There is an unwritten hidden rule in China, that is, recruiting contempt for people who are 35 years old. The 35 -year -old seems to have become a curse for the Chinese, and many small companies follow the hidden rules, although they don't know why.

At the age of 35, it is when the Chinese are strong, but they have been labeled by the elderly by ideology. So who are private enterprises imitating?

By sorting out, we found that the age limit of Chinese civil servants is just 35 years old, and teachers are also 35 years old. Many public institutions are also 35 years old. It can be seen that the primitive perpetrator is the national system. This rule should belong to the rules of the last century. At that time, the country was very poor. Many people were below the food and clothing line. It is also very simple, that is to solve the problem of survival food and clothing, and better solve the problem of establishing a family business.

However, the labor and demand of the labor market in the last century was unbalanced, and the posts were very limited to accommodate so much labor. Therefore, many labor force flowed to some irregular organizations, such as construction sites, small workshops, small platforms, and so on. They seemed to be a storage office, forcing workers to sell more labor with extremely low labor remuneration. Because they do not set a limit at 35 years old, they seem to enjoy this extra privilege.

But what are the private enterprises with a 35 -year -old discrimination division line? In fact, this is a kind of obsession. It seems that as long as the boundary of 35 years of age is set, you can go hand in hand with national enterprises. As long as you refer to the requirements of civil servants, you can obtain the secret of national development. They usually belong to the old and old legacy of the previous world, and they still follow the various requirements of the last century in the new era.

After the reform and opening up, some private entrepreneurs in the world found that there were still such big companies abroad, so they made money. To this end, they carry forward the doctrine and copy the various rules and regulations of the world's top 500 companies to their own enterprises. They think they can quickly catch up with the Premier League. However, the wish is good, and the reality is cruel. For the sake of a defeat.

However, Chinese -style copying and paste is still a fine tradition. If foreign countries cannot copy, then copy the country and copy the state government agencies or public institutions or state -owned enterprises. However, the management and operation of their Middle -earth still cannot be copied, so the simplest one is the threshold condition.

Because this is the simplest thing that can be copied, and the so -called harm cannot be seen in the short term, the remaining vanity can be particularly stubborn. Because China's labor supply and demand market is still unbalanced, a large amount of labor supply every year, including unlimited college graduates, rural natural labor, urban migrant population, etc., can choose too much room. What kind of threshold will have a large number of job seekers.

Especially today's inflation is accelerating every year. The speed of the people's wealth is depreciating at the speed of the naked eye. Enterprises are not good, and ordinary people are not good. However, our thoughts and concepts are still lagging behind the times and even twenty years. For example, who is the most respected business owner and workers?

For this topic, the era has given the answer. However, our concepts are still in the last century. In the simple labor market, the absolute mainstream consciousness is that the owner of the business is high, and they should be the master of Dade. The laborers who are in a weak position should work hard with gratitude and repay the company's "living grace".

This is because in the simple labor market, the liquidity and replacement of personnel are very strong, and the requirements for professional technology are extremely low. Anyone can be competent as long as they have basic labor skills. In the face of turbulent crowds, don't worry about recruiting workers. question.

However, when the company needs people with a certain ability of full -time ability, the threshold is a double -edged sword. We believe that the threshold can screen out the target group. For example, a full -time work experience takes three or five years, because we think that this full -time work experience should meet the job requirements.

However, there is a real problem in front of the business owner, that is, if the other party has rich experience, why go to your company? Some people may say that because the original corporate treatment is not good, the attitude of treating people is poor, the promotion space is small and so on. This is indeed some reason, but how much can you believe in these reasons? In fact, you don't believe it at all. You think this is the other party's term, although you did not refute. Because of these problems, your business may also exist.

The experience itself is also a double -edged sword. Some people are troubled by experience, and they are also moving. The so -called experience is just the basic cognitive ability. The purpose is not to obtain these basic capabilities, but to break through the dilemma and transcend the development. Obviously, the company needs special abilities.

So at this time a bit ridiculous. The work experience is limited within 35 years of age, three years or even five years, but these elements point to the basic ability. This dislocation recruitment can only solve the actual needs from the fantasy level.

When I was in an enterprise, the recruitment conditions set by the general manager introduced by the other party were actually 35 years old and a full -time college degree or above. Do you see the problem?

I think the boss's introduction of the entire general manager is too losing. This is the introduction of an old antique. But the boss has a lot of money, which has no effect. One is willing to hit and be willing to buy it. If you have money, you can buy it. Anyway, the road of development is twists and turns. What happened to the detour?

However, from the perspective of the overall trend, the recruitment conditions of large and medium -sized enterprises will become more and more stringent, because the optional crowd is very large. This is based on the population base of the Chinese itself. At the same time It is also very huge. No company can digest the entire crowd, so no matter how strict conditions are, it is still an unbalanced state of supply and demand.

Some people think that actual ability should be used as the standard for employment, but how to judge the actual ability? The general method is to set recruitment conditions, which are used as criteria for judging through these conditions. As for what you think may miss the talent, this is an inevitable thing. Even if you choose talents from the standard, this problem will still exist.

35 years old is a pseudo -concept and an old historical concept. In recent years, the country has also carried out reforms and is gradually carrying out self -revolution. However, this requires a historical process and needs to consider the life improvement index of human life and other various elements. However, for private enterprises, if the company always uses this thing, this is by no means a normal phenomenon, which shows that this company is moving towards the development of the sunset, because they are not on the real development path of development, but they actually actually have, but they actually actually have, they actually actually have, they actually actually do There is a lot of time to entangle emotions on this issue.

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