Recently, three people in the company's colleagues often played the glory of the king when they often go to work. At the beginning, they sneaked the game, and later gradually became unwilling. Not only did the leaders play games, but sometimes they were turning to stand. Instead, they also cared about playing games and refused to stand. This incident caused colleagues' dissatisfaction, but everyone did not say anything.

Some colleagues couldn't stand it anymore, so I said to the player that you are still playing games when you turn your job. This is wrong. As a result, the other party answered the game while playing. I came here because I could play games, otherwise I would not do it.

Later, a veteran employee resigned and left, and the squad leader transferred them to important positions to control the vehicle. I felt that this was very wrong at the time, because they were too individualism, and they would not provide information on everyone like that old employee.

Because this position is often inspected by Party A's leadership, the original employees will be ready before seeing Party A's leadership, and they can also notify others to pay more attention by walking. Can these game kings do it?

Sure enough, within a few days, they were caught by Party A's leaders several times. Party A's leaders were very angry, so they were notified to Party B. This makes Party B suddenly come to the enemy, because if this situation continues, Party B is likely to lose the service contract.

In this case, if the risks are obviously very risky, but the company will pay directly, then the company will pay compensation. The company thinks that it is very aggrieved to pay compensation, so he thought of a discount, that is to send these three people to other places.

At first, these three people didn't care about it. We also thought they were high. I also asked one of them deliberately. Where did you go? The other party answered that it was sent for a month and returned after one month.

However, things far exceeded my expectations, and they came back to make trouble the next day. It turned out that the local work conditions were more difficult. Not only did the place where accommodation could not take a bath, but the monitoring was more stringent, which made them unable to play games at all, so they found them the next day.

As for such results, the leaders seem to have expected it. In order to prevent them from making trouble, the relevant leaders instructed us not to allow them to enter, and later negotiated with them. What is the result of the final negotiations? I don't know, but it is certain that they signed a resignation.

Later, I wanted to ask their details, but this time they did not answer. Obviously, they may not take advantage, and they may have an accident on the first day in the new place. For example, playing games as usual is caught on the spot and so on.

I personally think that playing games during working hours is wrong, especially when you are your turn to stand up, but you still let other colleagues stand up, but you are playing games with bright and positive. This is too much. And in order to play even more exciting, they also shouted while playing games. Isn't this not looking at the company's rules in their eyes? So they were forced to resign by such a means, and they also had a lot of responsibility.

So, in addition to the above because of the employees, the company has to take a certain means to force the resignation. Is there any other way?

The answer is yes. When I used to be at a certain source, they were richer. For example, if you want to expel a employee, it will allow another colleague to conduct user opinions. If the survey results are very bad or even complained, then you can go away directly.

Of course, there are other tips. The work tasks of some people are constantly increasing and incorporated into the assessment. The other party cannot complete the work, and then drives the other party out of the other party.

Sometimes it will do the opposite, which is to give the other party's marginalized work, but conduct other substantial assessments, so that the other party will not get a high score, and then formulate how long the consecutive dismissal is fired.

Usually, some people will confront them, some people leave, and some are passively waiting for dismissal. The key to choosing is the key to depending on individuals.

I remember that there was a male colleague at the time that the leader took the initiative to attract. But every time he came in, he was unwilling to work overtime. He always said that there were children in the family who needed to take care of, and then hurried to leave. Sometimes, he went to check in without even get off work.

If such a thing is fine once or twice, everyone will not say anything, but he is the same every day, which arouses the dissatisfaction of the leadership, and eventually drives it through the user survey.

In addition to the above situations, there is another one that causes high -level leaders to dissatisfy. When we went to Hangzhou, we had a colleague who often wore Hanfu. This image aroused the dissatisfaction of senior leaders, but he was unwilling to take the initiative to conflict with him, but ordered to directly lead the opponent.

Before the meeting, we drank with users. I drank a lot, and the whole person was a little dizzy. Senior leaders said that those who have opinions can be mentioned. At that time, I despised the opinions and said that I was not afraid of being fired. And the buddy who dressed as Hanfu always stopped me loudly, so I don't want to say that this has aroused the dissatisfaction of senior leaders. I feel that this Hanfu man is an old churros.

After we come back from Hangzhou, the leader directly said to the Hanfu man, that the leader is going to be expelled with you. I will help you persuade you, but it is useless, you must go. If you just turn right, you can compensate you with a little money.

Hanfu men felt very faceless and said that the compensation was not required, and they hurriedly signed a letter of departure and left. Perhaps the contradiction between them is far more than what I know. If he is low -key, he directly leads to think that he has more personality and appreciate it. Helplessly he offended the senior leader, and now he suffered.

Later, in order to increase performance, many people in the company began to let the leader of the team explicitly propagate the company's model on the university campus, hoping to pull more new college student registration platforms. I felt that this was a wrong decision at the time, but I said slightly and could not change this crazy move. I foresee that such behavior will continue to have an accident, so I resigned, and said to colleagues from the inter -departmental department that there would be an accident, and I was leaving.

After I finally resigned, I heard the company's suspicion of being fined in a few months in a few months, and there were some unfavorable articles against a certain source company on the Internet. I heard that the Poly Company at the time was still driving them out of the building because of the incident. They also quickly leased an office space at the time, while actively responding to Poly's doubts, and finally spent the difficulties.

I have never regretted my resignation. It seems to have lost a stable job. Some leaders of the company often have a bad job market when they meet a meeting. I made the right decision. I don't want to enjoy the infamous of MLM when I am working. Of course, the company has also entered low -speed development. The continuous accumulation of certain problems has finally metamorphic, allowing them to control users' ability to glory.

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