The latest since May 28 North Korea has dropped the balloons filled with garbage across the border into Korea. Until June 9, Korea said North Korea once again released the ball to bring garbage to neighboring countries when tensions between the two sides have been escalating in recent years. Earlier, Pyongyang admitted to releasing tons of garbage to neighboring countries with more than 3,000 balls flying last week. The South Korean Coalition Chief of Staff recommends that people do not touch the Korean objects and report to the nearby military or police agencies, and warn about the possibility of flying balls causing balls. Damage. About 90 balloons forced rubbish have been discovered in the past two days.

Why does North Korea take action like this?

The Pyongyang government describes that this is a tat tat tat reaction to the fact that Korean activists have passed the single -ball leaves with balloons in recent years. North Korea has announced it will temporarily suspend the campaign to release trash after Seuol warns that coping measures cannot be tolerated. North Korean Deputy Defense Deputy Minister Kim Kangin once warned that if North Korea continues to receive such leaflets from South Korea, Pyongyang will continue to retaliate with the balloons carrying waste 100 times more than the number of leaflets. .

Mr. Kim said, we let Koreans experience how dirty and how much effort needed to clean up the waste. Despite the threats, Korean activists and defectors from North Korea continued to release the leaflets across the border on the 6th and 7th of June. On November 8, North Korea's Central News Agency warned of the implementation of psychological wars, including the Anti -Pyongyang monument, would be the explosion for the end of Korea. The stance of the Korean military is a bit of rain of artillery shells to the Korean defense as well as the agency that has conducted a leaflets despite reactions from North Korea before. The writer Kim Jun Me wrote in the English article published in KCNA.

Earlier in September 2023, the Korean Constitutional Court rejected the law that banned the single transmission campaigns that this law restricted the excessive freedom of speech of the Ministry of Unified Korea. Seuol's inter -Korean issues have issued procedures to abolish the ban on flying balloons in all areas of Korea. For many years, North Koreans escaped to South Korea and many activists who sent balloons containing leaflets to North Korea. In 2014, a gun took place at the inter -Korean border when North Korea tried to shoot flying balls containing single -containing against Pyongyang.

In 2020, North Korea also exploded an inter -Korean contact office in the border town of North Korea in response to the Koreans escaping to South Korea. Dropping the ballo ball had a single passing against the base of Pyongyang after the explosion, Kim Jong's younger sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un threatened to cancel the military agreement in 2018 between Seuol and Pyongyang, asking Korea The country must have the law to prevent the leaving the leaflets. The South Korean army announced that more than 700 balloons were released by North Korea on the water on June 2, flying balloons containing scrap paper and other waste.

At the beginning of June 2, Korean officials said they would respond to the provocative actions of Pyongyang experts who predict Seuol could distribute propaganda speakers along the border to retaliate against the measure that South Korea has applied. Since the summit of the two countries in 2018. According to the Korean army at the dialogue conference in Singapore on June 2, the Korean Defense Minister said that Pyongyang drove the ball that violated the South Korean Armistic Agreement . Raer news agency said the emergency warning was released in the provinces of Bac Kung Sang and Gangwon and some areas in the capital Seuol, South Korea asking people if the balloon, the police newspaper and must not touch The retaliation between the two Korean peninsula is continuously at all levels.

Notably, at the Asian Games ASIAD Games in the women's football match between the two Korean and South Korea teams. Pyongyang's central television station has left the opponent's name as a puppet when reporting from the tournament in Europe of China. The fact that KTV runs the puppet words instead of the Korean team's name when reporting on the match seems to be a move in response to some Korean reporters call North Korea North Korea in the report box after women's basketball match Between the two teams on September 29. At that time, a North Korean official announced that we were not North Korea, we were the People's Democratic Republic of Korea. North Korea often calls South Korea a puppet of American in tense bilateral relations. In a speech before the United Nations General Assembly last month, the Korean representative used the puppet government phrase to refer to South Korea when bilateral relations were improved.

North Korea relations are increasing tensions

Pyongyang continuously tried weapons to respond to Seuol's joint exercises with Washington. North Korea has repeatedly criticized the exercises as evidence that Korea and its allies have an enemy attitude and want to change the regime in Pyongyang - Seuol thinks that Pyongyang shows poor confidence in response. When using the puppet word to call the Korean women's football team at ASIAD. The South Korea's unified official announced on October 5, North Korea often used the Korean name in sports matches but they revealed poor confidence by using extremely disdainful and Thai expressions. too. In a football match, the actions of North Korea were partly caused by the previous Seuol in 2018, the idea that the two Koreas had healed when the President of Korea was then Moon Jae. -In and leader Kim Jong Un signed a new military agreement with the main purpose of reducing tensions between the two regions. The two sides had a series of negotiations on a series of proposals such as withdrawing border posts on the basis of testing a common project to search for the remains of war in the demilitarized zone and security solution solutions. General at the subject.

Some predicted that the two sides could make a technique of how to prevent clashes near the northern border on the sea. After the talks with the press about Moon Jae-in's visit to North Korea, Kim Jun emphasized the agreement in the Pyongyang summit to promote a prosperous peace era. Mr. Kim Jun especially noted that military agreements will help denuclearize the peninsula and achieve sustainable peace. However, after that everything no longer went in a good way. Despite the signing of agreements to reduce tensions, the agreements of economic development cooperation, but each country is still afraid that the two sides will flip. Therefore, both South Korea and North Korea still prevent actions preparing for the war.

Specifically, Korea continuously organizes military drills with the United States and its allies in the region. In recent years, North Korea has been constantly developing its nuclear strategy. From the end of 2023 to the beginning of 2024, President Kim Jong Un ordered to continuously launch a test missile to cause concern for countries in the region. The Korean government has also made many statements that are considered quite tough with North Korea, most recently in the message earlier this year, South Korean President Yoon Suk-Yeol announced that Korea and the United States will complete the deterrent system. Expand in the first half of this year to prevent North Korea's nuclear and missile threats.

The results of the tough actions and statements of the two sides were to each other in January, North Korea decided to disperse inter -Korean issues handling agencies including the agency in charge of economic cooperation. North Korea last year also canceled the military treaty signed in 2018 to reduce the escalating tension near the military border, which was signed under a ceasefire agreement during the Korean War 1950 - 1953. Experts predict Seuol may distribute propaganda speakers along the border to retaliate, the measure that South Korea has stopped applying after the summit of the two countries in 2018.

North Korea has expressed his indignation about the balloons by Korean activists bringing anti -pitcher documents, sometimes with cash or USB to store Korean drama series. International observers believe that sending the balloons to Korea is a sign that Pyongyang is concerned that South Korea's propaganda actions will threaten North Korea's public control. A group of Korean activists, whose names of North Korea fought freely, said they sent 10 balloons containing USB containing Kpop music and 200,000 monuments against the North Korean leader, Kim Jong Un. In response to Pyongyang's trash to take trash, just perform retaliation actions, perhaps the desire to unify the two regions more and more far away.

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