The day before yesterday, the niece of the 20th Fang Fang and my parents ended and went to Haidilao to eat hot pot. When I just ordered the dishes, my brother called the niece and asked her where she was eating hot pot. Come here (pay).

When he was eaten halfway, his brother appeared. He was still working overtime on the weekend. He was very energetic. When he was sitting, he said that he was preparing a national -level technical title to answer, so he would be busy these days.

The niece was born of her brother and ex -wife. Since her parents divorced, her mother took her to live alone. Grandpa and grandma were the main helpers. I was still drifting outside and loved her very much, so she had been related to her aunt since she was a child. Yes, I used to be very harsh to her before. I always thought that grandparents were too fond of her at that time, but in retrospect, it was precisely because of the incomplete family that grandparents and her mother had doubled her love and tolerance. Come to soothe the lack of father's role in life, and now she has a very close relationship with Grandpa.

What is very warm is that she has fallen into the door since she was a child, and now she has grown into a very intimate little cotton jacket. She knows how to take care of everyone. When she ate hot pot yesterday, she was serving everyone and cooked vegetables in the pot. After cooking, put it in our bowls.

After her dad came, she ate a few chopsticks and looked up at her daughter. She said coldly: Are you my baby?

My brother said half of the truth. When the niece was small, the hair was very dense, but the hair was soft and soft. In addition, she was used to staying up late to grind the foreign workers (doing homework) in elementary school. The strong hair of her dad seemed a little less. I helped hit the round field, but I was very uncomfortable. I saw that my niece had no response, so I finished eating the meal.

Because the niece is studying at the university, there is a discount of 20 % off Haidilao. Her dad asked her to buy the sheet. Originally, Grandpa wanted to invite everyone to eat. Your dad will send you a big red envelope.

Sure enough. It's just the interaction between father and daughter, and some caregivers are at the same time.

My brother drove us back to our house, took something to eat at home, let us bring us, and left. After going upstairs, I taught my niece to make Fka Xia. This was the last time she returned to her grandparents' house and mentioned the food I wanted to make, so I made my face early in the morning. I can only accompany her in this way, and to do something with her to improve the relationship between each other.

When I was a Fokatha, I always thought about what my brother said to his niece. I was a little sad in my heart. Although I particularly understood my brother’s situation, he stepped up from the bottom to become a strong person in the professional field. He also hopes that the tiger father has no dog and daughter. When his daughter does not meet the standard of the tiger girl, he can accept it, but his expectations will be passed to the people around him in various ways.

Of course, he could only sigh about my "unreliable" sister. Having said that in the past few years, I did not see him smiling for me. When I smiled at him, his expression felt like看一个“疯子”,当然我认为他是用这种方式在提醒我,要“靠谱”起来,虽然我心里也有不舒服,也尝试会去与他沟通,但不会因此而怀怨,因为I know who I am and what I am doing.

When the niece introduced me a film "The Heart of the Swimming", when she showed me the introduction video, the blogger mentioned that "the four women face different difficulties in the film to make different choices. During the transmission of courage, I broke the defense, and tears kept flowing in my eyes.

After doing Fhaxia, the niece packed and saw a friend. In terms of what she did and arranged, we gave her full freedom and respect. Originally, my junior high school classmates invited me to gather, because the niece first made an appointment to be a Buddhaka, so I refused. In this matter, I also expressed understanding and support.

The niece left me to send her to the station routinely. This is our retaining program. As long as I am at home, I will send her when she returns and leaves. Talk at will. This time, I asked her what she felt about what Dad said today. I first told her that I was particularly sensitive and would care about this, but I found that everyone faced the same thing. The feelings were very different, and their views were different, so I wanted to hear what she thought.

My niece's answer made me very moved. She said that Dad felt that she would not speak to her like this, would she be too busy with too much pressure? Then I asked her if she was not uncomfortable? She said she was uncomfortable, but nothing. This sentence made me feel that my child was emotionally responded, so I continued to ask her what was uncomfortable? She said that I have been born and already existed. Whose child has something to do with him, but I feel that this sentence is very disrespectful to my mother. I didn't continue to ask again, because I already knew that the child was not a bad feeling for her father's words, but I just suppressed that let myself not count.

So I told her that everyone was worthy of being treated well, especially my relatives. I have already said that when my grandparents do not have a good attitude towards me, I will feel bad Communication, and such communication in turn helps them, knowing how to treat others well, if you do not communicate in these conditions, you can only continue this situation. At the same time, I felt sorry inside, and felt that I did not protect my niece, but I knew she was an adult. This was a problem between her and her father. I could give suggestions, but I couldn't intervene in solving them.

Just after I expressed these, I also sent her to the subway station. The niece's eyes were a bit wet. I don't know what part of her touched her. I know she is also very sensitive. I can understand it, but I feel distressed for her sensible. I do n’t want to bear the one that she should not bear because of this. Her homework can improve step by step, just like what I do.

Everyone does not need much, but only Ere, but the need is really priceless, only Ail. Only when we first know what love is, at the same time, because we love our own love, we can understand and understand our own possession and lack. Create the field and environment of love.

May we all go on this road!

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