In the traditional festival of the Dragon Boat Festival, I experienced an unexpected journey of mind. A junior high school classmate, who hasn't seen ten years, returned to our hometown from Shanghai, and gathered together with the other four junior high school students. The physical and mental growth experience.

Our story began in the third year of the third day. A special class composed of "elites" in each class closely connected our destiny. This classmate has a wonderful fate with me -born in the same day and the same day, this coincidence makes our relationship full of special intimacy. And our other classmate, a beautiful and intelligent girl, has become a link between us. She is his first love girlfriend. She is also the classmate and class leader of my kindergarten teacher. The relationship between classmates is closely linked.

Their first love is like a short and beautiful poem. Although they finally separated the two places and each entered the palace of marriage, they still maintain a friendly relationship. And whenever I return to Wuhan, I can always meet with her and share the life of life. She often calls the three male classmates with good relationships in her hometown to gather together. Little girl, she grew up as a big sister who was quite bold. As for him, he has already settled in Shanghai and married his wife and children. When I was on a business trip ten years ago, I met him with his wife. Later, I also had a few chats on WeChat. I gradually did not contact because of their own different lives.

This time he came back because of family affairs. She went to pick him up and asked me for dinner that night. They appeared together, and they felt similar to the junior high school. There is no feeling of light bulb. This is a very beautiful experience. When the heart is full of determination to yourself, all the scenes are cultivating the mind and cultivating a pure and transparent heart.

They plan to bring me the next day to meet three other junior high school students with good relationships, but because I need to accompany my family, I fail to do it. However, after lunch with them, my hometown came to Wuhan together and called me for dinner together, so let us meet again in Wuhan, and even my parents participated in the party.

Over the years, I have always felt that my life is a bit unacceptable, and I even think that my existence is not important to these students around me. However, these students, especially her, can always pull me at a critical moment, making me feel that I am still an indispensable part of this collective. My heart is full of gratitude. Every time I get together with everyone, I can make me find the original innocence and beauty.

During this reunion, I saw that although the years left traces on them, their personality still maintained the innocence of the youth, has not been contaminated by the world, and has not become a so -called greasy uncle; It also maintains a good figure and proper maintenance. For this small friendship community, it is precious.

More importantly, there are hands in the underworld that lead us, especially I know the three male classmates. They accompany each other to spend the most difficult time in life, and I and her, when they encounter difficulties, they will also be in trouble. Talking with each other, this made me realize that each of us is an important role in each other's lives, and has its own unique value and role.

In recent years, I have gradually recovered myself, and I understand that some difficulties can only face and solve themselves, and have been alienated and reconciled with the past. Companion also gives me the power and courage to move forward.

The reunion between him for ten years was a bit sparse at the beginning, but with the communication of each other and the time of time, our relationship became natural and close, as if returning to the carefree junior high school age. In just three days, I and her met with her. After meeting with other classmates, we had a breakfast and lunch together the next day. Tibetan food restaurants, take this opportunity, just entertain both of them.

He and us had a "last lunch" before he returned to Shanghai. At the moment of farewell, I joked with him and said that he didn't show up in the past, so I forgot to go to Shanghai, and he could find him. I am waiting for you ", which moved me. The alienation of the past was actually alienated with the self. As long as these valuable people around, they were waiting for me. Fortunately, I did not go to them with them. Intersection

The reunion of the Dragon Boat Festival this time is not only a simple gathering, but also a soul awakening and growth. It allows me to cherish the people around me more and cherish their connection with them. Although I know that I attach great importance to deep communication and links, but the valuable gathering with friends needs to live more in the present and enjoy the companionship with each other. And links make friendship also a nutrition of nourishing life. Let us understand that no matter how life changes, our hearts can still maintain that innocence and warmth.

In this rapidly changing world, let us not forget our original intentions, cherish every gathering of each time, and grateful for each paragraph's companionship. Because these bit by bit constitute the most precious memories in our lives. May we all find our own position in this complicated world and live our own wonderful.

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