Three money not to lend

The saying "three money not to lend" refers to the issue of money in everyone's life, not always smooth sailing, sometimes encountering big problems and small shortages. At this time, we may need to borrow money, of course, some people may come to us to borrow money, but there are three cases where we cannot lend.

1. Money to those who do not keep promises

When we lend someone money, it means we are accepting a debt from that person. It is not just about material things, but also about goodwill. However, in life, many people borrow money but do not want to repay. There are those who repay the debt but still hold a grudge against the lender. Money lent will never come back to you for sure. Most of them, after borrowing, will shamelessly avoid repayment in various ways. But in essence, they procrastinate and try every way not to repay. If you hesitate to demand repayment from them, you will only get more tired. Therefore, when encountering these people, to avoid future troubles, forgive them in advance, say no to lending, learn to refuse to find peace for yourself.

2. Money to those who do bad things

In the past, when seeing children or relatives suddenly become rich in an unusual way, we should investigate whether their way of doing business is clean before lending them money. If you find that the money or items they have obtained are not truly clean and have issues, you must firmly refuse. This behavior is very effective and positive in educating those around you. However, nowadays, many people are happy to know about the financial ability of their relatives without worrying about it. Not to mention those who not only do not appreciate it as a strange thing, but also are not clever, do not know how to take advantage of opportunities to get rich. Like other people, there are those who earn money through illegal means, creating a large sum equivalent to the meaningless amount they have earned.

As a sensible person, we should never give money to our friends or relatives. If they only accept to demand without doing honest work, when interacting with these people, it is like dealing with a ticking time bomb that can be dangerous at any time. Therefore, it is best to stay away because these people borrow money for illegal purposes, sooner or later something bad will happen. If you soften your heart and lend them money, you will definitely be implicated in the future.

3. Money to those who like to gossip

People who like to gossip always bring trouble to others, destroying many good relationships between people. Associating with these people will make you very tired. Over time, you will be negatively influenced in terms of thoughts and may become a gossip yourself. Therefore, with these people, you should be cautious. When they ask to borrow money, they will use many beautiful words, but when it comes time for them to repay, they will avoid it. They borrow but never mention repaying the debt, treating it as if it never happened. Moreover, they use this money to sit and gossip about you with others. Even if you lend them money, they may create a commotion to make others think poorly of you.

Three ceremonies not to be taken lightly

1. Banquets from unfamiliar people

When someone who has not contacted you for a long time suddenly enthusiastically invites you to dinner, you need to think carefully before accepting anything. Not contacting for a long time shows that the relationship between the two parties is not close. They may even be strangers, but suddenly they are enthusiastic. Meeting for a meal can be an excuse to ask for help or take advantage of us for some purpose. In this situation, you need to carefully consider all possibilities, ask for the reason over the phone, and then think about accepting the invitation. Because not meeting for a long time, we do not understand the changes in their personalities, so that meal may be full of surprises.

2. Banquets from people with no good morals

Different banquets are held for the purpose of receiving money. People like this are very eager to invite, as they organize banquets for various reasons to receive rewards. One or two times, people may not care or think about it. But after a long time and many times, everyone will always feel that and naturally they will not attend such banquets. And they may even stay away from these people. For example, weddings, birthday parties, funerals, housewarmings are all events that we need to attend and must follow the rituals. Except for these, there is no need to organize receptions for other purposes with people who often organize banquets for different purposes. We do not need to befriend such people.

3. People who do not understand etiquette, do not restrain themselves

From ancient times, saints have always used etiquette as a standard in human interactions from thoughts, words to actions, all must respect etiquette. If a company owner can use etiquette to treat employees, that company will be united. Using etiquette with family members will make that family always harmonious. That is why etiquette is considered a beautiful traditional cultural trait. Compared to that, no matter how much wealth or fame, nothing can compare. Therefore, in social communication, respecting oneself, respecting others is etiquette, which many people are not unfamiliar with. The basic principle of communication is historical etiquette. If you treat others politely but only receive unreasonable and uncivilized behavior from the other party, you do not need to endure nine bad things but also do not waste time arguing with them, just be yourself and keep them out of your circle of communication.

Three paths not to take

1. Do not follow the illegal path

Every day in the media, there are reports of young people from the 90s or 2000s, joining smuggling and illegal trading due to greed for money. Just one mistake can lead their bright future down a dark path that cannot be turned back. Therefore, the path of breaking the law should never be followed, as it is a dead end that is tempting and once you enter, you will never get out. We must know that from birth, humans inherently have some selfishness. Only this selfishness is limited by a series of moral, rules, and laws.

A virtuous person can live very well within this boundary, but there are also those who are dissatisfied with these constraints. They are dissatisfied with the rules because they have a malicious heart. Usually, for people with malicious hearts, their self-control ability is often very weak and they are easily controlled by interests or negative energies. From there, they do things that go beyond the boundaries, harming others.

2. Do not take the shortcut to gain small benefits

Life's journey is like a mountain road that must go through many twists and turns, but its direction cannot be wrong. Everyone must faithfully walk on the right path because only by walking on the right path can life truly be peaceful. Do not abandon your main path for a small benefit, there is no shortcut that can lead you to success. Only a positive and persistent attitude will lead you to the happy destination of life. Life is a long and continuous accumulation process that cannot be attractive or rushed. So do not hastily take the shortcut for a small benefit. Choose for yourself the right path and stick to it, you will surely reach peace in this life.

3. Do not imitate the path of others

Each of us has our own path in life, and in that life, there are countless different ways of living. One person may choose a peaceful, happy life, while another may accept a life full of risks just to burn their own passions. We look at the lives of others and admire them, praising and saying good things, which is not bad, but forcing ourselves to follow someone else's path is something to ponder. Many people have clearly tried very hard, they were just a little bit away from success, but when they see others succeed first, they quickly turn to another direction. But remember that the path is made by the one who walks it, and it can only be successful if you walk on your own path. So in everything you do, you need to be persistent, do not rush to follow others, this life is yours, so do not hold someone else's compass to find your own way. Each person's life has its own unique path that no one can walk for you. Everyone can choose their own way of living, choose their own career.

Many people have clearly tried very hard, they are just a little bit away from success, but when they are on their own path and about to reach the finish line, they see others succeed first so they hastily switch to another direction. But you should remember that the road is made by those who keep walking, you are walking on a path that others have already opened, it is like starting over from the beginning, so it is not as smooth as walking on your own path. Therefore, whatever you do, you need to be persistent, don't rush to follow others, this life is yours so don't hold someone else's compass to find your own way. Everyone's life has its own unique path that no one can walk for you. Each person can choose their own way of living and career path.

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