Rain on June 1, 1985

The rain kept the next time. Today we have dinner at Xiao Sister's house, and everyone is making dumplings around the round table. The kitchen was cooked with firewood and peanut porridge. The aroma floating out of the living room was so attractive and a little hungry. I remembered that today is Liuyi Children's Day, we are the eldest children's dinner, haha.

The dumplings were wrapped. A few of us were waiting for eating, and Sister Xiao cooked dumplings in the kitchen.

He was so angry that when he was idle, A Deng came to bully me again, twisted my hands almost, and pinned his happiness on my pain. For a while, I watched the tiger.

Sister Xiao held the dumplings out.

"Boom her out, don't give her!" It was getting more and more excessive. The two guys launched the door of my life, "呯!", The door closed.

"I'm gone!" I shouted deliberately outside the door and quietly walked to the third floor.

"Hey, she really ran away." Through the staircase, she saw A Wei said at the door and walked the next floor. The door had nothing to do. I took the opportunity to rush downstairs to enter the house, and then close the door.

"Haha, I am right." I was so proud of this turn.

First punish Awei, let him wait stupidly. I guard the door to prevent Ang Lai from opening the door.

"Come and eat, look at you, you haven't grown up yet." Sister Xiao said with a smile while holding the porridge.

I was trying to open the door. I heard the kitchen with a lot of movement. The probe saw that Awei changed like Sun Wukong. On the first floor, I climbed up the second -floor kitchen balcony and jumped in. Hahaha ... Really.

Throughout the morning, I laughed and made trouble like this. After eating dumplings, porridge, Xiao Guo, who did not make trouble with us, sang with a microphone. For a while.

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