For this question, different bosses answered completely different. Some bosses think that customers are important because customers can bring profits to the company, and employees only bring consume the company. Such a boss thinks that employees are cost, so he considers the company to be contradictory with employees. He even wanted to make all the money.

Usually this type of boss is basically the boss of traditional enterprises, and they have not been liberated from the kind of servant relationship thinking of feudal society. Although modern society no longer allows the existence of such class relationships, it does not affect this persistence in their concepts.

Therefore, based on this cognition, he hopes to obtain the maximum benefits with the least cost. When the employee creates greater value, he hopes that employees will not ask for rewards. Because, although employees have created greater value, in the opinion of the boss, this is what employees should do, and employees should have higher awareness.

Therefore, in this incident, the boss started a dual standard. On the one hand, he believes that the company and employees are naked interests. On the one hand, when they can obtain greater benefits, he also hopes that employees will be grateful and give the company's greatest interest.

Especially in the early days of reform and opening up, in the 1980s and 1990s, many bosses lived with their own food and clothing parents. He could violate the interests of employees without feeling that he had problems.

For example, when employees create tiny interests, he began to talk about gratitude. When the employee created excess profits, he was afraid that the employee took the opportunity to propose more rewards. So at this time, he began to be faulty and settled after autumn. Employees used to be late. Although it was a few months ago, or the last year, he would still turn it out, and then said, because of your late time, do you know how many losses have caused me? Because the company was discontinued, my partner canceled cooperation. It is estimated that you will cause me more than 100,000 losses. I do n’t ask you to compensate for it. Intersection

So is the boss adopting this method to intimidate employees with outstanding performance, isn't it afraid that this employee leaves the company? In fact, the boss was worried at all, because in the eyes of the boss, the new employee foreshadows the lowest cost and he can obtain greater benefits. Besides, if the people who want to work in the market, he can continue to repeat the old trick and use wages at the probation period to defraud excessive profits.

This is the means of some Chinese companies in the 1980s and 1990s. At that time, the rights and interests of the workers were difficult to be guaranteed, and those who could pay for full salary were already considered a conscience boss.

Until the first ten years of this century, there were still many stray bosses who adopted moral abduction of workers who were in a weak position. This moral abduction is usually reflected in those old reservations, especially the most typical construction site. With the salary of migrant workers, wait for the project to be completed or completed when it is completed, not only to earn the money of the project, but also earns the hard -earned money of migrant workers.

If they cannot run, they will also have a variety of rhetoric, such as you are a labor relationship with someone. It has nothing to do with me. You should find him. I have settled with him. For another example, I have a problem with the capital flow now. What are you forced to do so? Can you be a bit sympathetic? In fact, he went to other investment with the employee's money. If the investment was successful, he gradually returned the employee's money. If the investment failed, he would say that I would lose it. go.

Many people talked about the courageous gangsters when they were reforming and opening up that year, and regret that they were too young. But they didn't see how good political awareness was. They were polite to drink blood on this road, and all kinds of rogue methods were used.

Because there were too many people at the time, they were very aware of themselves. After all, they were all educated in the era of unpopular relics, so they would inevitably be deceived and suppressed, and they were easily deceived. External environmental reasons.

To this day, some people still have this way of thinking and suppressing others, but today's rule of law construction has gradually improved, and the rights and interests of workers have been largely guaranteed to a large extent. Mixed.

In addition to the above boss model, there is also a kind of boss who thinks that employees are more important. These bosses are usually bosses that have risen in the new era and have not been baptized in the early stages of reform and opening up. These bosses usually create a lot of worthy in just a few decade or even a few years. Here I will not give an example.

They believe that the thinking of employees as slaves can not keep up with the development requirements of the times. Although many basic positions have strong alternatives, many job professional capabilities still cannot be replaced. In addition to the differences in professional abilities, how is the spirit of learning aggressive by employees? How is the employee's intention to fight? What is the employee's customer consciousness? What is the loyalty of employees? These things are very valuable factor. Each recruitment of new employees must re -understand these elements. This obviously costs a long time cost and money investment. Once it is not suitable, it means that the company's past investment has become the cost of sinking.

Therefore, from the perspective of human resources, from the promotion of human resources to human capital, it requires a certain amount of position. Without this position, you can't get the productivity.

A few years ago, I remembered that one of the general managers of an enterprise had such one when he drafted the recruitment conditions, which was a full -time college and above. Cognition is still a scene in the 1990s. He did not understand or realize that the policy of renewal iterations of the Ministry of Education for so many years has spawned different talent performance and exports. Naturally, he did not understand that when he was at work, he could get full -time junior colleges through a certain way. At this time, college colleges and colleges in the 1980s could not say the same day.

I speculate that he has no ability to let the company break the cocoon, but he is just consuming human value. Later, a recruitment had never been engaged in this business, but the other party tested the talents of the first -level human resource manager because of the household, and then rumored that the other party was responsible for the business school department. When I got the news, I immediately proposed to resign. Because such a person is destined to fail, it is difficult for the company to develop for a long time, and it is expected that he must be difficult to continue in the company. Later facts also confirmed this.

The important customer is employees. In my opinion, this is to be dialectical. First of all, not all customers are important. Only customers who are willing to follow the platform and are willing to make contributions are effective customers. Therefore, it is definitely wrong to deny employees because of no value. Secondly, not all employees are important. Only those employees who do have talents and can continue to create value for the company are important. Those employees who do not create value throughout the day are obviously. it is not important.

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