When I was in elementary school, I was impressed by a teacher's words. He is a math teacher. He is relatively rigorous and has never had a good look for naughty children.

Once there were a few mischievous classmates who scared the classmates who concentrated on thinking, causing the classmates to scare a spirit of excitement. He was seen by him, so he was very angry to blame the troubled hemo. He said that this state of learning by others is very important, but it is very unfriendly behavior to be easily interrupted by others such a scaredness.

My opinion on this teacher fully agrees. Because of such a teacher, when you are in elementary school, you can concentrate on thinking about the problem without worrying about being frightened by others.

But not all students have encountered such teachers, and they still maintain the low -level taste of scaring others to get fun. When I was in junior high school, when I was concentrating on thinking about mathematical problems, there was a tricky muna shouted by my ears, scaring me with excitement, and then he laughed very happily.

I originally thought that such encounters would not happen again, but when I was in the three major jobs, I encountered this type of person. This type of people can't talk about quality and bad, but they have formed this bad taste since childhood.

A colleague who was doing monitoring often suddenly imitated the leader's voice when I relaxed and looked at the news of my mobile phone. Because he imitated a bit, he was frightened every time. He has told him that this kind of joke is unable to open, but he is happy, and a 40 -year -old person seems to never grow up.

After more than an hour of busy outside, it was my turn to rest, so I turned on my phone to view WeChat to watch the schedule. I was seeing me. It was unexpected that this situation was suddenly frightened, and the front desk waiter next to him was almost scared. It can be seen that his behavior is so exciting.

Perhaps because of my relaxation state, this strong stress reaction hurts my temples, and even some dizziness. Because I was very angry about his repeated behavior, telling him directly that he was not allowed to play like this in the future. I even said that if such a prank in the future, I will leave.

So, what kind of person is in love with this kind of prank? They usually do not have high cultural level, hate learning, and understand new things, always use low -level fun as a laugch. If it was not for work, it is difficult to imagine that I would become a colleague with such people.

When others are concentrating on God, it scares others. First of all, this behavior is very immoral. This is based on the so -called happiness on the basis of the pain of others. Because of his ignorance, he thought he would not hurt him. In fact, this is very harmful to others. Some people may even form a psychological shadow or stress reaction, resulting in serious consequences such as the cannot concentrate, and even cause serious consequences of memory decay.

From the perspective of human physiology, it may have a certain impact on the kidneys, and the possible consequences over time are very serious. In addition, it will also lead to high spiritual tension, which is not conducive to subsequent sleep and so on.

If it is just a prank, this is nothing. However, it is a problem with this kind of prank as a normal meal.

This may show that the other party's psychology is distorted. For a normal person, he will not continue to use this behavior as fun. If this behavior is repeated, this shows that the psychological level of the other party is distorted. Or at a certain stage of his life, he has suffered related violations. However, at this time, he transformed into an act of harming others, but he did not find the essential cause of the problem.

Frequent this kind of prank also shows that he has no higher pursuit of life. In this way, he has attracted his sense of presence and hopes to get the attention of others. However, this method of attention is destined to have no gold content, except that he is immersed in it.

When we encounter this situation, if we do not stop it in time, the other party will become more and more excessive, and even the evil thoughts to scare you or scare you to bleed as a sense of accomplishment. Therefore, in order to avoid this harsh result, you must show your attitude towards the other party and inform yourself that you hate the behavior of the other party very much.

If the other party is a more interesting person, then he usually converges his excessive actions. If the other party is still doing what he is, then he is a person of extreme individualism. In essence, he may feel that he is superior, and you are low in his eyes.

Therefore, when you show your attitude and resolute opposition, the other party still does not change this behavior and continues to hurt you, then you can take action. You can inform the direct leader to let the direct leaders restrict his behavior. At this time, you may be worried that it will affect each other's relationship. In fact, this is your own affection. People have not regarded you as a person at all. Why can't you use the leadership to protect your legitimate rights and interests?

Generally speaking, after the leadership correction, the other party will generally converge, because if the other party does not converge, it means that he is opposed to the management of leaders, and then it will be very unfavorable to his own career development.

Of course, you can also directly point out the other person's improper behavior under the occasion of multiple people, and then show that you hate the attitude of this behavior. Because in multiple people, everyone will have a basic judgment on the right and wrong of the matter, and he will psychologically form a pressure. He does not want to be said to be neuropathy, and he must transform into a normal person. Generally speaking, in multi -person planets, it is relatively euphemistic in this way, and it is easy to accept the other party.

In addition, when I have affected this influence? If it is very serious, you need to go to the doctor at this time. If the neural impact is caused, you can find a neurologist to adjust the condition. If it is only a psychological effect, you can find a psychologist for correction.

If it is not too serious, then you can sit quietly, safe, peaceful, noise, relax yourself, sense this beautiful world, and restore the original state through the self -healing of the soul.

Generally speaking, the latter's cost is relatively low, and it is more suitable for most people. However, I usually accompany my wife to go out to play when I rest, and my wife always likes to go to those noisy places or some of the fierce houses, spirituality and other places that are likely to cause normal people. Essence

Whenever I propose a place with good scenery, she always feels boring and refuses. Where can she know more about the true meaning in it. Many illness did not really happen, but instead of getting relaxation and self -healing in the real sense for a long time. When the disease obviously occurred, there was no regret medicine. Of course, this also requires the other party to have a certain wisdom, otherwise the other party cannot understand the truth in it. On the contrary, after the illness occurs, the other party may complain about you.

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