Not finished, don't know if it's a coincidence or not, when some Buddhist monks giving lectures here are disciplined for lectures causing negative reactions on the internet, typical of Venerable Thich Chan Quang. So what happened to Angela Phuong Trinh and whether this actress is related to Venerable Thich Chan Quang or not?

On Angela Phuong Trinh's personal page, she continuously posts articles criticizing the practice of meditation of Thich Minh Tue with harsh words and a sharp tone. She mocks by saying that this is a movie and sees Thich Minh Tue as an actor, even calling those with different views as enemies. Opposing opinions are considered dirty media. These are words that make the online community angry with the reckless and unacceptable speech of a mature woman, about to turn 30.

In addition, another article by Angela Phuong Trinh is considered to distort and divide, insulting religion. South Korea has succeeded in eradicating Buddhism and is about to come to Vietnam, if Buddhist monks are not strong enough to prepare everything, soon in Vietnam there will only be churches. This is an act of religious division contrary to the principle of freedom of belief and respect for beliefs that the Party and the State aim for. Angela Phuong Trinh's outspokenness has made the public angry, many viewers have requested the authorities to clarify the situation soon.

Some comments from the online community are as follows: Angela Phuong Trinh has few talents and many flaws, needs to be handled properly. Foul language has been punished before but still, the same behavior continues, it is unacceptable for a woman about to turn 30 to behave recklessly and speak thoughtlessly on social media, authorities need to clarify and punish Angela Phuong Trinh. If there are violations, culture cannot be tarnished like this, the cultural management agency must have appropriate sanctions against Angela Phuong Trinh before the strong reaction from the online community. Angela Phuong Trinh has disabled comments on her personal account and Fanpage with a blue tick. Amidst the criticism from netizens, Angela Phuong Trinh continues to operate normally on social media, not only that, she continues to post new controversial articles.

Currently on Angela Phuong Trinh's Facebook page, comments are disabled, while on Instagram she no longer disables comments and has enabled this feature in the latest post. Angela Phuong Trinh's actions have made the online community more angry, many people think she is challenging public opinion, has not acknowledged her mistakes, some even doubt the psychological state of the actress born in 1995 when she continues to post controversial articles. Faced with the turmoil on social media, the Department of Information and Communication of Ho Chi Minh City has intervened and stated that they will verify this incident. Angela Phuong Trinh's real name is Le Ngoc Phuong Trinh, born in 1995 in Ho Chi Minh City, she became widely known when she took on a leading role in the movie "Mui Ngoc Gai" at the age of 10.

In the following years, she continued to star in a series of popular TV series such as "Linh Lan Trang", "Thứ Ba Học Trò", "Áo Cưới Thiên Đường", "Mùa Hè Sôi Động", especially the sitcom "Người Mẹ Nhí" which made her name when she was still very young. With natural acting, mischievous and intelligent cuteness, she left a deep impression on the audience. In recent years, Angela Phuong Trinh has had almost no works and no contributions to art and entertainment. However, since she rose to fame as a child actress to adulthood, she has often created waves of public opinion with scandals. At the age of 17, Angel Phuong Trinh continuously caused a stir by showing excessive skin, being accused of dropping out of school from grade 9 without graduating from secondary school, and undergoing plastic surgery.

In mid-2012, Angela Phuong Trinh faced opposition for posing in lingerie ads with provocative poses while still a minor. She also stirred controversy with statements that a billionaire offered to pay $20,000 to meet her for 20 minutes, or declaring readiness to undergo virginity tests when suspected of being involved in a thousand-dollar prostitution ring of My Xuan. In 2013, the bar where Angela Phuong Trinh performed was fined 3.5 million VND for appearing in a super short outfit, showing off her bare legs. Many bar patrons called her the "Vietnamese Can Lộ Lộ", not only singing, Angela Phuong Trinh also performed pole dances to provoke.

In 2014, Angela Phuong Trinh was involved in a scandal with cosmetic giant Trieu Quoc Thai. She revealed that she was threatened by him with releasing nude photos if she ended the relationship, she also announced that she would return the luxury handbag and half of the money he supported her to buy a new 6 billion VND car, but instead the cosmetic surgeon had to pay her for using her image without consent to advertise for his cosmetic surgery clinic.

Amidst many scandals, in 2018, Angela Phuong Trinh announced her departure from the entertainment industry to seek refuge in Buddhism. Followers often see the actress posting pictures of herself meditating at the temple and doing charity work, surrounded by controversies surrounding Angela Phuong Trinh. Not stopping there, there is a lot of information that this actress is related to Venerable Thich Chan Quang, who was recently reprimanded by the Vietnam Buddhist Church for lectures that distort the truth with a strong superstitious and anti-scientific color, such as saying that swinging is to destroy all the virtues of sentient beings; Anyone who sings karaoke a lot is at risk of becoming a ghost, or like when young people love to travel to many places, when they return they will be paralyzed in one place, that is karma. These arguments cause outrage in the online community because they can distort the thinking of an entire generation, which is very dangerous.

On Angela Phuong Trinh's personal Facebook page with a blue tick, she often posts articles supporting and sharing the lectures of Venerable Thich Chan Quang and the Buddhist meditation at Phat Quang where this monk presides. It is noteworthy that on May 30, this page even shared a video of a lecture by Thay Chan Quang saying that anyone lying under the air conditioner in the hot sun is evil, is a sin against nature. She even affirmed that opposing opinions are dirty media, causing thousands of people to flood the angry emoji symbolizing heavy criticism, some even compare Angela Phuong Trinh and Thich Chan Quang to a pot calling the kettle black, implying that the teacher and student are alike.

Therefore, Angela Phuong Trinh's criticism of Thich Minh Tue's walking meditation is consistent with the teachings of Thich Chan Quang when this monk also had lectures calling Thay Minh Tue with provocative and disrespectful tones. Venerable Thich Chan Quang is also a highly educated person with a doctorate in law, but he has also caused quite a few scandals during the Covid pandemic, he was criticized for posting clips of his disciples swallowing earthworms, causing disgust. Later, Angela Phuong Trinh also posted articles on social media saying that earthworms, also known as earth dragons, can treat Covid-19. In response to this information, the Ministry of Health has confirmed that there is no scientific basis for using earthworms or extracts from earthworms to treat Covid-19, so the authorities had to strictly handle those who continue to spread this false information.

Angela Phuong Trinh is asking for forgiveness, I apologize and I did not say that earthworms can cure Covid-19. Currently, I only share the good uses of earthworms, related to the incident on Phuong Trang's personal page, Angela Phuong Trinh's younger sister, on June 2, recently posted a long article about the actress. She said that her older sister is no longer the sister she knew before, she said that she is currently the main source of income in the family and has to take care of the business and lives of the employees. She spoke out to protect those unrelated who are affected by the contrary actions of her sister Angela Phuong Chinh.

Immediately after that, Angela Phuong Trinh's biological mother also shared Phuong Trang's article with a caption stating that her daughter is being misled and led to speak incorrectly, causing a stir in the online community. Although the family advised, the actress did not change, besides, she has not contacted her mother for two years, the former female star also apologized to the online community for her daughter's actions, even though they have not been in contact for two years, the mother affirmed that she still loves her daughter. Although the mother has been angry with her daughter for two years, not speaking, but the mother has not stopped loving her daughter, now the mother and daughter and everyone are always thinking about the daughter's return. On the afternoon of June 6, Angela Phuong Trinh shared a long article on her personal fan page.

In it, she apologizes for the controversies related to Thich Minh Tue, correcting some information she believed to be inaccurate. At the beginning of the article, Angela Phuong Trinh asserts that she has not lost contact for the past two years as shared by family members before. The actress revealed that she still meets with her younger sister, goes for coffee, or participates in events, even shooting commercials with her mother. Regarding statements related to Venerable Thich Chan Quang, Angela Phuong Trinh affirms that she has never met the teacher privately and has never had a private conversation, meaning that there are only two teacher-student relationships as shared by the online community.

Currently, the relationship between Angela Phuong Trinh and her family as well as whether she is a close disciple of Venerable Thich Chan Quang or not has not been clarified. However, the authorities have intervened to handle this media scandal thoroughly as a famous person, Angela Phuong Trinh has violated ethical standards, showing a lack of understanding of Buddhist teachings. However, she has used her influence to spread misinformation, causing confusion in public opinion. It is believed that there should be strict sanctions in these cases so that similar incidents do not recur.

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