Some people in the workplace do whatever they do like old oxen. He is also very tired, and he also works hard, but it seems that he has no credit. Why is this?

Generally, the process of volume changes is accumulated, and at the final juncture, or the amount of amount of time, is intercepted by others.

Think about whether there is such a situation: someone is very serious about doing something, but the leader said to change your job for you, or do something other so -called important things now, and then the newly replaced person will quickly do Performance?

After this situation, we may give all the rewards and honors to the latecomers, and avoid the original person to avoid talking, or directly say that he is a bit stupid, and has not improved for so long.

Regardless of this behavior is intentional or unintentional, in my opinion, it cannot ignore the original volume change process, otherwise it will lead to the fault of talents.

Think about it, can a company not deal with such problems objectively, will those old scalpels keep staying? Obviously not. At that time, when you let these so -called successful people create the next success, there may be completely different results, or they will be tired, some tedious and hard -working short -time work, they are unwilling to do. A variety of reasons or requirements will be made.

There are people who are icing on the cake, and it is difficult for 10,000 people to send charcoal in the snow. Those who are tirelessly reclaim are the old oxen of an enterprise, and the gloriousness in the flower clusters will attract many people as long as one channel.

I think those who talk about special management skills or operating skills on the stage are actually not qualified managers or operators. They ignored the work of these old scalpels, ignored the huge role of long -term changes, and despised such people in my heart.

The development and destruction of anything is not a matter of overnight. It is a process from birth to growth. It is also a process from expansion to destruction. He will not work immediately with the emotions of people, but he cannot escape the rules of destruction.

In the past, no matter if I work in any business, I will not look down on those unknown people, nor will I start arrogant because I have achieved a little results, and then divide people into three or six or nine. For example, if someone has a weak transaction ability, it has been traced to a customer for a long time but has not been traded for a long time, but it will be sold after transferring to me. If you are someone else, you will definitely pull all the credit into your arms. But I am different. I think this is just a force in the final stage of deterioration.

While enjoying applause, I know that he is the most important stage at the stage of tracking the service. If he did not pay a lot of time and energy tracking service, I would not be able to deal with the other party in a few minutes.

Unfortunately, the platform does not understand this principle. The concept of result -oriented has always made me glorious, but it is also the process of dismantling the table. I do n’t care about the ownership, and I do n’t care about the money. He seems to have no credit. He also respects each other as always.

It ’s just that everyone knows this truth. Of course, the rules of the wolf are not wrong, but it must be wrong with the same equivalent, because the wolf is a wolf, and how to change will not become a person.

I made a little money but lost people's hearts, lost trust, and no more terrible than this.

I organized customers to share this truth deeply, so I did not publicize myself from the beginning. I only propagated them, racked their brains to discover their advantages, and continued to amplify on the platform.

Why do I do this in the era of the Internet in the Internet one by one, why do I do this?

The reason is simple, the moonlight has few stars, and the sun is bright. The purpose of my organization is to cultivate a concept. The more successful sharing, the more successful, that is, to form a trend of sharing and promotion. While customers gain respect and understanding, they can also create personal awareness and influence. Can get effective methods and skills from practice.

Although it has been spent for a long time, it can also be considered that there is no money. However, due to the continuous accumulation of self -beliefs and the characteristics of repeated communication, all customers can share these values.

I think the most important of all factors is the ranking first, and it should be respecting users. Only when users gain respect can he truly contribute intelligence and various abilities for this.

The way to respect the user is to correct themselves. He is an organizer and a problem solving the channel, not a substitute or a rule destroyer.

Secondly, I think the mechanism is first and personnel second. What does that mean? Consciousness is to formulate a sustainable development mechanism on the basis of practice, rather than relying on someone.

In this way, even if a person has a major problem, it will not cause any problems due to the survival of health mechanisms. In projects without circulating health mechanisms, they can only rely on people and restrict people.

Again, the key to gathering people is to gather people's hearts, and the key to gathering people's hearts is the sense of presence and achievement of customers. Some people think that customers should be used as high as high, and their lives are obeyed. Some people think that they should treat customers as ignorant children, and to teach them.

I think these two extremes are incorrect. It is not how much the internal employees need to be, but how much a stage for external customers.

Finally, I think that everything ultimately serves the strategic goals of the enterprise. Any form of solidification or things that are not conducive to this strategic goal are worthy of scrutiny.

All in all, the Internet era is the age of users. Whoever respects users and gives users a bigger stage will gain real advantages in the future. Respecting users is to respect the amount of users. Many companies pay too much attention to quality changes. Instead, they have no good face to the amount of users. In fact, this is a waste of paper.

Because after others have completed the majority of the amount of quantitative changes, you can just make the qualitative change when you just promote it. From ancient times to the present, anyone who created a great cause is a person who has changed the amount to people's hearts.

Because of this, we not only grasped the essence of things, but also met the way of people's hearts in the process of promoting the development of things. We know that no matter how great their careers are, after all, it is made of countless small forces. We understand that the amount of quantitative changes to qualitative changes is not happening overnight, but that time is needed to precipitate and continue to accumulate.

In our eyes, every tiny progress and every small attempt are the key to promoting the development of things. We are not satisfied with the status quo, we always pursue higher goals, and to promote the transformation of quantitative changes with unremitting efforts.

At the same time, they also know the power of people. We understand that the great cause is not a one -person power to complete, but the union of everyone. Therefore, we are always good at listening to the voices of others and understanding the needs of others, so as to find the best way to impress and make more people willing to follow them to create a great cause together.

Our wisdom and courage can always find the best balance point in the process of promoting the change of volume. We will neither be too impatient nor too conservative, but we always maintain a sober mind and firm belief, and go forward bravely until we achieve great goals.

Therefore, we should both understand how to accumulate tiny power and promote the development of things; we must also be good at grasping people's hearts and find the best way to move people's hearts. Only in this way can we continue to achieve the amount of quantitative change into the quality of quality on the road of life, creating a great cause that belongs to our own.

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