Most recently, on June 4, Quang Ninh Pediatric Hospital announced that on June 3-6, they received and are treating a 7-year-old child in a state of multiple organ failure, requiring dialysis. In addition, another 4-year-old child died upon arrival at the hospital.

According to the investigation, two children accompanied their parents to a villa in the Sunperia urban area, 5A zone, Bai Chay ward, Ha Long city, Quang Ninh province. The family, who are permanent residents of Cam Pha city, came to Ha Long city for recreation. In the area where the villa is located, there is a swimming pool. Due to negligence, the parents did not notice the child leading to the child falling into the water resulting in the tragic consequences mentioned above. After discovering, the family took the two children to the hospital. However, due to the critical condition, the child was transferred to Quang Ninh Pediatric Hospital. The hospital received the small girl born in 2020 who died outside the hospital. The older child born in 2017 is being actively cared for by Quang Ninh Pediatric Hospital but is in a state of multiple organ failure requiring dialysis. The incident is currently being investigated by the authorities of Ha Long city to clarify and handle it according to the law.

A few days earlier in Quang Ninh, a similar incident was recorded at a water park. Specifically, on June 2, the authorities recorded a case of a 7-year-old girl suffering brain death while playing in the water at the Quang Ninh Gate tourist area in Binh Duong commune, Dong Trieu town. According to the initial investigation by the authorities, around 9:00 on June 2, child K and her grandmother went to the Quang Ninh Gate tourist area to play. In the afternoon of the same day, child K was playing in the underwater play area in this complex when the incident occurred. The rescue team at the Quang Ninh Gate play area conducted initial rescue and took the child to the medical center of Dong Trieu town for emergency treatment. Child K was then transferred to the Central Children's Hospital. Upon receiving information about the incident, the authorities of Dong Trieu town conducted an inspection and initially determined that while moving to the children's pool, child K slipped into the adult pool with a depth of about 1.5 meters. Subsequently, the child was found in critical condition. The incident is being further investigated by the Dong Trieu town police.

June 1 is International Children's Day, but it seems that the early days of June are turning into a nightmare for children. At 17:00 on June 2, residents of Thanh Oai district, Hanoi city, reported an incident of a 5-year-old boy living near Thuy Dinh lake in Binh Minh commune, Thanh Oai district, accidentally falling into the water and drowning. Upon receiving the information, the police, in coordination with the local authorities, immediately deployed a large force to search for the child. By the evening of June 2, the body of the unfortunate child was found, and handed over to the family for funeral arrangements. A series of drowning incidents, tragedies involving young children, are sounding the alarm about the responsibility of those involved in preventing such incidents, with the biggest responsibility lying with adults, especially parents in families. After the recent incident of two children falling into a pool in Ha Long city, there have been many criticisms online about the parents' negligence and indifference.

Why would anyone let their child play in a dangerous place like a water pool without paying attention? Regretting now is too late. However, the responsibility of family members, even if accompanied by anger, cannot change what has happened. The children who have died cannot be brought back to life, and the critically ill children are hanging by a thread. The important thing is that we must prevent rather than treat, the risk of drowning is always lurking everywhere, from swimming pools in the city to rivers, lakes, and streams in rural or mountainous areas. Every year, nearly 2000 children in the country die from drowning. This is a pressing issue for the whole community, leaving deep pain for parents, families, and society.

According to experts, the main causes of many drowning incidents in Vietnam are the natural environment that poses many accident risks, especially drowning accidents for children. Vietnam has a long coastline, complex terrain, and a dense network of rivers, lakes, and ponds. Some areas have winding rivers and canals, many ponds, and waterways with difficult traffic. In addition, the family and community environment still have many factors that do not ensure safety and can cause children to drown. In many places, there is uncovered water, many construction projects without barriers, lack of signs at water bodies, or failure to fill in water pits after construction. Many irrigation ponds in agricultural areas, residential areas without safety measures, river sections with deep and swirling water near residential areas without barriers, lack of warning signs of danger.

The river and lake embankment system is designed with dangerous slopes. In addition, there are cases where parents and caregivers do not realize the importance of water drowning prevention, do not pay attention to creating a safe environment for children, lack knowledge and skills in preventing and combating child drowning, are negligent and irresponsible, do not regularly remind and supervise children, many children lack water safety skills, do not know how to swim safely. Due to lack of skills, these children do not recognize the dangerous water environment, still swim down without knowing how to indirectly rescue, jump in directly to rescue when they see someone drowning, leading to multiple deaths at once.

Despite the strong propaganda about drowning prevention by the media and functional agencies, specific incidents continue to occur. Faced with this reality, urgent solutions need to be put in place to prevent drowning incidents. In addition to strengthening communication efforts, preventing drowning incidents requires more attention to promoting swimming skills, survival skills when encountering whirlpools or rough waves, especially for children in river areas. Accidents are unpredictable, even adults cannot watch over children 24/7, so each child needs to equip themselves with the skills to handle dangerous situations.

Currently, schools and residential areas have regular propaganda sessions on the risks of drowning and how to handle falling into the water, the most important thing is to remain calm, not panic, as panicking makes it easier to lose strength and direction to save oneself. After that, parents should send their young children to learn to swim as early as possible to equip them with basic water survival skills, at least to keep themselves afloat, wait for rescue, especially in areas where dangerous phenomena such as strong currents or whirlpools occur, they need special skills to escape.

In addition to the responsibility of adults to pay special attention to children in areas with water, there needs to be special advertising about potential drowning areas such as rivers, streams, ponds, lakes, deep water, and whirlpools. For swimming pools, only swim where there are lifeguards and rescue equipment, and comply with the pool regulations. When taking children swimming, always stay close to watch and monitor them. When swimming in the sea or rivers, whether one knows how to swim or not, it is best to swim near the shore, especially in the sea, only swim in designated safe areas, follow safety regulations when participating in water transportation, such as wearing life jackets. When detecting a drowning person, remain calm, call for help, and immediately call the fire and rescue police at 114.

When bringing a drowning victim ashore, calmly assess the victim's condition. In cases where the victim is unconscious with no pulse or breathing, apply immediate cardiopulmonary resuscitation, persist until the victim's heartbeat returns, then quickly take the victim to the nearest medical facility. In cases where the victim is conscious and breathing when brought ashore, dry and warm them, take them to a medical facility for observation and treatment. The most painful thing for humans is still the parents and families, they may be at fault for being careless, but the best way is to stop blaming and condemning. This does not solve the problem, society becomes better. Each of us has moments of neglect because no one is perfect.

The best way is to pay more attention to our children, especially during summer when the risk of drowning is just one of the constant issues. There are many other potential accidents that need to be cautious about to prevent regrettable incidents and keep smiles on the innocent faces of children, rather than tears of regret from parents.

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