Dreaming again, obviously staying away from his hometown to strange places, I don't know why you still dream. The days when I first arrived, I slept all night, but I didn't dare to turn off the lights in the bathroom. I always felt that I would be afraid if I was shrouded in the completely dark darkness. Although I don't know what I am afraid of.

Outside the window is an ancient building under construction. Is fear coming from those chaotic dynasties? It seems that people who build them may not have to investigate history, but just follow suit. Just as many places have an Internet celebrity punching place like ancient winds. When renting a house, the intermediary said that it was built by imitation of the Tang Dynasty. But in the daytime, it has nothing to do with Datang. Those stores that should be called Fang are just as similar in architecture.

I heard in the group of the community next door is the cemetery. What is under this community only one road? At this time, the flowers sent by the stalls when they bought the vegetables were exuding a strong aroma, and the people who were dizzy were dizzy. Open the balcony door, a cold wind blows over the body. Night, it's still a bit cold.

Not far away, it is the continuous Mount Emei. Nowadays, the Dragon Boat Festival is nowadays. Many good men believe in the name of the Dragon Boat Festival. Even on weekdays, there are not a few climbers, but there are more holidays. Is it really useful to worship Buddha? Sincerity is spiritual, what if you are pregnant?

Some people say that dreaming is because the body is not tired enough. But why do you dream of sleeping during the day? Is it because it is not tired enough at night? Yes, how tired can a person's night be? Chasing the drama, writing, eating snacks, dazed. Since I dare not sleep, then I have to find something to do to pass the time. This daytime day, it is inevitable that it is harsh.

I think I like night. What can I do if I don't like it? The fetters of love and killing have been entangled for half a lifetime, although I can't remember what was originally complained.

Strange places, strange beds, unfamiliar circles, strange customs, everything seems to start from new, but there are always some things that make people feel breathless. This time, I still left like running away. To this day, I still refuse to admit certain facts. Or maybe, is it true? There is no truth in this world, and all the truths are just what they are willing to believe. This is good, some truth is far more cruel than believed. Is this cruelty that you can bear it? Yes, healing is expensive.

When I first woke up, the scenes in the dream and the characters in the dream were clearly visible. When these notes were mentioned, it gradually dissipated, leaving only a heavy boulder and pressed on my heart. Is it because of the Dragon Boat Festival? Since the memo, all holidays are unhappy, no gifts, and no blessings of loved ones. I am an extra existence, trying to please the adults to get a little good face. Why do you say adults instead of family? What is the home?

The backbone of the family is still cold, making people cry without tears. Yes, a psychologist said more than once that it can be cured by release of emotions. I can't, I can only rely on drugs to suppress the collapse frequently. Why do you want to give up treatment more than once and want to jump down more than once? Why is it unsuccessful? Hope is a cruel thing.

Some people say that the six relatives have a good blessing. I don't know if this is comforting. Or, the more desire the more you get, the easier it is to lose the size and the more you can't get it.

Dream, I really can't remember, try hard to remember only a headache. Is it a God's joke? Isn't it good to follow the fate? Saying good is not to bring your brains, but some things have become a habit of unknowingly. Such as ride, such as renting a house, such as dealing with some daily exchanges.

Dreams may also be inner anxiety. For the unknown tomorrow, for the annoyed yesterday, they did not enjoy the current down -to -earth. I have n’t watched social news for a long time, and it seems that doing so can be far away from the world. It has not been used for a long time, and mobile phones are only used to buy food and navigation. I thought such a life would be very comfortable, but not. Suddenly, I know why I dreamed, because the information came from my aunt a few days ago? Seems to be concerned, but there was a few inquiries in the words. Look, the more I don't want to ignore it, the more I want to escape, but it will always appear. Maybe this is the bond of family relationship. Although the parents have long said that there is no news is the best news. They also did well, but there were always people who had nothing to do. Perhaps, the six relatives are caused by yourself.

There seems to be more than one dream today, and I always wake up in the daytime. I have to say that the bed in this homestay is really comfortable, soft, and very large, as if I can get into it all at once. I think I still like this feeling of being wrapped, like a sense of security, but not like. The next moment I got up, the remaining temperature was still there, but I lost nostalgia. I think I'm still the dust, and there are still some people who haven't let go, otherwise why do you dream?

What is the Buddhist talked about six cleanliness? I can't remember it, and I don't want to check it. I only feel that if I can do it artificially, it must have a little compassion, it is better to take the decision of God. Some things are understood by experience. At that time, if the pain was extended, it was a robbery. Therefore, these days, the dreams of these years can not remember. Hundred years later, I do not re -exist. And a hundred years later, the Buddha just changed a wave of new believers.

What is the cultivation? Have you repaired it? I have suffered from some magic sticks, but I do n’t know how to live. Fortunately, it was not too poisonous to be poisoned early. In fact, when I recalls every step of the past, God is silently working. When you realize this, you have nothing to do with the faith, irrelevant to the three views, leaving only a smile. I see. In that for the rest of my life, there was only the rest of my life. Therefore, there is no way to cultivate and do not cultivate.

There may be a scream outside the window, which may also be my illusion. Occasionally, there was a sound of heavy objects that hit the ground, but the neighbors had already said that these days were gone. It doesn't matter, I don't even know where I was in the next moment, why don't you care about this? But these may also be because of my dream. So fragile, so sensitive, I don't like noisy.

I have to say that the place where you are now really amazing. I don't know why I came here, I just feel like I have some relationships. Could it be that the costume drama has been watched too much, which arouses the curiosity of exploring mystery? Then why not go to Bermuda, why not go to Thailand, why not go to Egypt? It may be that the economy is not allowed.

Will you dream again when you fall asleep? Presumably it shouldn't, I didn't plan to sleep, I just felt a headache when I woke up. I'm afraid it's not a cold, right?

The night wind is slightly cool, and occasionally there will be a sparse sound of the tour group downstairs. Oh, it's time to enter the peak tourist season, and I should also find a quieter and more remote place.

I just don't know if they will dream.


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