Some children have been loved by their parents and grandma and grandpa since they were young. This is understandable, but once it is not even right and wrong, they cannot be divided. They must maintain their children without distinction. This may allow their children to go back.

When I was a kid, I encountered such a thing. I remember that it was one night, when the sun shone had sank under the mountain, and it was possible to distinguish people with the help of moonlight. At that time, I was in the Wang family. Suddenly there was a person in front of me. When I saw it, I was a child. In fact, it was just a child who was three or four years younger than me.

Unexpectedly, he suddenly approached me, and then he was a heavy punch against my back, and then turned to escape. I was about to catch up immediately, but he seemed a little scared. He called his grandma while running. At that time, his grandma happened to be cold at the door. When she saw it, she was furious. She said, why do you want to catch up with my grandson? If you want to hit him, you have to break your legs!

Although I stopped catching up at the time, I was shocked to his grandma's ugly face, so he returned to me. He hit me first, and I didn't provoke him.

Unexpectedly, his grandmother didn't make sense at all. It was you hit him and I saw it.

Hearing his grandma didn't make sense at all, I was also angry. Obviously he hit me first. You are not in the right way of education. He did not report it sooner or later.

Unexpectedly, his grandmother was even more angry when he heard it, and he would rush over to hit me. Fortunately, at this time, other elderly people passed by, pulling her, persuading, all things between children, you should not blend.

At this time, his grandma became more and more crazy, and then scolded, I know who you are, aren't you the child of the poor ghost? A hairy child who has no mother, have you still want to reverse?

As soon as I heard this, I was angry. I cried immediately, and then I was about to settle the account when my head was hot. Unexpectedly, I was pulled away by other elderly people. Then the old man said to me, what do you say to her, and you can see his children in the future.

Due to the divorce of parents, these people often laughed at me with those who had no mother. Over time, I was unwilling to associate with these people. Later, the person who intentionally attacked me and accused me of hitting him. His mother divorced his parents because he had a private communication with other men. He came back and heard that he was sent to school in a foreign country. People conflicted and were eventually killed by others.

It is very sad to hear this news, after all, it is a lively life. Perhaps his family gave timely correction when he distorted right and wrong, so that he could establish the correct values, and this tragedy may be avoided in the future.

If it is said that this happened after my parents divorced. So before my parents were divorced, I also encountered something that could not be released for life.

As the saying goes, the status of the child 30 years ago was given by the parents, and the status of the parent after thirty years was given by the child. My parents probably have no status in the village. Although my ancestors have also had a scenery, they have done revolutionary secretaries, the director of the women's federation, etc., but these are all things in the past. As the villagers said that the phoenix of the trend was not as good as chickens, and I was naturally affected.

It was once going to the river beach to dig a shell. I carried my back to a classmate to pee. I suddenly heard a female classmate behind the urine shouting that you wet her pants.

I thought they were joking at the time, so far away, and how could I wet their pants to their pants? However, these two girls have always said that one of the girls is my urine.

At this time, I found that the girl's two trousers were still going straight down, and she had urinary incontinence. However, she kept my urine. So I argued that if I was urinating, I could only hold the other party to urinate this way. This is clearly her own urine.

No matter how I argue, she storded that I was urinating. Later, I heard that her father hit her after seeing her bird's pants, and then she told her parents that I gave me urine.

Then his parents started to find me and asked me why I was going to their daughter urine pants? At that time, I was also aggressive by such things. I was a little doubtful that I was really urinating? So I could only find my own question in a more reasonable statement, and I said that I was urinating at them, probably because they went in front of me, so I urinated.

However, they obviously do not believe in saying such a statement. They have to make me admit that they are peeing in their pants, because if her daughter is around me, it is impossible to urinate like this.

At that time, my mother also believed in Jesus. Once I went to the church, an old lady in the church gave me a burrito, and then asked me carefully. To be honest, did that girl urinate? How do you pee?

I was a little bit embarrassed at the time. I tried to recall it, and then told her that I was facing them back at the time. She picked up the shell and turned to me. But my explanation she is obviously not very satisfied. If so, how can it be possible to urinate the two inside lines of people's pants?

My mother did not believe me very much, and let the village accounting at the time, the relative of the girl, a sturdy man, scared me with a dagger, and made me admit that I was peeing from the pants.

He launched a charge to me again and again, saying that he wanted to cut off my things and always tortured me for 30 or 40 minutes. My mother looked in front of the church, and did not stop the bad guy. Urine in the pants.

But after all, I didn't do that after all. I asked me to admit that I would never admit it. Although he was intimidated by the dagger, he did not get the answer he wanted.

Later, the girl came to me shamelessly and said that it was your urine, and you peeed in from my pants. At that time, the relative who was holding a dagger was next to it, and I didn't dare to argue. They said what they said.

Later, another girl probably couldn't bear the condemnation of conscience, so she told the truth to another male classmate of the neighbor. She said that the female classmate paid her pants by herself at that time, but worried that her father would hit him after knowing him, it was very very very very very very very very very very very very likely to hit him. Scared, so they discussed the incident on me. She became an accomplice like this.

Later, when I went home with that male classmate after school, he told me the truth. After knowing the truth, I didn't cry. I know that with such a weak life, I couldn't resist them. They had determined that I did it. If I wanted to deny, they would be frightened.

Why are they so rampant? I think this is probably a manifestation of parents without any status. Later, the parents were not harmonious, and the family was broken, and many tragedies were destined to. At that time, I was only about eight years old. When I saw me so bullying, many children often hit me. Later, I no longer endured it and started to resist. Although this kind of resistance could not get the support of my parents, even I had to hit the tenth finger at the time of the teacher at that time, and my fingers could present a V -shaped. I don't know if it was smashed at that time.

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