Our unit employees are all takeaway. In order to save employees a little money, the leadership is to talk about two special restaurants specializing in. As long as we order in the corresponding group, we can enjoy a certain preferential privilege, and basically 13 yuan can be full.

These two restaurants are three major mouths. In fact, it should be a mouthpiece Dongshankou shop. The other is a small restaurant called Dongyao. But gradually, many people actively ordered Dong Yao, and they were unwilling to order three big mouths.

I think so before I was not poisoned: First, from the time of sending, the time of the Dongyao restaurant shop in the group is relatively advanced, and the time of the three major ports is more than half an hour later, so Dongyao Catering has the advantage of the first, after all, after ordering meals, it is impossible to order meals again.

Second, from the perspective of the combination of the dishes, Dong Yao is better. Three big mouths can choose two dishes, and three dishes are fifteen yuan. They are the same as this logic. But the dishes are different.

The three major mouths are basically mixed with meat and vegetables, and Dongyao is distinguished from meat and vegetables. Therefore, the former usually gives very small amount of vegetables and basically not enough to eat, because they think they have given two meats. The amount given by the latter is relatively sufficient, less meat and vegetables, and more vegetarian dishes. Overall, it is more cost -effective for consumers. As the so -called contrast, there is no harm. After such a comparison, we will find that Dongyao is relatively better.

Third, from the perspective of the quality of the dishes, the three major mouths are often not delicious. Among the actual operation, the three major mouths are basically the spams of the processing as a takeaway supply. Dong Yao is different. They are basically fresh dishes, and the quality can be guaranteed.

Fourth, from the perspective of the distribution staff of the two parties, the three major mouths are not very formal, and each time the person who sees the delivery seems to be temporary personnel, and Dongyao's delivery staff is relatively stable, and the person's dress is like a chef.

I didn't plan to order three big mouths yesterday, but Dongyao Catering said that they were resting on weekends, so I could only choose three big mouths. At noon, I ordered their fast food. As a result, I was a bit thinner in the afternoon. At that time, I didn't think about it on meals, so I ordered their meals again at night. This time I ordered three dishes. The type of fifteen yuan is roast duck, braised band fish and cauliflower fried meat.

After they came over, I found out that the cauliflower was not familiar, and there seemed to be left over. At the same time, the roast duck seemed to be more problematic. of. But I still didn't think much, thinking that there would be nothing.

After I eat, I feel a little uncomfortable in my stomach, so I quickly drink plenty of water, and thought it was because of drinking less water.

But when I returned from get off work to my residence, I suddenly felt that my stomach was super painful at about 11 o'clock, and the stomach and intestine were painful. So I quickly boiled the water to drink, and took some painkillers at the same time, but I still couldn't solve the problem. The whole person seemed to have a tendency to spast. I hurried to the toilet and vomited. The duck meat was spit out. No digestive rice.

At this time I realized that my original food was poisoned. But in the middle of the night, I was obviously too late to go to the hospital, and the pain was unbearable, and the beads of Dou Da drove down. I drank hot water over and over, and try to highlight those deteriorating foods as much as possible. When I kept tossing until two o'clock in the middle of the night, I felt a little comfortable in the stomach.

Fortunately, there is still a medicine box in the house. I chose some medicines from the medicine box, and then started taking medicine again and vomiting again. Later, I felt almost the same, and the whole person had a strong drowsiness.

My wife asked me to take a leave and go to the hospital together, but I was denied. Because today's staff arrangements are indispensable, I have to go to work. But I can reach some later, choose a class at 8.30 in the morning.

In this way, I went to work with a sick body. There are not many people who really care about themselves. These leaders are more concerned about whether their work arrangements can be implemented normally. For the incidents of food poisoning, it is also lightly described that you do n’t need to order roast duck, or order their present stir -fry.

After I listened, I couldn't help but have a good name. Obviously they had a food safety accident, but now it seems to be our mistake. However, after this, I can't continue to buy takeaway in the three major mouths. The boss of those three big mouths also seemed to have perceived, and there was no menu all day. Of course, no one asked the reason.

After coming to the post, my colleague said, why did you come at this time? Manager Tang said you and asked where you went.

I said that I had asked the squad leader in the early morning that my official work hours were at 8.30 in the morning. My colleagues obviously did not believe it, so I asked her to show her chat with each other. After he watched, his attitude suddenly became more friendly.

Everyone doesn't care much about your food poisoning, and no one recommends that you protect your individual's rights and interests. They are still busy with other things.

Not only did I have my own drugs, I also ordered some of the delivery drugs from the Internet. When I took these drugs, I felt a bit recovered. However, in the afternoon, I suddenly felt unbearable stomach and abdominal pain. Suddenly I wanted to use the brewing method, so I quickly took the medicine.

However, it is still cure for the symptoms. I became very virtual, but the sweat beads were the most indisputable. I soaked my hat. In the afternoon, I bought some medicines and then cooperated with eating, which relieved the pain.

In response to this, I think we should get some useful suggestions from it.

First of all, I think that all the diseases of the ancients are very reasonable from the mouth. If we have to do healthy diet, we must strictly put our own mouth. This mouth is not only used for speaking, but also for dinner.

When we eat metamorphic things, we must know that it is suspended in time, either throw away, or contact the merchant to change a healthy one. Generally speaking, as long as the facts are true, merchants are willing to change it for free.

I used to go to a small restaurant, but when I was eating vegetables, I suddenly found that there was a long hair in the braised eggplant. At that time, I didn't have any trouble, but I said in front of the boss's mother, saying that the boss lady, there are hair shreds in it, I can't eat it anymore.

The boss quickly said, "It's okay, I can give you a copy again. This hair may be blown in because of the fan. When the boss said something, he finally gave me a copy again.

If the hair is disgusting, if food poisoning cannot be self -rescued in time or relying on external forces to rescue, it is very likely to leave the world forever.

All in all, the body is the capital of the revolution. Don't treat your own health as air because of a small interest. In the event of an emergency, if we will save ourselves, we should start ourselves as soon as possible, because this is not a joke, and a decision error may lead to major accidents.

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