Whichever level of wind you encounter, you will only meet those levels; if you cling to outdated thinking, wealth will only be a dream. Therefore, to reach success, you must first liberate yourself from outdated mindsets and learn the habits of the wealthy. Many of us have wished to become rich, yet we do not know how to achieve wealth or simply advance in our careers. Many experts also note that the biggest difference between the rich and the poor lies in their mindsets and the difficult-to-break habits. To change your life, you must first adopt the habits of the wealthy and then use the mindset of the wealthy to earn money; this is an extremely important rule for successful people.

The number of Jews in the world is only 16 million, accounting for less than 0.25% of the global population. However, they are dubbed the smartest race in the world, and this is not baseless; there have been specific studies, particularly noting that the number of Jewish millionaires accounts for one-third in the United States, with 18 out of the top 40 Americans on Forbes' list being Jewish. Throughout history, most financial moguls, industrialists, bankers, and world-class scientists have been Jewish. For example, the artist Picasso, scientist Albert Einstein, and oil billionaire Rockefeller. The key to Jewish success lies in a book called the second Bible, which has become their guiding principle, mentioning four exemplary lessons to help you quickly become wealthy and successful.

1. Do not give children the opportunity to rely on others

According to the Thamus Bible, a wealthy person should focus on educating their children rather than worrying about dividing inheritance. Every parent wants to provide the best for their children, not letting them suffer hardships. However, it is essential to educate children about the value of money; even if they grow up in wealth, they must learn to save and not waste money. At the same time, parents should not allow their children to rely on them; they must teach the virtues of hard work and perseverance.

In reality, the harm of allowing children to be too dependent and wasteful has occurred in many families. There are no effective educational methods when there is too much wealth; many billionaires have various interesting ways to address this issue. For instance, donating a large portion of their wealth to society and leaving little money for their children. Bill Gates once stated that he would not leave a large inheritance for his children because he does not think it would be good for them.

2. Hard work pays off

Your life will become easier if you choose to work hard and push yourself to do something to the best of your ability. No difficulty can hinder those who are poor, lacking resources, or supportive relationships in life. Hard work is the greatest capital they can use to turn around difficult situations. Without diligence, everything you desire will only be fanciful, including becoming wealthy. In fact, many poor people are not weak; they often have ambition and exceptional abilities, but most of them do not change their fate.

Worse still, they must endure a lifetime of poverty, the main reason being that these individuals only want to sit back and enjoy the fruits of others' labor, seeking shortcuts without working hard. The vast ocean is formed from tiny water droplets, and a long journey begins with a single step. If you want to achieve real development, you need to experience it practically while gradually accumulating experience and improving your abilities. In this process, a solid foundation will be built; the more complete the process and the more persistent your efforts, the richer the achievements will be. Everything comes from accumulating little by little, and only when you accumulate enough can you do it easily. Those with a clear mind know that they need to work hard, and only those willing to work hard can acquire real skills.

Everyone's time and energy are limited; true masters often do not strive to seek more but seek refinement by focusing on a specific field. Persistently taking one step at a time to accumulate experience and refine oneself is how you truly progress. Maintaining a calm demeanor and harnessing your inner strength is the shortest path to success. In this world, no success is easy, and no sweet fruit can be obtained easily; behind all brilliant successes is the hard work and perseverance of a person. Progressing little by little on your own path and achieving little by little is the ideal state.

3. The 91 Rule of the Jews

In 2020, due to the impact of COVID-19, many people suffered both physically and mentally. The pressure increased daily, causing many to lose sight of the future and even lose faith. Below is the 91 Rule of the Jews that helps us find hope from despair and opens up a promising future. A Jewish businessman told a poor egg seller that if he picked up 10 eggs every morning and put them in a basket every night, taking out nine eggs from that basket, what would happen? After a while, the egg seller replied that the basket would be full of eggs. After some time, the wealthy businessman asked further: Why? The egg seller replied that because every day he had one more egg in the basket than the day before. At this point, the businessman calmly said: Now I will teach you a secret to becoming wealthy.

No matter how much money you earn each day, you must save a portion of what you earn. For example, if you earn 10 dollars today, you must save 1 dollar. If you earn 100 dollars tomorrow, save 10 dollars. If you start doing this, a wealthy future will await you. He continued: Never underestimate what I say as simple and mock it because I became wealthy today thanks to the 91 Rule. Simply put, the 91 Rule means that your expenses should not exceed 90% of your total income; if you persist in doing this for a while, alongside escaping poverty, you will also have savings for your future.

The truth is that we always like to spend money when our income is limited; many people, even with high salaries, still struggle financially by the age of 40 because they do not know how to save. Therefore, the lesson that leads to wealth is not exclusive to anyone; it is to never underestimate the money you have just saved. Wealth is not created overnight; it is the result of many years of hard work and persistent effort. Difficulties are inevitable, but if you do not dare to rise, you will never find opportunities for yourself. The secret to gaining luck and the wealth-building mindset of the Jews is that both life experiences and money must be accumulated little by little. Over time, we not only become affluent but also gain wonderful experiences; success will belong to those who know how to prepare and persist in working towards their goals while also knowing how to save.

4. Overcome the machine-like work ethic

In the Thamus Bible, there is a classic admonition: "If you want to become wealthy, just working hard is not enough." Since ancient times, Jews have believed that if you want to get rich, relying solely on strength is insufficient. You must have both intelligence and mindset. Three things can be drawn from the Thamus Bible as follows: First, money breeds money. Many poor people do not know how to increase their wealth; they only know how to save money blindly. Money breeding money is the fastest way to earn money; you can choose to invest in stocks or buy gold, thus your wealth will accumulate quickly and naturally.

Second, it is about thoughtful thinking; for many, poverty makes them feel they can earn a lot of money. As change and development occur rapidly, people face many challenges. Therefore, everyone needs to think carefully before making any decisions.

Third, apply the investment mindset; the things you need to invest in are health, family, and education. Those who spend more time learning each year become superior to ordinary people. The investment mindset can take you far; therefore, Jews often adhere to a saying: in business, it is expensive and only for the rich, meaning money is in the hands of the wealthy. In reality, you will see more and more wise people and companies targeting wealthy customers or business partners.

Among the 22% of the wealthy in the world, training course consultants will put in more effort and enthusiasm to win diamond clients. Ordinary people who want to achieve great accomplishments must understand a truth: even in the same profession, the income gap between individuals can be significant. This depends on whether the customers we serve are rich or ordinary. To become someone, you must first find ways to get closer to that person, and only then can you accumulate wealth faster and have opportunities for advancement in your career.

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