Many people say that home is a peaceful and serene harbor. I see more people with sullenness and coolness in the world. You can remove the armor when you return home, return to peace, and be cured in the warmth of your family. I do n’t know if it ’s because of the reason for social news, but I have different opinions. For example, after getting off work, he would rather smoke and play games in the car, and he was reluctant to go home; for example, the rest day was willing to work overtime and was unwilling to go home to cook housework; Tedicated girls; for example, the mother who lived alone after breaking the restraint ...

There is no doubt that you do not want to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the marriage system, but just want to talk about this reasonable social status status.

Many people say that "life is like a play", and after returning home, the concerns of their family members have to be relaxed. They have to put on a "strong face laughes" mask again because of their responsibility or other. So, what prompted us to interpret our real life into drama? Still the world is acting, so "can't live"? I feel that this world is a huge grass platform. Every day, there are various versions of drama, either fabricated by myself or in Tianan. In short, living the real self has become the thirst and pursuit of more and more people.

First of all, I ca n’t find a sense of relaxation at home. I think it may be a sense of responsibility to give us a mission after becoming a family. For example, men must support their families to make money, and women must teach their husbands to take care of the family's eating, drinking Lazar. Otherwise why Zhang Ailing wrote in "Half of Life": "Men after middle age often feel lonely, because when he opens his eyes, he has to rely on him around, but there is no one he can rely on." Therefore, maybe this explains why some men smoke cigarettes in the car before returning home, play a few games and then go upstairs. They need to use this short time to soothe their body and mind, and then put on the filial piety of the people of the filial son to set up to face the family. And this sentence also explains why women like to shopping and brush all kinds of brain disabled dramas. Sometimes spiritual relaxation is more important than physical.

Secondly, I ca n’t find a sense of relaxation at home, perhaps because the discipline of family chores is far more tired than work. Such as endless housework, children's academic performance, suddenly receiving overtime tasks, collision of parent -child time, and the undercurrent of mother -in -law. Who is defining "home is a warm harbor and the habitat of the soul"? I personally suspect that the concept of the elderly is largely agreed to urge the marriage slogan with the help of the marriage system. Of course, people are living animals, but use such beautiful words to describe whether the family is also covering some truths? It's like a gorgeous robe covering the flea.

Then, you can't find a sense of relaxation at home, perhaps from the humanity. Most of the contradictions of human beings come from interpersonal relationships. It is far more important than the work content itself. Especially in the vast areas that pay attention to human relationships. In this case, the existence of the headbroken bird alone. Back home, interpersonal relationships in these social occasions are replaced or blended with family relationships. If the previous one, if you change your job, you can change the city, which can be relieved. What about the latter? China has always been very particular about blood relationships since ancient times. Even relatives who can't hit eight poles will change the law when they have a picture. Therefore, "Zeng Guangxianwen" has a cloud. "No one is asking for the poor city, and there are far -reaching relatives in the deep mountains." These cuts that are constantly being rational and chaotic make us have nowhere to escape. Therefore, the younger generation began to be popular "broken relatives", and I personally think it is the progress of the times!

Finally, I couldn't find a sense of relaxation at home, perhaps because of vanity. We often hear our parents use "other children's children" to spur their children. This is also the case for husband and wife relationships, and the relationship between mother -in -law and mother -in -law. Even if we have a strong heart, we don't mind the eyes of others at first. Over time, it will inevitably fall into the self -doubts of mental internal consumption. Therefore, instead of believing in someone, it is better to believe in the law of human nature. This is very similar to the previous one because of the discipline of interpersonal relationships.

所以,我们需要假期,需要放空自己,需要一个人独自旅行……跳出原本的生活环境后,远离各种让自己疲惫不堪的人际关系,到一个新的地方,新的人设,新的生活, Everything can start from scratch. This is not only the meaning of travel, but also the exploration of more possibilities in life.

Do not want to discuss the topic of "comfort zone", because hesitating is to find an excuse for retreating. I don't recommend "naked words". Before the ability to settle down, "naked resignation" was a dangerous thing. After all, people have to survive. However, what I want to say is that the necessities that really let us live are really very small. Gradually, you will find that there are fewer and less luggage, and your heart is more and more abundant. These are far more important than money, power, status, and blood.

When you appreciate the yellow sand, will you still care if the glass at home wipes it out? When living in Jiangnan Water Village for a while, even the voice of speaking became detailed. When lying on the endless grassland to see the stars, will you still care about the faint flavor of cow dung? So, what is the sense of relaxation? I personally think that it is tolerance, not understanding but respect.

Life is an experience, there is nothing big. Experience the old, sick, sick, love, resentment, no need, no need, five yin boys. After the reincarnation, rebirth. Although the relaxation of our pursuit does not need to experience these, we can live in one or two, and we can live seven or eight.

Well, life is like a trick. Why don't you play your own role with others? Maybe the ups and downs we have encountered is the script that God deliberately tailored for us? Everything around us is serving our protagonist. The ultimate goal is to make us clearerly watch our own life script, so as to live a true self. Therefore, it is more and more that it must not be a God's creation. Here we must not be able to get it here. Personal practice is different. Maybe people who feel painful or things may be the envy of others? Just as we feel boring today, some people are out of reach tomorrow.

Do you think about it like this?

When we were young, there was nothing bad for us to "follow the flow". Only when we were anxious, I reflected what life was most important. It was also the gift of heaven. Otherwise, the sailing was hung up long ago.

Believe it or not, walking alone on the strange street alone, there will be an inexplicable relaxation in his heart. Just represent personal point of view.

Therefore, whenever you can't find the relaxation, you can jump out of the original circle. When you see the mountains and lakes, you will not turn around in the water cup. Even if you still have to return to the water cup, you will use another different mentality to calm down for the rest of your life. No, just jump out again.


Finally reiterated again: Don't say that there is no money and no time, there will be countless methods. Unless you don't want to!

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