Looking back at the license plates on the license plate of electric bicycles in Guangzhou two years ago, I was just eighteen years old that year, so I also bought electric bicycles in that year, and I also got a license plate. What will happen to the electric car on the road? The statement of the Guangzhou traffic police is that the punishment will be punished in accordance with regulations, so what is the specific punishment? Wall or detain the vehicle? It has been two years since the implementation of this measure. What are the actual actions during this period?

I have been driving an electric vehicle for almost two years. The mileage has been more than 11,000 kilometers. It ’s not too much, not much, or less. So, have I not been punished by the traffic police? To be honest, it is not very honest to drive an electric car, so so far I have been caught by the traffic police six times on the spot. Two times are just a warning effect and have not been fined. It was tears. It was fined 50 yuan each time. It was really sad to make me in white for two hours.

To be honest, the enforcement of law enforcement in 20022 and 2012 is not very strong, because my six times were arrested in the end of 2013 and 2014. It is said that the law enforcement intensity and frequency of traffic police have been increasing. The most important illegal acts are that there are no helmets, illegal people, no illegal lanes, and illegal modifications. After being punished, there are more and more places where the traffic police come out. It is not limited to some areas. As long as it is any intersection, there is a chance to be used as a good opportunity to be traffic police.

In addition to the law enforcement on the spot, electronic capture illegal acts now appear. I didn't care too much at first, but one day I received a text message saying where I was there because there was no walking non -motorized lane during that time. Go to Guangzhou Traffic Police to deal with illegal acts. I immediately viewed on the traffic police in Guangzhou. The illegal location was a traffic light on a certain place on the Shanxi Road. There were very clear photos. You can choose to appeal.

I opened Xiaohongshu to search for Guangzhou Electronics capture and found that electronic capture has been started in the urban area of ​​Guangzhou. The fine ranges from 20 to fifty. Only the red lights are fined 20 other violations. Netizens have compiled an electronic capture point in some sections of various sections in various districts of Guangzhou, but recently the Guangzhou traffic police directly showed out the 65th electronic capture points of the city. Sixty -five, I believe this number will be more and more.

So some people would say that I wouldn't just block the number plate? The Guangzhou Traffic Police you thought of it as early as two years ago, the Guangzhou Traffic Police said in the public account that even if the owner obstructed the number plate, it would not affect the identification of the number plate of the capture equipment. Since it is not through taking pictures, it is through other technical means, so some netizens on Xiaohongshu immediately found that there was a chip hidden in the number plate. , Let illegal acts have nowhere to hide.

According to incomplete statistics, there have been more than 5 million electric vehicles that have been on the board in Guangzhou, but most of the roads in Guangzhou have not set up non -motor lanes. There are more people in Guangzhou. There are non -motorized lanes in the wide lane, so the electronic capture points are set up in these sections, and then law enforcement is performed on some sections. For example, some roads do not have non -motorized lanes, but there is a triangular flower bed. The lane is also illegal. You have to go around the road to cross the road by walking around the triangle flower bed. I was caught because of this.

Speaking of which, basically I want to remind everyone that when driving an electric car on the road, there must be non -motorized lanes. Do not make a red light, because although the electronic capture point has been announced, no one knows whether it is in the end Which intersections will be upgraded into an electronic shooting, I am so careful not to run the red light as much as possible now, because these illegal acts will not be caught immediately. Some netizens respond to it. There are also special reasons. For example, some time ago, there are many many non -motorized lanes. It is not tightly captured. You can go to the traffic police brigade to appeal on the spot, but you must have a long queue and prepare for psychological preparations.

However, I want to say that one of the electric vehicles illegal behavior is more complicated, that is, illegal installation or modification, because I tried to be caught before. At that time, I was walking under the bridge. It was to solve the traffic, and I drove it. As a result, I was immediately stopped by one of the traffic police officers, saying that my car was illegally installed and then took a picture of the license plate number and the whole body of my body. I thought that the fine was over. I didn't expect that it was far as simple as I thought. After a few days I received a text message.

The general content of the text message is to restore the vehicle to the original state at the prescribed time and then go to the registration point for a re -inspection. If the traffic police are caught by the traffic police on the second way, the so -called severe punishment is to deduct the car. Then I have to find a way to get this re -inspection, which is really complicated, because my modification is to add a middle box, and then I will run to the car shop to remove my middle box. Not only that The requirements for re -inspection are to have pedals and chains. I also lost these two things.

Fortunately, I went to the re -inspection point to see the requirements immediately before the re -inspection, and then like the steps of other new cars on the licenset, we had to be called a heavy weapon, and then the voltage meter measured by the battery was taken. So I also did a lot of things before and after. Although I also pretended to go back to the box, I will be very careful when I drive on the road now. If you see the traffic police, you will be honest when you see the traffic police.

I believe that electric vehicles have an irreplaceable position for our daily life. I believe that many people also have different views on electric vehicles, such as how can new national standard cars be sufficient? That is, the non -motorized lane is not well -equipped. I hope that these measures will be better and better in the future. Of course, there are more and more traffic accidents in non -motorized vehicles in Guangzhou. These accidents.

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