These days, I often get into a sense of weakness. I know the panic in my depths. Sometimes I have an inexplicable heart palpitations. I told myself that I ca n’t drink coffee today.

It's really a matter of coffee. This is my sense of weakness when I was facing the predicament. I mixed my doubts about myself, doubts about the future, and doubts about everything. This is what I don't want to face. Facing a feeling.

The reason is that after a person I finally delayed many days, he finally gathered the courage to send his own career plan in the circle of friends and prepare for the old business. It's just that this time is the form of personal entrepreneurship. Being a personal image -style coach. The first step is to open free consultation. You can talk about half an hour. If you feel appropriate, you can customize private teaching courses.

After a few days of sending a circle of friends, except for more than ten people liked the first day, the stone sinks the sea later, making me doubt whether I am in a fake circle of friends, or most people now do n’t look at the circle of friends?

But how can this blame the outside world? According to the law of cause and effect, I have closed the circle of friends for several years. Out of the mentality of the savior, I only posted some public account articles to wake up everyone without looking at the circle of friends of others. To match the attention of others? Not to mention that it was almost ten years before my parents were back to my parents. I was in a semi -secluded state in religion and evaded secular life. It was a miracle to add so many people in the circle of friends. So I doubted my character, my own survivability, and interpersonal relationship.

I can use these statements to paralyze myself to rationally chemocate my failure, but I am more aware that the information of the circle of friends is not a problem at all. I want to do this. Wherever I do n’t have a customer to help me start, the basic crux is that I do n’t believe in myself. I do n’t believe that I can get the opportunity to run it. why? I remembered that in the past in religious groups, shepherds once said on the podium that they had a single inner monologue: I always felt that I was fake.


Later, I left the group and agreed with him, and the price was that I thought I was also fake. Even in the past years, I have received so much recognition and affirmation in my professionalism. This is not a matter that beyond my ability. I still have deep doubts about myself.

I am afraid of the crowd, I am afraid of dealing with people, I am afraid that it is a fake to be seen through myself! If it is not for the need for self -growth and a sense of urgency for future survival, I am willing to choose to continue to escape.

However, I know that I must go to customs clearance, break through this psychological psychology, and continue to meet the next homework.

I am fortunate that I am accepting the challenge, and I am also fortunate to have a small world built by words, like a tree hole, which can reveal my deepest and true state. Although I understand the spiritual level, if you really want to cultivate, you must face the truth. Even if you know all this is a false illusion.

I once told my parents that if it was not because they were accompanied by me in the world, I could survive even if I was looking for a wild field alone. This is my heart. Since I was a child, I have the psychological ability to be alone; in terms of life, I can be exquisite, rough, and can live calm , I can slowly come out of my home, which is more like a fun game for me.

However, this is also fake. Because I also like people, like to get along with others, like to listen to others, and want to live myself into a story, so go to see the above words, I can't help but have doubts about myself.

This fear of people, fear of the crowd, and like people, like to get along with people, seem to be split and contradictory, but this is a state that I have been familiar with since I was a child. Those nervousness swept away, as if there was my home.

Escape will bring deeper escape, fear will bring deeper fear, but when facing it, you will find that there is nothing there. There is no dragon snake, tiger and leopard, no war fire smoke, only yourself. I am fortunate to write this sentence. I did n’t push myself the most about me. When I exposed these psychological processes, they were just a temporary rain, cloud and twilight.

This afternoon, after I got up from my nap, I finally ran to the gym that had been passing by how many times, and I bought his Prate's course and experienced a long -lost sports course.

In the past few years home, although the figure has not been completely sampled, in the face of the small belly that has no fattened but now has a slightly rich belly, I know I need professional guidance to help me recover my body and body. To manage your personal image, how can you not manage your own image? By fake cultivation, you also need to perform!

The first step in class is to measure the proportion of body fat, muscles, and internal organs. This measurement was done in a gym opened in a friend of a friend in Chengdu a few years ago. At that time, I was a better state, low body fat, high muscle content high, high muscle content There are not many visceral fats, but this time the data allows me to see that they are basically close to the critical value. The robbery spent in 2020 reduced my weight to 90 pounds, the muscles were quickly lost, and back back to the back, and returned to back In the past three years, I have weighing more than 110 now. The difference between the differences in this difference is that most of them are fat except for the restoration of some muscles!

I also used myself to wear small size clothes to deceive myself for a long time. Until some time ago, I bought the clothes that I wanted to make on the Internet. I basically bought the small size. As a result, I made a dress last month. And a vest, you can wear it when you put it on the breath, and I realize that I really need to manage my body.

When people look at themselves, they wear filters. My filter is switched at any time. I often feel ugly, especially under the camera lens, the flaws of the appearance and the skin are clear at a glance; In front of the mirror under the light, I think only the beauty camera can restore my beauty. However, after opening the beauty photos, I can't recognize myself.

When reading the clothing design, the classmates were all about 20 children. When I was with them, I was unwilling to take pictures, but I felt terrible several times when they were taken several times. Later, I took pictures of me. I am very strange and inferior, why is this? Now I know what kind of appearance will a person present in my heart. When I fall into deep self -doubt, negation, and inferiority, how can I take good -looking photos?

Looking back at the photos of the past ten years, many of them are very beautiful, but I didn't think at the time, so I started telling myself that today is the most beautiful day of your life, so I started the daily transfer, and at the same time, I also used a tiny habit to come in daily life to come to daily life. Maintain yourself, wash your face, paint skin care products, sunscreen, and when your complexion is not good, give yourself a little makeup. After all, I have learned beauty and makeup in the past. It is also a way of monetization to apply these skills!

Every day, I need to face ourselves, brave, and do not have to distinguish the true or false, all of which are ourselves. When we live according to our inner guidance, when we act in action, the love we get can nourish our inner heart , Make us more brave to live ourselves and live in love. Only love is true, it will bring eternal treasure.

mutual encouragement

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