No fear of making mistakes is the best attitude of growth. Not only without fear of making mistakes, but also bravely, then life can really experience growth.我们可能自以为有无惧犯错的态度,但行动上可能存在谨小慎微,无意识地逃避和退缩,想要躲避犯错的可能性;更多的时候我们经历的是伪成长,只是在原地转圈,就如同Dogs chased their tails, but the data displayed on the pedestrian caused the illusion of people.

This is a bit aggressive. If a person is doing something in a messeng, then it can only prove that this person is neither mature and lacking experience, and at the same time, it is a bit two hundred (not tuned).

As a person who has been pursuing growth, I can write these texts because I realized my state in the reflection. At the same time, I once bravely made two hundred and five for the hidden model.

Back to my parents for the past three years, concentrating on rebuilding my broken life, my parents have become my best sparring. Therefore, the first step of rebuilding is to deal with the relationship with parents and solve their dullness in spirituality. Numbness and weakness. For this reason, I set up a spiritual practice plan, wake up to read the scriptures every morning, and then share my movement according to the scriptures on the same day.

Although his father was reluctant, he was sitting at the dining table on time every morning out of his godly "religious standard abduction" and enjoyed the "spiritual grain morning" I provided. His only insistence was frowning throughout the process, but it depends on him. Every day I sat there as steadily as Taishan, and I opened my eyes and closed my eyes. But I won't close my mouth. Whenever I find a suitable scripture, I will hold a gun with a stick. It contains a shot of a shot of a shot to attack my parents. Always hiding from me, the old couple always found a chance to go out. Of course, I had a study and didn't care.

Now that I have hid me, there are less natural conflicts. I even have an illusion. Our scriptures have effects. For this reason, I also use these as a testimony to share experience with people who are not contacted.

I think of myself at that stage, it's really angry and funny, it's really hard for my parents! At the same time, it is also fortunate that if there is no experience at that stage, it is difficult for me to understand and get out of my inner religious binding.

You can know that all our views on the outside world are our own projection. I used to have a high standard of religious morality. The leather whip is in supervision, holding the camera the same as shooting. Of course, there is no positive significance. Once I find that I do not agree with the standard, I can bravely admit mistakes and seek changes.

At that stage, my mother fell a fracture. I took all the housework and then went to the North Sea to spend the winter together. At that stage of going out, my mother and I solved the part of the misunderstanding of each other. Since then, my parents and my parents and I have since I and my parents. The relationship between meters was much easier, and I no longer used the scriptures to fire them.

Another important reason for my change is that I found that my old naughty dad became frowning all day long. I suddenly realized that in my own gun and stick, I pushed the responsibilities I should have assumed to the responsibilities I should bear to When my parents were blamed when I was young, they did not bring me correct guidance. At the same time, they accepted me back to them unconditionally and were not grateful. Now I can say very well that our personal growth is the responsibility we need to bear, and do not blame our problems on the native family. The true book also said that everyone must carry out their own cross. Since we are adults, we should learn how to grow ourselves in life. This is not only a responsibility for ourselves, but also a good start, because we have enough ourselves to be full of ourselves. Freedom, have all resources to help us grow.

At the moment when I realized that I passed the responsibility to my parents, my heart was soft, and I no longer faced them with complaints. I expressed my thoughts to my father and thanked them. The effect is to adjust themselves little by little, and to transfer the vision from the shortcomings of their parents to their advantages. This is the basis for the real restoration of the relationship.

Until now, I know that in the relationship with my parents, I still have a wrong way of thinking and behavior. Sometimes I realize that they have a certain psychological shadow in my aspect of my aspects, such as live shopping for live shopping. He brushed mobile phones, when I sometimes appear in front of them, they obviously have the performance of "changing channels", like I react when I was a kid.

Now I can gradually expressed myself in peace. Even if it is wrong, I know that as I continue to expose my true thoughts, my internal depression and damage can be revealed. With the strategy of response, if we have an absolutely correct posture, then it is possible that I will become a hypocritical representative.

Fortunately, in this process, I really know myself more and more, understand myself, fall in love with my own truth, and no longer chattering and judging myself. At the same time In the process of walking step by step, I also have respect and understanding of my parents.

This is also my attitude towards myself. I allow me to accept. I explore me to change. All the mistakes that have not made in time in time are the opportunity to grow. When we notice our mistakes and allow me to accept ourselves, We can see from the deep inside, the energy we have, can calm down all the emotional storms, and in a state of relaxation, we can find a key to open this treasure.

Yes, errors are treasures, which can help us better understand our limitations, and to welcome the unknown with a more open attitude. Even if you can make mistakes, you can look forward to bringing your own homework.

In this way, I often move forward when I think I am right, but often walking, I can realize that I am running counter to the original intention of good. But the more you make mistakes, the more brave, because in it, I not only experienced the life itself, but also understood the grievances of the generations. If we do not use these to break through ourselves and change ourselves, then we will reincarnate in reincarnation. In the middle, pass these injustices, so that we and the people around us will not move towards the way of liberation.

My writing is the same. I do n’t know who will see it, I do n’t know if my expression is clear enough, and I do n’t know if my point of view is wrong, so I will bring people to the pit. But I believe that everyone's growth will learn my homework in a fall again and again. Just as I now see the views, they will no longer be collected as in the past. You have to think about your views.

Looking forward to we can all be more brave, we can rise to a higher dimension for collective consciousness, and to be pregnant with a heart of exploring growth for the welfare of human beings, and keep moving forward. mutual encouragement!

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