Today, the community was stopped in water, and the water did not come until the afternoon, so I ran outside for breakfast and lunch to eat outside.

In the morning, I ca n’t eat with my parents. I went to my favorite store to order breakfast. At noon, I did n’t come to the water until noon, and naturally I could n’t make meals. I asked my parents to go to a good restaurant near the house. The group purchased more than a hundred yuan set meal. There are fish, meat, and vegetables. They are very satisfied. I am also very happy. I am grateful to have this beautiful thing through stopping water.

After lunch, we walked home and passed the flower and bird market on the way. I thought that a shop was settled a few months ago. He said that he helped me raise it for a while and let me get it. Contact me, simply seeing myself, so I divided them in two ways, and I went to the flower and bird market myself.

The market is not large, and many stores have closed after the epidemic. It is estimated that all the shops who stay in true love plants are estimated. The owner I often go to this shop is not very old, mainly orchids, some strange plants, and my favorite vanilla. Because of this, I also buy the most to his house and gradually become familiar.

He has a strong breath in his shop. He not only has the equipment for drinking tea and cooking, but also has a dog and four birds, which can be called a model of work and life. This time I not only bought Baili incense, which had been raised by the boss, but also bought a pot of beefedies, and the two pots of "strange" plants -tiger red and Sanqi. If the tiger tongue red, if the tongue is changed to a cat tongue, I think it is more appropriate. The shape of the leaves is like a tongue, with red fluff on it, just like the pouring stab on the cat's tongue. Of course, the tiger's tongue has never seen it. Because there is a stab on its tongue? Three -seven is Chinese medicine Sanqi, and it is very cute. It is actually a rattan plant. The pot I bought is still a baby. There is only one tender vine and a few leaves.

Because he was more familiar with the boss, this time he also showed me the three parrots and a magpie he raised to me. It is said that the magpie fell from the tree when it was the baby last year or the baby, and then the boss raised it in the cage. Essence I asked the boss if it would fly away? He said that it was released, and it was still back. Looking at the bread beside the cage, I think I know the reason.

I haven't been in contact with the magpie so close before, and now I will not let this good opportunity at hand. I put my hand on the side of the cage and stretched my fingers from the iron fence to tease it. I sip. The boss felt very strange. This bird rarely murdered, he told me. He simply put the magpie out, it stood on the index finger that he extended, and the other hand's finger rubbed his little head. Looking at its well -behaved little, I stretched out my hand again. It's another sip.

The boss said that it never had an adult, and he would only talk about children. I immediately said that it may be because I recovered the child's innocence. The boss said that it was generally noisy, and the child who reached into the cage with his fingers. Alas, I'm superficial! The boss asked me to feed two bread insects for it. After feeding the bait, it allowed me to touch its head. It was really a very realistic bird!

The boss asked me to extend my index finger again and put the magpie on my index finger. Haha, it did it, but after two or three seconds, it began to open my thumb again, telling the truth, not hurting. The boss even rebuked it for this "bad bird". It not only stopped, but also opened the woodpecker mode. I said that although I was thick and thick, I couldn't withstand you like this. As a result, the boss closed it again again. After entering the cage, it seems that this bird can still be more able to implement a specific person and have a festival.

Next, his paparazzi also ran back. It was only Teddy dog. He was seven years old. It is estimated that he ran out and fell to the ground. I shouted its name. It only raised her eyebrows and didn't even move her head. It seemed that it was really tired. No wonder it was older than me. It was even older than me. Talking about laughing, I put on the boss's packed four pots of flowers, and left.

I was happy along the way, so many times in his shop, this time the most relaxed. For so many years, I rarely deal with strange men. Men in my life are also old acquaintances, and most of them are married men in the same religious group. Since I suffered emotional injuries more than ten years ago, I have never known How to get along with men alone, fortunately, there is no such opportunity in the group, but it is worrying.

When I went to his shop a few times, I hurriedly bought the plants and walked. Of course, I walked in the rivers and lakes for many years. My inner state was hidden well, so outsiders will never see that this I is like this. This year I am. I feel that as I grow up and deal with the injuries in the sexual relationship, I started to get along with the men's gesture with E people.

Of course, there is one thing, because I admire this boss very much, and I can see that he really enjoyed his small career and was in business. Before I bought plants in his house, he packed the plants carefully and carefully and Seriously, attitude will not be too enthusiastic. At the same time, he can bring life into work, and it shows a sense of relaxation in itself.

After participating in the activities of the niche professional creative salon last month, because it was too late, I was going to take a taxi home. How did they go home? They said that they took the subway. When I thought about saving the subway, I went to the subway station with them.

It takes more than ten minutes to walk to the subway station. I actually chatted with them very naturally along the way and exchanged their views on the activities. If this may not ask them when I get downstairs, I will run directly when I get on the car and run away. It's right.

I felt very good at that time, similar to "sucking yang", hahaha, so greasy! However, my auntie I maintain myself very well. At the same time, my mentality is really a bit naive to restore the child. Don't ask me why I know, I just know!

Yesterday I also contacted two two male friends who had praised in my circle of friends. One of them was a colleague in the past. At least ten years have not seen each other. I sincerely express my gratitude to their likes. As a result I chatted with them for a while, and they all said that if they had the opportunity to go to the city where they were in each other, I wanted to meet with each other, and I agreed happily.

I realize how beautiful a person really opens his life and live in truth and live in the present! I hope that when I go to the group again, I can also have such a comfortable and relaxation. I will go to the study of psychological courses again. I hope that in this classroom, I can see my emotional improvement. After the reaction, face the group with a healthy mental state!

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