Eagle, with heaven as home, showing the wings to the wind, overlooking all things, and flying with the eyes, its freedom is the gift of the universe. The tiger, with the forest as the boundary, hidden in the shade, is slightly over the vastness of the sky, but has a jungle.

One day, the eagle was in the clouds, and the tiger was lying under the grass. The tiger looked up: "Eagle, Ru daily with the sun to fight for smoke, and the wind must use buoyancy at any time. Don't you work hard? And I lie here and get it in one fell swoop. Why don't you fall to me? "

Eagle thought, also felt reasonable. Then he asked to ask the sky, would you like to go to Fang, from the tiger. The four claws have lost their wings. Although they have the front of the beak, half -sized wings have become restraint, and the four claws are not like four feet.

Seeing it, the body smiled and said, "What is the eagle, what is suffering from this shape? As a bird, you no longer fly. If you want to the ground, why not give up your limbs, like me streaming, directly swallow the prey?"

When the eagle heard of words, thinking again, Mao Seton opened, and felt that the snake's words were reasonable. Then he prayed to transform, slipped like a snake, and completely abandoned his wings and four claws.

The snail moved slowly, seeing the shape of the eagle, shook his head and sighed: "Eagle, so windy meals and staying, there is no place to live, how pitiful! Why isn't it like me? Stable "" Eagle "contemplation, perception of the lifestyle of the snail, and feeling that the aesthetics of the soul -shell spiral line is the realm given to the avenue.

Sui Ying transformed into, pulled into the shell inside, and became a large snail. But lost the eagle soaring, the mighty of the tiger, and the flexibility of the snake, so the snail was slow.

Therefore, everything has its own way. The Tao of the Eagle lies in the high flying wings; the way of the tiger is to hide the hunting;

The eagle forgotten, and follow the abolition of martial arts and follow the other, and finally become the laughing stock of the inside.

Therefore, those who have won the Taoist, who lost their Taoist death, this is heaven.

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