In short videos, it is often joked that today's society is like a powder keg, and it could explode at any moment! Some people have become barbaric "primitive people" for the sake of survival, while others are covered in thorns due to various misfortunes...

If you really encounter such "madmen," I advise you not to confront them head-on; you should quickly find a place to hide. Because those madmen might suddenly reveal their "daggers" and give you a surprise attack, or even deliver a fatal blow! So, avoiding those madmen is not something to be ashamed of; on the contrary, it's the action of a wise person!

Before my mom retired, she worked as an accounting agent for several private companies. After retiring, she wanted to hand over her work to me, but I never took over the accounts of one particular company. Why? Because the boss of that company has a very "toxic" mouth; when he gets angry, he unleashes a "storm" on his employees, showing no mercy. Even his own nephew couldn't stand it and reportedly quit after being scolded shortly after starting to work for him.

For the sake of convenience, the following text will refer to that company as Company A and the boss as Boss A.

Last month, our dear Company A relocated (from the second floor of the original mall to the third floor of the mall). As a result, as a legal entity, Company A also had to change its registered address (office address) on its business license.

A few days ago, Boss A sent my mom to the government service center to handle the business registration change in person. Additionally, Boss A was particularly considerate and arranged for his capable assistant—a male colleague who has followed him for many years—to accompany my mom to hand over the official seal, licenses, and signed documents.

Speaking of this matter, it really has a bit of drama! Originally, changing the license address could actually be done online, without needing to prepare a bunch of paper materials or requiring the shareholders to gather and sign (it can be completed just by scanning a QR code for facial recognition).

However, Boss A insisted on having a paper version of the business license, believing that it would be more convincing (he was afraid that the online process would only provide an electronic version without a paper copy). Moreover, their company only has two shareholders—Boss A and his sister, who is over 70 years old. At that age, how could she understand high-tech stuff? Operating online would be as difficult for her as climbing to the sky!

My mom is already sixty, and her health is clearly not what it used to be; her knees hurt terribly when she walks. To be safe, she asked me to prepare all the materials and also wanted me to be her "bodyguard" to accompany her to the government service center.

When we got there, the processing staff took a look at the materials and shook their heads: "You can't process this; the processing time must align with the start date of the lease. Your new lease contract starts in July, and it's only the end of May now, so you have to wait until July to process it! However, you can try processing it online; the last time Company A changed its business scope, it was done online." As he spoke, he turned the computer screen towards us to show us the previous processing records.

As soon as my mom heard this, she immediately called her colleague to discuss the matter. The colleague said that Boss A is stubborn and refuses to accept online processing, insisting that his sister wouldn't know how to use those high-tech gadgets. My mom then suggested having the boss's niece (his sister's daughter) assist, but the colleague said it wouldn't help; Boss A just wouldn't listen.

Since the procedures couldn't be processed until July, my mom decided to return the licenses and official seal first.

But just then, the weather turned bad, and it started pouring rain. At that moment, I happened to have my period, feeling sore and just wanting to get home early. Watching the rain get heavier, I panicked: "Mom, let's take a taxi back to the company!" My mom shot me a glance: "You only know how to enjoy; we haven't finished the task yet!" However, seeing that I was in so much pain, she eventually called a taxi.

Once in the car, I started to persuade her: "How about we let the colleague wait downstairs at the company, and we pass the documents to him through the car window, then just go home?" My mom got angry at this: "He's an old employee; would he want to do that? What if something is missing from the documents? It would be hard to explain!" Hearing this, I had to shut my mouth.

The way back to the company wasn't far, just over two kilometers, but we sat in the car for ten minutes and still hadn't arrived. My mom got anxious and started yelling at the driver: "Aren't you using the navigation? Why are you just going around in circles? Can you even drive?! Turn left at the next intersection!"

Upon hearing my mom say this, the driver suddenly roared like a wolf: "Which intersection to turn at? The one on the left or the one further ahead?!" I was so scared that I shivered and instinctively shrank back, sighing: "Oh! My God... how has society become like this..." But my mom was relentless: "The one on the left!"

Seeing my mom in a weak position, I mustered up my courage and shouted: "Driver, turn left at that intersection on the left!" Then I stared at the meter, counting: "13...14...15...16!"

Strangely, from the moment I started counting, the driver's attitude changed; he suddenly became very gentle and even started humming a tune. When I scanned the code to pay, he softly said, "16 yuan."

After getting out of the car, I complained to my mom: "That driver is really a scammer! His attitude was terrible! We hadn't even said anything about him, and he exploded first! Now that there are so many ride-hailing services, taxi drivers love to take longer routes to make money."

My mom smiled: "Life is not easy; he's also making a living on the road. You wanted him to take us home earlier; who knows, we might have gotten home and found our wallets emptied!"

I thought for a moment about why the driver's attitude improved later. Suddenly, I recalled a video I had seen on a short video platform—where a female mental patient went wild in a taxi but was treated kindly by the driver. I realized: that driver might have sensed something was off with me and was afraid I would go crazy and affect his driving, so he became gentle!

Ah, this world, everyone is struggling to make a living. Sometimes, madmen also have to fear madmen, just like the driver I encountered today. But speaking of which, the madman I will encounter next—Boss A—will be even harder to deal with!

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