Sixth ancestors from bamboo pictures of the Southern Song Dynasty Liang Kai

First of all, congratulations to the opening of the Gao Jimin Museum of Culture in the Shaanxi Yellow River Cultural Museum in Jiaxian County, Yulin City. Mr. Gao Jimin's works are displayed here. It is hoped that this event will make the audience pay attention to China's new Zen paintings and promote the more breadth of their works.

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Gao Jimin is born in the ancient city of northern Shaanxi. He is located in the throat of nine songs and eighteen bends of the Yellow River. It has the famous monuments such as Xiangfu Temple, Yunyan Temple, and Baiyun Temple. The engineering school laid a solid foundation for the artistic road. Working in the cultural department of the army, coincidentally, a number of famous Chinese paintings such as Huang Yan, He Youzhi, Liu Jier, Shao Yu, Lin Kai, etc., took care of their living life, dazzling ears, and improvement in their careers and skills. From the transfer of the army to the Chongqing Publishing House as an art editor, he showed his skills in the field of comics.

Eight Immortals

In the year of knowing life, he was associated with the painter You Jiuhua Mountain and the monk Wei and the mage. Because of the phrase of the mage, "two hands pinch the earth mountains and rivers and rub it into the air. The Zen couplet of swallowing into the belly and letting the light is enlightened, throwing away the inherent ideas in the past, running through its own conscious paintings, determining the research and exploration of Zen painting, establishing its own independent style, and constantly innovating and stretching in the field of Zen figure painting. Essence Just as he wrote in the poem "Super Delivery": "Looking at the universe to participate in the law, the eyes are unusual, Qimei Xiamu Arahant, a punch breaks the ancient and modern style."

Figure: "Luo Han Tu", Right: Guanxiu "Sixteen Luo Han Map"

Gao Jimin's most expressive work theme is Zen figure paintings. He takes the ancients of the mage, from ancient freehand families such as Guanxiu, Shi Ke, and Liang Kai, who learned the brushstrokes and wild strokes. The charm. He depends on the image of his own meditation, and he uses the ink to transport the pen.

Guan Xiu is thick and simple, and the bones are moving with the unknown mammatic and strong, and the paintings are full of high spirit and the beauty of madness. Gao Jimin is simple and honest, humble and sincere, but he is very different from Guan Xiu. He follows the road of peace, leisurely and leisurely. Rich, desire to come out, have an optimistic, open -minded and free interest, and more in line with the aesthetic taste and mental state of modern people.

Gao Jimin and his wife Zheng Xiangxian and his son

Gao Jimin is particularly known as Luo Han, and is called "Gao Luohan". In mid -April, I went to his Wangshanju Studio to visit. He presented me "Gao Gao Xingwang -Gao Jimin Zen Poetry", and returned to Wuhan to read slowly. , "The same" wonderful ", the pure and comfortable situation is called" wonderful soil "," 玅 玅 玅 "is the pursuit of a kind of realm. It can be seen that its "practice" is compatible with Zen and Confucianism. Express his personal temperament.


His meditation paintings and literati paintings have an inextricable bond. His calligraphy is highly ancient, simple and humble, and it is difficult to write such inaction, freedom and looseness in his writing. The calligraphy is complemented by the poems with the paintings painted, integrated, bland and innocent, and interesting.


Zen is sufficient with the original heart of the original heart. Just as "" "Green Luo brushed his placket, Hongmo went up. Forgetting the two across the mountains, Fengyueyi loves ". The collection of poems also has the first" Ancient Wind " -" I don't envy the ancient wind and wind of the Han Dynasty, but Xue Liang Kai and Guan Xiu. Shumu Single paintings long rolls, and the romantic is self -romantic. "This is the painter's self -demeanor, talking about his own teachers, how to learn how to paint and innovate, and I can forget what to do. The creation comes from Vientiane to learn the wonderfulness, expressing it in the heart, naturally hearty . "Xueya Gumei", "Searching for Zen", "Drunk Luo Han" and "Zhong Yan Tu" and other diverse paintings have peeped into the true meaning.

Mr. Gao has attracted the successful experience of the traditional freehand character painting so far in the Tang and Song dynasties, and uses his own meditation to obtain an image with his own meditation. He combined the ancient style with modernity, brushed away the decoration, and strived for innocence; he adopted a dynamic instability composition to make the picture more dynamic and tension; he used rough and powerful strokes, with concise and expressive lines; The texture and rhythm make the picture more rhythmic; he pays attention to leisure and interest, incorporates Zen, and expresses rich connotations through simple form and image; It has its own unique style. He is honest, tolerant, and to believe in Buddhism. He believes in the process of painting as a practice, the experience of Zen science, the process of purifying the soul, and improving his art. It is the spiritual light of Zen, which is natural and natural, making his work freely and chic.

The big brief technique is immersed in the soul in an instant, and in the shock, you will feel the call of the original power. Although the pen and ink seem to be simple, the characters painted by a few strokes are the same as the character. This method of writing gods does not lose shape and can be accepted, which is actually extremely difficult to do.

"Luohan Remnant"

The complexity is simplified, and the truth is Zen. Without deep observation and experience of things, it is impossible to reflect that "observation of things", and it is impossible to reach the transcendent state of "natural natural". There is no clear and well -being of the world, it is difficult to experience the kind of "avenue to simplicity". Huang Tingjian in the Song Dynasty said: "I did n’t taste painting, but I knew the meritorious meritorious merits, and learned that the Tao was not annoying. So I watched the pictures and learned about their clever workers. , Self -evidence of self -evidence, Mr. Gao is still singing and calm on the road of Zen -scholars and Zen poetry.

Gao Jimin, born in 1939, was the director of the Art Editorial Office of Chongqing Publishing House and senior editorial review. He is currently a member of the Chinese Artists Association, a researcher in Li Keran Painting Academy, a consultant of the Chongqing Chinese Painting Society and the Yuzhou Painting Academy. He has successively served as president of Chongqing Chinese Poetry, Painting and Calligraphy Research Association and the president of Chongqing Modern Zen Painting Academy. Divine Fa Guan Xiu, Liang Kai, chasing ancient wind Zen, and splashing ink capital is the representative of the art of contemporary Zen painting in China. His creations have participated in large -scale painting exhibitions at home and abroad, and the work "Fingers of the Bright Lantern" participated in the National American Exhibition. Edited "Rongbaozhai Chinese Painting Clearance Collection" and "Zhongnanhai Collection Painting Collection". He has held personal painting exhibitions in the United States, Japan, Singapore, Guangzhou, and Chongqing. There are many collections of paintings. Among them, "Gao Jimin Zen Painting" recently published in Oxford, UK, and was introduced to the Western world in the Western world.

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