Yesterday was the Dragon Boat Festival. After a long time, I was still attending a tenant party organized by the second landlord. In order to facilitate the party, the second landlord also pulled a group of tenants in advance. I went to the meal for a while, and then I dinner and chatting with everyone, but I still have the feeling of being the most lonely. A little better in mood is to go to one of the other friends to watch terrorist movies with two other friends.

After watching it at three o'clock in the morning, I went out to see the wet on the ground. It should be because it was just raining. The night wind is slightly cool, but the air is very fresh. I like this feeling of walking alone in the quiet.

It was already in the afternoon when I woke up, thinking that I felt a little strenuous yesterday to watch the horror movies at night. It's not afraid of horror movies, but that you feel that you will be more casual and free. Fortunately, in the half afternoon, the two landlords sipped together to eat in the group. At that time, I was already on the way to the community restaurant. I wisked politely and blessed them well, so I won't go.

The restaurant in the community is a vegetarian buffet restaurant, which is only open for one hour during each dining period. It is said that the boss is a Buddhist person, and the restaurant is also recruiting diners at a very low price. The dishes taste average, but there is nothing to count on the belly.

Several waves of people who are nearby villagers ride electric tricycles to sell their own plums, peaches and other things in front of the restaurant. It should be blocked by the waiter at the door of the restaurant. They just looked in the pot with fresh fruit, or greeted each diner who walked out of the restaurant enthusiastically. I ate meals and looked up at the door several times. I happened to be the eyes of a villager. At first I pretended to be inadvertently. Until the restaurant gradually lost the guests, I looked up again with the villagers. She loudly sold my plums at me. I shook her head at her, and then she put away things and left the electric tricycle.

In fact, they did not go far, they just left the restaurant, but they were still sold in the community.

I do n’t know why, when I first saw that they were selling at the door, I suddenly thought of the Bible written in my mind. Do n’t do buying and selling in the palace of God, so as not to blame God. It was about such thoughts, so I looked at their eyes a little bit of disgust. But after thinking about it, people are still very business -minded. If you know that there are many people here, you will come up, and you don't feel wrong in your heart.

I was a washed Christian, who had been converted before, and now I asked for the Tao. At this moment, I was holding the aunt's bun on my head, eating fasting in the Buddhist sacred place, and muttering the words in the Bible in my heart. I think it's amazing.

In fact, I do n’t know the food for this meal. It should be because of something in my heart. I remember when I woke up, I habitually opened the vibrato and saw a familiar and strange visitors and my friend. After repeated confirmation, I saw that the person was my first love of more than 20 years ago, and we had a bond for many years. It is more than 20 years ago, it should be almost thirty years. I remember that the hero of my first novel was him. In reality, there was no complete thing, and it was fulfilled in the story. Later, I sent him the electronic file of that novel, and he didn't say anything, but we could finally drink and chat together. Perhaps this is also a kind of completeness of God, more practical than marriage.

Later, I didn't remember what was separated. About I left my hometown, he married his wife and daughter, and then entangled with various women. The mobile phone number changed countless times, and finally forgot to the rivers and lakes. Contact again, but only polite. Really, if life is just like the first sight.

Sometimes I really feel funny. While hating Tiecang, he persuaded others not to find sugar in the glass dumplings. Didn't you do that? Family and love are so.

When I first returned to live, I regret that someone was happy to see the photos of the second landlord in the group. I always feel that many people are boring together. If you don't waste time on things that make yourself happy or valuable, you will feel sinful. For example, the code word at this moment, such as standing on the balcony in the half afternoon to recall the past.

I rarely drink during the day, and it is too mood to be too turbulent and need cold wine to suppress it. I was still chatting with another friend last moment. She said that I was unhappy because I didn't know what she wanted. I answered her may be unhappy. In fact, how could I not know what I wanted, but I was unhappy about the obsession that could not be required.

I want my family to dream, and I have to have affection, but even dreams have become nightmares. I want a lot of money, but I know that what I care about most is not money. Many people are saying that it will be difficult to have no money when they are old! I don't even want to live now, how can I think about the old things?

There is a kind of bird that keeps flying throughout his life, because the moment you stop means death. If you think about it from another angle, death may be the only confidence to survive.

The wine is a bit up, I don't know if it is drinking alone. It was half a month to expire from the room. Suddenly I wanted to clean up and leave, but I didn't know where to go. Gourmet and beautiful scenery are no longer the motivation to survive. Once again, it became a "hollow person".

Send a message to the group friends who watched horror movies together yesterday. If you still watch it today, you can call me together. I hate people a lot, and I am afraid of loneliness. Otherwise, I just fell asleep while drinking. At this moment, nine o'clock in the evening. The sky was dark outside the window, and occasionally the sound of tourists chatted and walked occasionally. Isn't such a quiet night? Isn't it exactly what I want?

Single -horses have come to this day, and I suddenly understand why I do not agree with. Because you will be inferiority anytime, anywhere, and then you will feel less depressed when you leave. It is strange why it is always impressed by unhappy things. Even if the beginning is pleasant, the ending will not end well. It seems to have been cursed.

The self -rescue time reported a lot of spiritual courses, and the blood of chicken was busy. But I was annoyed soon, and I felt that it was not what I wanted. I am always upset what I want to do, and often give up. Because that's not what I want. Maybe I really do n’t know what I want, so I do n’t know how to cherish when I have it, and I lost my trouble. Every step of life seems to be on regret and regret. The cage of the native family is freedom after walking away. Body abandoned baby, orphan of the soul. Perhaps in a few years, even the instinctual desire no longer has.

I envy those women who look bright and lively. They are not unpleasant, they are better at solving or hiding. What are the advantages of yourself? Emotional is delicate = careful eyes; good writing, no intelligent software; understanding politeness and generalization, that is clear and cowardly. Is the insight strong? Sometimes I am really afraid of this ability. Lucky seems to be insulated with me, but unfortunately is always guessed. Didn't you say that 30 years of Hedong 30 years in Hexi? When is it transferred against the sky?

The group friends watched the horror movie again in Zhang Luo's late. I asked them to make an appointment first. The night black wind is high, the wine is slightly stunned, and the face of the face with Zhong Rong is stimulating to think about it.


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