step 3: Reconciliation. We always talk about reconciliation, what reconciliation with? In my own emotional reconciliation, in the health of health, I mentioned that the root of emotions was greedy and suspicious. What did my helpless emotions come back yesterday?

Yesterday's helplessness, similar to how I still complained to my mother's physical response so sensitive? And this means a kind of blame for my response, a slightly mild anger expression, because I noticed that I directly responded to say a few moms than in the past to control her to deal with her control. I It has improved; at the same time, there are also anger complaining about her mother, just because she understands that she is "involuntary", so this anger is helpless.

My reconciliation manifestation is that there is no follow -up emotion to consume yourself. After accepting his own feelings and emotions, he continues to make breakfast and focuses on what you need to do in your hands. It is also an important way to reduce internal consumption.

Step 4: Release. When I collapsed on the table yesterday, the complaints rising in my heart were on the stage in a joke in my awareness and action. It has been promoted to unconditional tolerance and energy of love. Although it corresponds to this little thing that happened yesterday morning, I will not underestimate the release of this drop. It will spread in my heart and bring the past to the past. And more things in the future.

The process of growing up is painful and slow. Many people will return to the comfort zone because they can't stand this pain, so that they cannot enjoy the maturity stage of life, and the fruits of Jiamei are concluded. This time I see my sister, the strongest point is that in the past half a year, I broke through a very large card point, and came out of the continuous self -doubt and self -denial of the past. The sweetness of sweetness, this is a stage of results. To this end, I have deep gratitude and relief for all the experience in the past.

The four -step mental method I wrote today is to allow us to continue to return to the real ourselves and break the endless reincarnation of the ego. The ego is just an endless illusion of the mirror, projected our dedication to good, bad,, bad, ugly, evil, evil, evil, and evil, bringing unhealthy fluctuations, consumption should be to help us better become our own energy, but still grateful, because because they are still grateful, because because they are still grateful, because they are still grateful because they are still grateful because they are still grateful because they are still grateful because they are still grateful because they are still grateful because they are still grateful because they are still grateful because they are still grateful because they are still grateful. The energy consumed can also be transformed into a better resource through consciousness, just like this miracle journey I have continued to experience.

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