Many times, I sit in front of the computer and don't know what to write or how to write. Just as it is now, the difference is that there is a theme today, but I don't know how to write it. I know that once I deliberately write what to write, what is likely to appear is to write and delete it, and I can't find the state, so this gap can only wait, just like waiting for God Qi, even if it's just an idea or thought, grab it, grab it, and grab it. If you write it, you can dig out the material that originally existed in the heart.

Writing the theme today, exploring the entrance of the inner world, similar to a proposition composition, inspired by my professional understanding of my professional. As a clothing stylist, it is what I like to help customers create a personal image style, because I think that my personal image style is the entrance to a person to explore the inner world, and it is also an exit that expresses his inner world.

Writing is very similar to this, and it can even be said that writing is also an expression of a person's personal style.

As a deductor of minimalist style, I strive to express myself with the simplest clothing when dressing, but as to why I like minimalist style, because I pursue the essence of everything and do not want to do too much in parts I do n’t want to do. For me, for me, my thoughts can be complicated to find the essence and find methods that can be expressed simply. For things outside, the simpler the better.

At the same time, because of professionalism, maintaining a minimalist state is also conducive to creating and highlighting their creativity. But to be honest, minimalist minimalism is not simple, and often requires some details to balance. Otherwise, this minimalist is likely to become a monotonous and boring synonym.

The demand for minimalism is also manifested in my choice of eating. Eating is to maintain life and health, so I am not interested in processing food, because there are too many additives in it, which is not conducive to physical health. Of course Drive, I also want to eat some delicious snacks, sometimes I also satisfy myself, but it will be very restrained. I will try to eat prototype foods, so go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables and make it. It is a favorite way to eat. If you want to eat outside, if you have autonomy, you will choose restaurants that make food immediately instead of prefabricated vegetable restaurants.

The pot sticker near the home has become my cafeteria. As long as you go out to eat, I have chosen there to go there. When I came to the shop owner, the owner of the lady, I trust. Need, my parents often go to this family under my drive, but sometimes, sometimes they want to go to home to explore different foods near home, so they will be divided into two ways.

For me, if you want to eat special food and learn a recipe at home, you can not only satisfy appetite, but also increase the fun of life. From buying to production, these processes are very fun processes. As long as you do not deliberately do it, you can make me deeper relaxation.

This game rarely goes back to my parents. The home kitchen belongs to my mother, but I will make some breakfast. One can reduce the burden of making three meals in my mother. However, the difference between the tastes between the two generations is still relatively large, especially the Western -style breakfast they are still not used to eating. For example, I made different flavors of Foxia during breakfast two years ago. I think it ’s delicious. Dad Mom did not have a cold, and then did not do it. As a result, the first two weeks ago, the big niece came to play at home. She mentioned that she wanted to eat Fokatha. When she saw the recipes on the Internet, she thought it would be delicious. Then she knew that I had already made a recipe that had been done early, but she successfully hooked up I started my hands -on, and I came to eat last weekend.

From this I put forward a point of view, what is the essence of human life? I think it's a game, but we rarely have any room for knowing this, and at the same time relax and play. I wrote it like this because I looked up from the desperate and trough of life. Although I haven't gotten out of the predicament at the material level, I even saw this nature, and I also practiced and cleared.

This is not an easy process. First of all, you need to adjust your mentality. You must not be too serious but not serious. If you are too serious, you will lose. You can forget that this is a game. Based on the level, this scale is enough to explore for a while.

Secondly, learn to trust yourself and obey your inner guidance. This is based on who we know who we are. If we have no basic awareness of ourselves, we cannot learn to trust our homework. Do we believe that we are part of eternal existence? Do we believe that we have the self -sufficient nature? Do we believe that we have all internal and external resources for our customs clearance? If you believe in these points, we will naturally have a determination. To go out of our own path, this does not mean that we will have the perspective of God and see our next step. In this way, the game will lose fun.

Finally, the most critical step. In act, no matter what you do, move it first, holding a big deal to overthrow the determination. This is the test stone test in the first two steps. I do n’t start to start internal consumption immediately when I find that I have a lot of experience in this area. I feel that failure and shame will be hit, and then I caught up in the emotional storm. But don't reject them, feel these negative feelings, when we do not resist in such a situation, and then calm down and take a deep breath. When we have internal links, we will feel the tolerance and love of nature. We can resolve these negative negatives. Feeling, recover your energy from it. Of course, we will go through this process repeatedly, but as long as we do not escape, we will get more and more quickly.

With the mentality of not knowing how to write, I actually wrote so much. I looked at the previously written. I recognized my own point of view, because these are things and perceptions I have experienced. In the game, I will be more aware of myself, open myself to feel, and look forward to expressing it in a very simple language when I understand the essence.

I also wish you all in the writing in Qi Qi. Let's use this way to explore our inner world more deeply, more awareness and understanding ourselves, and to live better. mutual encouragement!

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