There is an old saying in China, "The gun is a bird", and China also has the old saying "Mu Xiu will destroy Lin Feng". In my opinion, these two sentences mean the same meaning. I did n’t understand it before. I always thought that others did n’t like me because I had problems with other people ’s eyes. Until I lived in Sichuan recently, when I was sharing my life with my friends every day, I suddenly found that this approach was hated. Friends have expressed their tiredness of trivial life after marriage more than once, but I often take care of myself and say that they will go happily. Whether it is kind or kind, but this is really stupid to be showing off. When I realized this, I no longer share.

Suddenly thought of such a sentence, "When you leave your hometown, you really understand your hometown." Why isn't it a bright woman who said when she is a friend and student? The difference is that she has a bit of confidence when she said, and I am more like running away. I don't know if I have those sweet troubles after entering the marriage one day, and I don't even know where to start. Although my friend and I share the happiness of the family, I am also envious, but I know that I am not good at dealing with interpersonal relationships, so God is still in love with me.

I remember when I was in the most serious inferiority, I felt envious when I saw that someone in the circle of friends was sending daily dynamics, so I covered each other's circle of friends. I think that is a life that I can't experience in my life. Later, a little healed, I also started to share some happiness in daily life. Some are pleasing to the eye, and some are suspicious. Whenever it attracts the praise of others, my first reaction is flattered. If others criticize two sentences, they will return to their "castle". In fact, until now, I don't know if I have been cured, or they are walking on the road of being completely cured. But still inferiority. Therefore, I prefer to go to strange places and enjoy the sense of security caused by strangeness.

Finally, you can eat ice cream while walking on the street; you can laughed unscrupulously in front of new friends; you can report to the police decisively when facing a bully shop; Learn to resist and have not learned more intelligent treatment issues. But this fearless relaxation is what I like. So I enjoyed this happiness more and more, and I hope that happiness can pass to more people.

A friend told me: Your so -called unscrupulous, in fact, just looking for the bronze version of yourself, far away from the real free. Even so, I am still afraid of disturbing others. My friend said: Do you care about everyone, have you thought that you are concerned? Yeah, what I should care about most is my feelings, but I am used to it. You can only breathe in strange places. Suddenly, I thought of the second season of "Qing Yu Nian" in the second season that was very tearful: If others didn't like you, you hid in the corner and slowly live, be obedient, obedient. It turned out to have nothing to refute for a while.

It's almost these days, I suddenly thought. Why is stupid desire to live in the crowd? Although they are afraid of loneliness, there are right and wrong in some people. Instead of making themselves a target among the people, why not hide their lives. Stander the vegetable market alone, go to the online red shop to check in, and go to the movie alone ... I think I am suitable for alone. Very relaxed and at ease. No one is an isolated island, but people can become an islands that are not connected to each other. They just keep the border and slowly alive.

I admit that I am jealous, and when I see that I am eager to become, I ca n’t learn and cannot do it, so I start to consume. Maybe this jealousy originated from inferiority? Then avoid, stay away from the crowd, and go for a place where you don't inferior. There is a possibility that this jealousy will be too strong to compete? To compare the strengths of others with your own shortcomings, it will only be more inferior.

It ’s so contradictory, but self -consistent. We shouted that we couldn't come back for a lifetime, we had to live ourselves. But unknowingly affected by others. The wisdom of "gathered by things to gather, people with groups", and more believe that intuition is the most important umbrella for us to give us.

So I started thinking about another question: Why dare not make myself happy? Because this happy parents have not enjoyed. Once, I shared the delicious food with them, and my parents were ridiculed after asking the price, which made me feel that I did not match. Even if it is only a dozen dollars of burgers, they are enough for their food for a day. Once, I talked to them about my dream. My parents felt that they were delusional, so they gave up pain. Until I was because of my body, I could no longer chase that dream. My favorite mountains, lakes and sea are not as good as civic parks across the road. The cats and dogs I care about are still playables in my parents ... Parents do not allow their children to surpass themselves, at least my parents are. This feeling is very similar to crabs in the basket. So I no longer shared with them, so I made myself look very down as much as possible to satisfy their desire to control. The sequelae is that I am really unhappy and dare not be happy. Don't relax and don't know how to relax. I felt that there was a pair of eyes staring at myself, and only Nuo Nuo had to die.

Perhaps, another meaning of low -key is safe. If you do n’t share it, you will not be jealous, and you can have less hidden dangers that bring trouble for yourself. But is it really good to hide blindly? At least for me now, profits are greater than disadvantages.

When buying vegetables, the boss gave a few flowers and took it back to the window. The room was faintly floating in the room for a few days. Go to the roadside stalls to taste the rice noodles recommended by netizens. The old lady who sells rice noodles seems to have long been sour. The biting Li Zi, who was not sour as frowning, was delicious, so I bought more supper. In the midsummer night, the wind on the balcony blew the page page, and it seemed to be obtrusive along the guidance of the wind. I don't know how long this day will last, the current joy is happiness.

In this way, silently hidden in the mountains and rivers to chase the sea of ​​stars in their hearts, secretly appreciating those inner little luck. In this way, I understand this world with a little bit, and gradually heal itself with text. Whether it is small and transparent in the future, it is still the arrangement of destiny.

Suddenly I felt that God's guidance was amazing, as if it was really carving. A few days ago I climbed a long and long step, as if I didn't feel tired for a century. I prefer to be suddenly cheerful at the end of the steps. Just do this backpacker, from one place to another, stop, stop, leave. Thanksgiving encounter also blessed parting.

Where to go next stop, I do n’t know, I do n’t think about it. I can go wherever I push it with the guidance of destiny. Go to experience. Suddenly thought of the sentence "Tao Te Ching": Water conservancy is not arguing. It seems that at this moment, I only know the meaning of "deep water". Actually, fate has been waiting for me.


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