Recently, a short video was circulated on the Internet. When a few donkey friends took the rope to cross the river, they dropped the water, and then they were not rescued. Today, the search and rescue news came, saying that they were pushed into the cave and died.

We are very sorry for this incident. This is the result of not being awesome. However, when we watched the video of the incident, we couldn't help but feel angry.

First of all, from the video we can see that the current is getting more and more turbulent. At this time, crossing the river is undoubtedly very adventurous. Judging from the geographical environment at that time, if you want to have a river, you must step on the raised stones, otherwise the consequences of the balance will be unimaginable.

When a man wearing red clothes and a woman with a backpack led the rope to cross the river, the woman was probably slipped under her feet, and the whole person almost lay back into the water. At this time, the man in the red clothes also found the woman's condition, so Start providing assistance. However, just as a woman is going to re -control the balance, the damaged friends on the other side began to move.

This fascinating friend is a smoker, always smoking. After seeing this situation, he immediately started pulling the rope. This pull rope is not tight, which directly caused the man in red to lose balance. The woman was sliding at his feet. Rushed into the rapids.

Even in this rapids, it is difficult to stand up even if there is a foothold, not to mention that there is no foothold, so at this time the woman's situation is very dangerous. The man in red entered the place where he was not a ros. He could immediately be ashore, but he did not give up that woman, but pulled the rope with one hand to pull the woman.

At this time, the straw hat man began to operate again. Theoretically, in this case, don't let go of the rope when you are stretched. However, the straw hat man has hand hands for a while, which directly leads to the unstable focus of the man in red. Water, he could not persist anymore, and men in red were also brought into the water flow gap.

It is quite dangerous in the water flow delegation area, because the power of this place is very strong, and sometimes even the vortex of death is formed. Their physical strength is consumed, coupled with continuous water, the situation is even more dangerous.

In this case, it is impossible to pull the two up by the rope. It is the last chance to escape from this scour area as soon as possible. But from the video, we can see that women and men are panicked. They do not put it as if grasping the life -saving straw, which seems to be destined to be a tragedy.

We re -entered the entire incident again, and we found that in addition to these fatal errors, the indifferent appearance of related people was even more angry. For example, the straw hat man pulls the rope with a single hand, and he is busy smoking with one hand. When the situation occurs, he helps. Therefore, this person is destined to be blamed by millions of netizens. Because from the route of their forward, their preliminary ideas were to pass the standing stones, and after being pulled, they changed the route and pushed everything to irreversible.

Secondly, as a man in red, his enthusiasm is worthy of understanding, but when he faced these emergencies, he did not play an effective command, but simply thought that he could pull the woman up with his own power. This is impossible.

The correct approach of a man in red is probably to play the role of command. On the one hand, it is necessary to correct the wrong ways of others and let them use the correct way. On the one hand, they must go ashore. Power will not fall below.

Of course, it is also a major issue that women do not respond in time at a key moment. He was carrying a bag, and he could throw it completely. You must know that in the turbulent water flow, the pulling power of these things is too great, especially in a cliff -like water area.

Although it seems that they have several people, they actually cooperate very badly.

Perhaps for men in red, he first imagined to explore the road in front, and the woman was more secure to imitate behind. However, when the woman had a sudden situation, it immediately caused a series of improper reactions.

It is correct to pull the man in red and the place where the starting point. Women can re -restore the balance by virtue of their strength, but this sudden situation of a woman has caused a straw hat man who stands on the ladder. The attempt of a man in red pushed them to a dangerous situation.

Because this rope is not a straight line, it is the safest to ensure that it is not deviated from the original crossing river route. As long as it is wrong, it may be caught.

When the rope was found out of the original route, the correct way was that the man in red gave up manual rescue. Instead, he pulled the rope with others and pulled the woman upstream to avoid rushing down the deep water area. Perhaps it is to save people. The man in red gave up his support, but instead pulled the woman, and there was no enough power behind him to pull him. Once it falls below, it is difficult to live.

From these perspectives, these donkey friends still lack water -related experience. When they encounter danger that they cannot be avoided, they are just struggling in vain and waste the power of life -saving. It is easy to form a vortex of water in this gap area. Even people with good water properties are not easy to breathe air. Even if they are separated as soon as possible, they may be hit to stones and cause secondary damage.

Of course, when deciding to cross the river, it is also a major issue for danger and accidental estimation. Women are still carrying large bags. Once an accident occurs, she cannot respond flexibly. Of course, the gods of the pig teammates have no time to respond. There are less or more people in this link. Essence

If no one deliberately shooting this video, it is difficult for us to imagine what the scene is the situation, and we may only simply blame the water is too urgent to danger.

However, this is a risk decision in itself. If a person is through alone, it may reduce the risk coefficient, but it still cannot guarantee that the woman can pass safely. Because she made several taboos. The first is that she is carrying a lot of things. When she slipped, it happened to be the back of the load. If the rope can be straight, there is still a chance to stand up. However, the straight fulcrum of this rope depends on the man in red. When the straw hat man is pulling, this fulcrum does not exist.

This incident also gives us deep inspiration. As a person, we must be in awe of nature, and do not challenge nature with a chance, and it is just a chance to win.

When the decision -making is full of danger, it is necessary to fully estimate the risks. If you can bear it, you can continue to implement it. If you cannot bear it, this decision can be put on hold.

When the danger occurs, there must always be a commander, so that those stupid people can play a positive role and fight against the dangerous life in danger.

The tragedy has happened, and we have no intention of accusing anyone, but we only discover lessons from this incident to wake up the people who are still on the journey of adventure.

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